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What a season!



Roshi's hair looks glorious when it's lying on his shoulders

mitch anderson

YESSSSSS. I've been waiting for this

Devin B

This is probably obvious but I guess it makes sense Pike disappeared since the orb caused her to lose her connection

rickie woodson

just in time before i go beddy by. chessmen cookies, lemonade and bananas. LETS GO!

Devin B

They don't want Percy to kill Delilah cause that gives the demon more souls and the demon would have more control over Percy.

GraySun YellowMoon

Matt Mercer (The dungeon master) confirmed that if percy killed all the names on his list then six more names would appear creating an endless cycle of violence and killing.


i cant believe its over :(

Simple Fan

I hope Super Crooks is on their list if they want something short as well.It’s like Great Pretender but with more action.

Brandon Ali

The Orthax fight was lit af

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lupa: "I don't think they're gonna show up and just blow the place up." Me: **laughs nervously** Also Roshi had it right. If Percy had completed his list, more names would have kept appearing in a neverending cycle of death just to feed Orthax more souls. Which is why the easter egg in the previous episode with Percy's shadow holding the gun to his own head was a complete misdirect just to pay homage to a debunked fan theory. It was absolutely NEVER meant to be used for himself. Think the demon in Ranking of Kings eating souls. Thats what Orthax does. So you've now been teased for the MUTHAFUCKIN CHROMA CONCLAVE! You're going to see Vox Machina at their lowest and most defeated point in a situation that is MINDBOGGLINGLY hopeless. It is also, arguably, one of the most intense and drastic character growth for literally EVERY single member of Vox Machina. I honestly don't know that they'll be able to cover everything that happens in the Chroma Conclave arc in a single season. I legit think that they're going to separate it into different seasons. Probably at least 2. Another cool thing is that you saw Percy's face when Vex took off the mask. Taliesin(Percy) has said that thats one of the reasons that Percy wears the mask is because he's hiding that face of pure trauma and pain. The Gem that percy stuck in his hand was actually Residuum Glass, manufactured from refined Whitestone. It's the thing that amplifies magic. What you saw teased was another of Percy's iconic weapon which he calls Diplomacy. Percy has style, you gotta admit.


Them throwing Dalilah and the gun in the acid was the smartest shit I've ever seen a group do to make sure that shit ain't ever coming back. Props to the writers.

Brandon Rodgers

You think Scanlan be making onlyfans $$$?

rickie woodson

you're a bird like nelly furtado bro? you wanna fly away?


That reminds me of Pyke from League of Legends. He's a man who was did wrong too and got cursed by some type of vengeance seeking shit and has a literal list that never seems to get shorter no matter how many names he crosses off it. I always love that concept of revenge/vengeance never being satisfied.

The GoDKing 27

I love Percy’s character design with the demon and I hope for season 2 soon


Fun fact: Matthew Mercer, the Dungeon Master voices Sylas AND Orthax. His range is incredible. Also, in the actual game, Orthax manifested itself and Vox Machina actually had to fight it alongside Percy like a normal end of adventure boss, but for the show they opted to make it a mental/spiritual battle in Percy's head. IIRC, Trinket (Vex's bear who actually came along for the adventure) was actually the one who killed Orthax lmao. I'm OK with it tbh because it makes Percy's inner conflict feel more personal. Also also: In the game, when Scanlan threw the gun into the acid, Taliesin (Percy's player/VA) was legit mad because his gun was actually magically enchanted to deal extra cold and fire damage and it was REALLY expensive. Obviously it turned out to be the right call, but Taliesin has said in recent Q&As that he STILL hasn't completely forgiven Sam (Scanlan's player/VA) for what he did lol.

Totally Thomas

I'm watching Critical Role's playthrough right now after this season! Let me tell you, Sheera's sharingan at it again calling out Grog and the black blade. No more spoilers from here.

The GoDKing 27

I’m actually kinda pissed that Percy didn’t shoot her


Hey, if the idea ever comes across his head he'd be for it since he's constantly broke.

Smash Bran'Discootch

If you look for the watch party on critical Role's YouTube, you get to see some alternate concept art for the Percy/Orthax fusion. I'm DEFINITELY glad that they didnt use it, but it definitely looks cool and is worth checking out.

Beef Gristle Mill

I wanna watch the actual critical role stuff but idk where to start, my brother said there's extra stuff before all this happens or something like that. I wanna see the stuff where this season started, where do I start? Or should I just start from the very beginning?

Totally Thomas

I wonder if they will cover the story in-between this and the Conclave arc to flesh out the story. Finding out the Whispered One's name, Krieg's hideout reexplored, etc.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Well you wont be able to see the stuff from the first two episodes in any of their gameplay anywhere, because theres no video from it released to the public. The Vox Machina campaign stream starts waaay after that and has sort of a mini arc before whitestone is ever introduced. To be honest if you're gonna start watching Critical Role and arent used to watching live plays of TTRPGs, I would start with Campaign 2: The Mighty Nein. Vox Machina is fantastic but there were a lot of audio and video issues and they didnt have much funding. Campaign 2, they really found their stride and got more consistent sponsors and the overall streaming quality was much better.

Jeff TK

Lupa: " I dont think they're gonna blow shit up" Me: *Nervous Laughter*

Sauce Sorcerer

Roshi would've gotten clapped by that orb 100% lmao. "Yall just gonna leave it?" Dude would've gotten his soul snatched the moment he walked up to it


Fuckin’ necromancers. Destroying the body is the only way to be sure they’re not coming back. And sometimes, even that’s not enough.

Jason Marbach

Y’all ain’t ready for chroma conclave ❤️ Also, I’d pay good money to see y’all legit play D&D with a dungeon master who really knows their stuff. Would be an absolute blast


Getting serious Naofumi vibes, even the demon resembles the dragon feeding on Naofumi's hate.


Good to see Igni- I mean Percy come back to his senses

These Plums

Lupa stresses me out lmao

Grimm Paragon

itd be fun to see you guys react to more critical role stuff. maybe you could react to some moments of theirs on yt or something like that

Brad Harding

Oh man y'all aint ready for next season it's gonna be so wild!! I pray they do the story justice and hopefully cram as much as they can from the yt series in


you sure its not because Naofumi is coming back tomorrow?

Tim Chaos

i love these thumbnails XD

Isaac Robinson

I hope at some point ya'll watch Itaewon Class. I got into it recently and I think it's right down your lane in terms of writing

Rustle Tasmania

Lupa noticed it just like I did when it happened, but did anyone else notice how when Vax told Keyleth he meant what he said about being in love with her she took it in stride and shut him down BUT when Vex put her hand on her shoulder and reassured her that she was very capable Keyleth took a WHILE to say something and she blushed immediately after looking at Vex’s hand on her shoulder and then back at Vex. The moment lingered A LITTLE too long if you ask me 👀👀👀 And the way she said thanks too and just looked at her for a WHILE before she finally walked away, I’m sensing something 👀👀👀


I hope they make an animated show for Critical Role's 2nd campaign

Smash Bran'Discootch

She had a crush on both Vex and Vax, but that blush wasnt because of that. It was because someone she respected finally recognized her ability and she felt like she had finally earned Vex's approval. Blushes dont always mean romance lmao

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm betting they're gonna split it into at least 2 seasons. SO MUCH happens during the Chroma Conclave arc and its be really hard to cram it into a single season unless they make it a 24 episode season instead of a 12.


Hey, characters just breathing the same air is cause for suspecting a shipping. We've all been there.

Zachariah Wimberly

hhey yall know the the voice actor for the king is the same as the one for black lighting from young justice


I hope we see Arkhan the cruel voiced by Joe Manganiello in the next season


thank you for introducing this show to me! I am so glad to be back as a patron again :D

bella rancois

I know for a fact that Vex watching Kiki and Vax talk and it not working out will influence the choices she makes for herself.

Josh Rangassamy

Random but roshi lowkey got the same color shirt for all 12 of these episodes