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Cosplay magic!



When I first watched this show I found it so hilarious cause my sister when she was 12 looked exactly the same as the character in this anime she was 5’10 and had the exact same body type, whenever we went anywhere they would call her “ma’am” and I’d laugh my ass off everyone thought she was like 20 ish, I’m 6’0


Episode 11 approaches

mitch anderson

Vox Machina episode 12 maybe? 🌚

Taylor Moon

Roshi, can’t handle Shinju’s tits xD


"Yo, lets do our next shoot at The Landing!" "Oh shit, NVM, rain." LOL


He's learning as he fights lmao XD


Still no cheesecake... Anyways, this would be like if Sheera wanted to cosplay as Tuxedo Mask LOL!


It's so easy to look like a 2D character when you're already 2D.


yo this is just semantics but a seamstress is a woman that works on clothing and a tailor is a man that works on clothing


Considering what Shinju is doing is akin to wearing a binder. Yes after awhile it would hurt and would actually be dangerous if done for too long.


She totally cosplayed as Mikasa

Anthony Saunders

Gojo wouldn't be wrong it's only a year difference


I'm glad he said it because I was thinking it too hahahaha

Random Guy

I think the type of cosplay they are doing is only good for studio cosplay. I don't think those overly detailed is going to be hot and uncomfortable if you wear it where there are a lot of people and for long periods of time.