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The "Flashback" reaction lol


E Bowles

They would give new meaning to fast food service though

Random Guy

Nagisa's skills isn't just for killing. He can be like a special agent specializing in capturing high level criminals. Or maybe someone who infiltrates criminal organizations for information.


Ass class on a Monday???


It's because they accidentally watched episode 10 so this is to make up for it.


They missed this episode last Friday, so they must've felt bad and gave it earlier


Love ya man 😭🙌🏾


I didn't notice when I first watched but Nagisa used the reaper's clap technique this time. He didn't use the one lovro taught him.

Devin B

Technically they're the same technique but the way the Reaper was using it was more advanced than Lovro cause Lovro didn't take into account wavelengths.

Devin B

Idk if you guys caught it but when Karma was asking Nagisa if he wanted to go to Thailand he was basically saying he could be a lady boy over there. Even in the episode where Nagisa dressed up as a girl Karma joked about Nagisa cutting his thing off to become a girl for real.

Joshua Burns

Hey it’s a legal career if he does it for the government 🤷🏿‍♂️

Ara Araragi

You should go back and watch the last few minutes of episode 10 now. It gives better closure to this episode's story when they show Nagisa's mom actually supporting his decision and trying to be a better parent.


New outro ??


Nagisa's "signature move" as it were, would probably only work practically as a set-up move. If he had bigger hands it would be more believable.


Ah, so this is what Eren wanted to show Zeke...

Eronthaboy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-18 13:44:47 I am so glad y’all watched this filler flashback episode about Nagisa & his momma. I don’t understand why the anime didn’t have it before the last episode y’all did. 😂🤣🤣 jkjk
2022-02-15 14:43:19 I am so glad y’all watched this filler flashback episode about Nagisa & his momma. I don’t understand why the anime didn’t have it before the last episode y’all did. 😂🤣🤣 jkjk

I am so glad y’all watched this filler flashback episode about Nagisa & his momma. I don’t understand why the anime didn’t have it before the last episode y’all did. 😂🤣🤣 jkjk

Random Guy

did u guys get the thailand/morocco reference?


I hope y’all react to VOX MACHINA


The guys just saying Nagisa should tell his mom no and not do it when she tells him to set the school on fire like Nagisas mom literally didnt just give him a concussion by whipping his head around for a solid 2 minutes because he said "Hey mom maybe we shouldnt bribe the school Im doing great in my class"


Well, Demon Slayer is over for now so maybe Vox will take that spot

Alia Yanny

Lol the Thailand and Morocco joke Karma was saying was wild (as they're popular places to go to for reassignment surgery)


They're being taught by a super-sonic yellow tentacle monster in a school straight out of Lord of the Flies and you guys are caught up on how unrealistic the clap stunner is lol


This anime is kinda like Cobra Kai. The kids are learning assassination skills like karate, but they're using it in their life metaphorically.


Man fuck his mom shes a bitch

Arkan Matlub

Funny thing is Nagisa could fucking clap his mother in 0.001 seconds if he wanted to


Bro that's what I was saying the whole time I watched this episode for the first time... Just shut her up for God's sake. Well past the line of me giving a fuck if you my mom. Not like the assault would look bad in the face of her getting all those damn child abuse charges LMAO. I dare you to go to the cops bitch.