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Judomaster is wild lmao


Isaac Livingston III

I never thought that I would say this but, I do remember as a kid, Sinbad playing in a movie as a genie. I dont know what that movie is called. It makes me wish I kept my VHS tapes because I know that I had it. This is just a memory I know to be true. Do with that as you will.


Peacemaker's character development had some bad timing there lol. I like Vigilante, though. He's a clown, and a bit fucked in the head, but as a character he's extremely entertaining.


I find it actually AMAZING that you guys were needlessly and excessively yelling at Murn to push the button when that's literally what he's been doing the whole fucking time. Is your eyesight failing you or something?

Myles Guy

Isn’t the DC ceo name Geoff????


One reaction on the IPad the other on the phone?? Lol


ou yeahh


Oh shit.. Let's go

rickie woodson

between this and ep 3 i dont know which is my fave so far but really good. WHY THEY PUT JUDOMASTER IN THAT ARMS FALL OFF BOY FIT?!! (from the movie) makes no sense. green is not his color! just do the female judomaster's fit so it doesnt resemble peacemaker (or maybe they should look alike hint hint). the old school japanese sunburst yellow on an all read fit, would be DOPE. not just dooky green


What you guys was talking about at 11:50 is the Mandela Effect https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-mandela-effect-4589394

Davon Thomas

John Cena is honestly the best wrestler to full actor out of everyone that's done it. He really embraces the roles he's given. While batista tries to hard, and the rock well he's basically the same character every movie now.

Julian Vargas

so im thinking the alien butterflies are this universe's version of the reach and theyre doing the whole invasion thing to set up the blue beetle movie theyre making


the only time they had vigilante was in arrow season 5. the comeback season. to bad they did home wrong in season 6.


To summarize Lupa's disclaimer: "If the character isn't in or have nothing to do with Injustice then I don't know them" 😂

Devin B

Damn Peacemaker is the epitome of being a straight asshole. He didn't hesitate to say fuck Vigilante when he was getting tortured.


If you guys didn't catch it, Vigilante/Adrian Chase is the same guy from the first episode that worked at that one restaurant, and was dancing and getting all excited that Peacemaker was back.


The only Vigilante I know is a cowboy

Teyon Alexander

Vigilante was a comic I followed back in the 80s. He's been around. :D

rickie woodson

vigilante is nothing like that in the comics. they just made him silly for the show so he's only like deadpool in the show. vigilante is more like punisher. you can even tell so in the show with his code "i dont care if kill people cause they are bad people im killing". he's been around since the 80s. and you are so clapped bro cause in the episode one he left a MILLIOIN voice messages "yo peacemaker its vigilante" "hey its vigilante" "hey p its v"...........but nope they looking out for batman lol.

rickie woodson

it maybe SPELT berenstain but it has always been pronounced berenstein even on the animated tv show, the librarians, teachers, everyone pronounced it the same way and i aint changing it for nobody. just like i will pronounce it interesting not inneresting or intresting

rickie woodson

not really. he was hired to work for him, doesnt mean he knows he's a butterfly. there are other reasons then this VERY specific type of alien for the senator to be crooked. hired mercs dont ask any questions other then when do i get paid

rickie woodson

what you need to realize lupa is that economos is just a tech dude. cant expect him to know how to fight or be brave or have any field experience

Robert Solis

they literally always expect everyone to be like the bravest and most skilled person ever

rickie woodson

butterflies must love white meat cause europe is CLAPPED but they only got bits of africa........are these aliens racist to tie in to peacemaker's father? is that where his dad got all this bomb tech?? probably not but i do wonder how they are going to tie to two stories together


And give vital secrets away to an alien race and put the whole world at risk? Nah not really an asshole move imo

Jaime Ruiz

If Vigilante wasnt there Peacemaker wouldnt have shot and the operation wouldve been more fucked. If I was vigilante I would kill Peacemaker when I had the chance. I'd be so fucking pissed dude. Peacemaker over there crying about not being able to make friends and the one guy who wants to be his friend he ignores and does that shit.


Maybe they just go for the countries that are more influential on the world stage.

Brandon Gonzales

Fam’s y’all do realize Peacemaker paps actor I for got his name it’s been a minute since I seen him on screen but he isn’t actually racist just pointing that out and he’s following a script but a racist script but he isn’t tho that I know of


So basically live action PArasyte


That Berenstain Bears stuff...that was a real argument for a while. Still remember those hard cover YA-centric books they came out with too.


Everything is basically a mecha anime 😭


LMAOOO vigilante tried to hit judomaster with the "another day" and got his shit rocked, had me in tears

Stephen D

How long does it take to blow up one door?

Joseph Tom

missed the this helmet gives you scabies scene


yeah i dont think anyone believes he's racist in real life... that kinda goes without saying


Okay but like... I someone's toungue out like that, I'll shoot them myself - and I've never shot a gun


Y’all telling her to shoot the guy when she just banged her head on a rock with her teammate pointing her gun at the enemy 💀


Judo master looks like Kick-Ass

Robert Solis

yall so tough how many people yall kill lml


So we not going talk about how Roshi tried to fuck up lupa’s mental state🤣

Sheron Taylor

Ewwwww they look like the roach kaiju and mothera babies from Godzilla


I remember pikachu had a black tipped tail, yet another Mandela effect wtf


I don't blame people for thinking "stain" is wrong. "Stein" and "Stien" are much more common pronunciations, so naturally people just think those when reading quickly or in passing.

Mozart Waddell

Peacemaker should count his blessings Judo Master wasn't eating crunchy curls instead. Those chips are far more denser than flamin hots.

Quinton Campbell

Roshi n Sheera couldn't be on my Secret Ops team 😂

Don Keedick

The fucking Mandela Effect.... I'm dead. lmfao


Really Roshi a mech anime? Lol this is more like unhinged Men In Black. Also I’ve noticed you guys do this in a lot of non anime shows but you’ll get mad at the ppl who aren’t nice or are rude but they literally just doing their jobs. Harcourt was trying to cover all the bases and keep things under wraps but the other chick just refused to pull the trigger. She knew exactly what she signed up for when Waller brought her onboard and she was all gung-ho to be the back up with the gun so why hesitate when it’s finally time for action?


Yooo you should react to Kengan Ashura. Pure hands, martial arts and crazyness!!!

Reckless Company

not gonna lie i dont know during that slow motion scene i thought peacemaker handed her that pocketpu**** thing i would have been laughing


Harcourt gets on my nerves idk why

David Emerson

Peacemaker and Harcourt are gonna fuck by the end of this. Calling it

Vincent Lee

Yoo Judomaster listening to Band-Maid? Iconic


I'm mad that I really had to stop mid episode to figure out if I was tripping about the Sinbad movie, because that sounded really familiar and I probably was convinced it was a real thing but after some research I think my mind kind of combine first kid and Kazam (shaq) movie. Even though Sinbad as a Genie seems like something I remember. Also now I'm on the hunt for a "black" 90s movie that had them in the mall and I think Sinbad was in that movie but I'm not sure.

Justin Neason

facts bro, get outta here with this barenSTEEN


Super random...was never expecting I'd hear Push Push (Lady Lightning) in a show lol


That whatsapp shit is the most relatable thing ive ever seen lmfao

Lamaree Jackson

Can’t believe they popped Buzz from Psych 😭 stupid witnesses


lol Roshi, 100% on board with killing Goffs family. Kind of ironic for a Black man to be cheering on a White man to kill an entire family simply because they are different from him..... I'm just saying....


Dude really tried to make that analogy with fictional bug aliens, wild