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what a series, need the next season ASAP!



As you can see we are still waiting for it 12 months later unfortunately :(

Matcha White

not me watching this in 2023 XD

The Pebble

Need to powerscale that breast band bro, might be another secret god of the world.


Hell ye


Yoooo Roshi the GOAT giving earlier reactions!


This is the best new anime of the year and nothing even comes close to be honest except 86. It's already top 25 on mal and I can't imagine how high the rest of the seasons will be, especially when volumes 12, 14, and 15 get adapted, not to mention volumes 19+. Everything about the mushoku tensei anime is perfect except for the pacing. The production, animation, choreography, voice acting, emotional aspect, and osts are all phenomenal. Most light novel readers like myself would've wanted 29 minute episodes like re zero but hopefully we can get that next season. The only thing people hate on in this series is Rudeus and then they call the entirety of the anime shit. The core theme of Mushoku Tensei is that people can change and redeem themselves, but close minded people will hate cuz they can't understand that. Rudeus gathering the resolve to get up and move forward after he thought there was no point in going on was something he couldn't do in his last life. That is just outstanding development and this is only the beginning of his character journey. Mushoku Tensei truly excels at what isekai were made for in the first place, presenting a story about having a second chance at life. 10/10 first season


I think the bubbles is showing that Rudeus is drowning in himself right now thinking about everything, I dont think it has anything to do with where his mom is.


I'm pretty sure it's just representative of drowning in your depression. So yeah you're right.


I wanna see the reac so damn much but im at work 😭 Hope we get an announcement for next season soon !


Was a good run but now gotta wait for a bit but till then a lot of 🔥 anime are coming up

Jonatan Tercero

Bad news guys. 86 has had 3 delays in part 2 . 2 more delays for ep 11 and 12 . So basically the anime has run out of time slots now. It’s not even their fault . It’s Aniplix’s fault . This is such a shame tbh. We will most likely have to buy the blu ray for the last 2 episodes . Or maybe the will release them via internet I hope . But still what a shame . Cause this show is a masterpiece , I hope this does not affect the animes future .


Ousama ranking next?? Honestly one of the surprises of this season, would be dope to see you guys react and has already been listed for 23 episodes I believe

Hiroto Eita

The lupagan is tingling lol


this anime was soo good. probably in my top ten now .


“She’s probably crystallized in some thing”


Why do I feel like Mushoku Tensei about to have a 4 year hiatus between season like White Fox did with Re:Zero Let's pray for sooner though! 🙏


This episode was so good, and one thing it showed alot was the expectations vs reality which we saw back with the reunion with Paul. Eris, Paul, Roxy, etc all have such high thoughts and expectations for Rudy to succeed, but then we see the blunt reality as we know about his past life which makes these scenes even harder to swallow. Expectations are nice but to many and to big can result in painful things like Paul's first reaction, and Eris' huge respect and expectations that turned around in a second when they fought Orsted. Mushoku is just a perfectly written series that is well deserving of the grandfather of Isekai, cause man no show does it like Mushoku does. 10/10


Don't worry, studio bind was solely made to adapt all of mushoku tensei


For a series as popular as it, I cant see it. Last time I felt anything similar took a while was OPM Season 2

Reckless Company

reminds me of young justice everyone having a good time while the main character is depressed lol smh


From what I can tell, it doesn't seem like Kishirika loses the eyes she gives to people. We've seen that Ghislaine has the scanning eye that Kishirika used on Rudy when she first met him. So she can give out the eyes to whoever she wants infinitely.


And season 2 of OPM animation studio-wise was a huge disappointment. The one time animation actually hurt the narrative of the story


End credits speculation: If that's Sylphie, she's way older comparatively now plus the hair color change, also is she blind? Hence the shades?


Im pretty sure Sylphie is at that magic school they talked about in part 1, the one he wanted to convince Paul to pay for her tuition. I think they mentioned it was in the north and a cold environment. I felt that the bubbles were symbolizing rudy's depression, deep dark water is often used as a metaphor for depression so it makes sense to me


Maybe, I wasn't sure if it was taking place at the same time Rudy was setting out to find his mom.


Four years is an exaggeration. For a story that is already finished. (Web novel done and light novel is nearly done) And studio bind was created for the purpose animating mushoku tensei. I think four years is a bit too much. This isn't attack on titan where season 1 caught up to the manga and had to wait almost four years animated season 2.

Facek Helig

You guys might enjoy Netflix's The Witcher


The scene that they showed at the end is 2 years after Rudy left the tent. The other things i think are spoiler.


There is a Eris OVA coming in March, that whole mission they talked about killing goblins.

Alex cleveland

Glad u guys loved S1 overall. Amazing series! Gives me LOTR vibes, and S2 and S3 is already announced, confirmed, and in production as we speak!!!! I give S1 a 9.5/10 🔥

Asante Upshur-Benson

That only happened to Re:Zero cause White Fox was close to overlapping the story and they weren’t sure if Re:Zero could be a ongoing anime. Nowadays a sequel to a show can always possibly happen cause of how popular anime is becoming

Asante Upshur-Benson

Hope you guys react to all the new anime trailers from this weekend🙏🏾 we got the trailer for Bleach, Mha, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie, and Hell’s Paradise (being animated by the goat Mappa) all coming to 2022


Sylphie with the hair and the shades.


My guess is that the demon emperor couldn’t see Zenith for the same reason that the Man God is unable to see Orsted.


Hmmm my understanding of that bubbles was more of; it was a representation of his depression, like his drowning in his feelings and all that.


Broooo thanks for mentioning this, holy shit the music in that Bleach trailer had me so nostalgic.


This anime is a SS Rank. The only other show I would rank above Mushoku would have to be the Castlevania anime. Absolutely flawless SSS Rank. The most anticipated animes I want to keep watching ASAP are Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers and Jojo x) As for whats next... I'm nominating Saiki K or Dragon Quest! I know you guys would love both, but I know theres only one slot Dx. Regardless of whats next can't wait to see yalls next reactions!

Hello Darkness (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 20:31:31 It seems like they're hinting at mimicking the manga and skipping a couple arcs of content from the LN between this and the next season, which would honestly be a shame.
2021-12-20 20:31:31 It seems like they're hinting at mimicking the manga and skipping a couple arcs of content from the LN between this and the next season, which would honestly be a shame.
2021-12-20 11:07:49 It seems like they're hinting at mimicking the manga and skipping a couple arcs of content from the LN between this and the next season, which would honestly be a shame.

It seems like they're hinting at mimicking the manga and skipping a couple arcs of content from the LN between this and the next season, which would honestly be a shame.

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

I’ll second Saiki K. Dunno how I would feel about Dragon Quest anime cause I haven’t been following that for a while but I’ve played DQ from 1 to 11 and if it’s anything near to that, it’s pretty good.


Didn't read lmao.

Sebastian Stróż

Ok now please watch Steins;Gate so you can replace one amazing story with another :)


Man I really really liked this season, I'm glad you guys liked it too


Is Witcher on the list? Now that Mushoku Tensei is out


If you noticed, the white part of Eris' eyes were very pinkish, she was probably crying a lot during her trip : )


Ranking of kings next?


No spoilers but lupa dropped a sheera level lupagan at the end


"but I know Rudy will be able to get back up on his own" lmao or maybe he won't be able to "get back up" on his own

Bhuwanake Manukulasuriya

The next season has been announced for July 2022, so just a seven month wait


Possibly but at the same time I didn't say what, they spoke about quite a bit


Are you going to react to Bleach Trailer


Aye bro avoid the comments per usual. Bunch of spoiling andys out here. Can't wait until this anime comes back in July 2022!


i think the water thing was how Rudy felt like he was drowning in his own sorrow. but at the end, he remembered Zenith and how much she loved him and it was the motivation to make him move forward.

Zachary Provenzano

sherra gonna get clapped by twitter sjws! lol jk maybe?? lol

Zachary Provenzano

you referring to the sylphy part? maybe its just a small foreshadow of whats to come and not going to abruptly skip to that time.

Gorge Montoya

The craziest thing to me upon re-watching with friends (getting them caught up to the finale) is - that isnt the first time we've seen Shades (end credits elf). was in episode 14 in the background of the scene with Eris's Grandfather


I'm so excited for Hell's Paradise! I didn't think it would get an anime this soon (also Spy x Family)


I saw this https://twitter.com/SugoiLITE/status/1389928291427962886?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1389928291427962886%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-190609680173161786.ampproject.net%2F2110290545003%2Fframe.html

Jonatan Tercero

Dude gtfo outta here you lame. Stop spoiling stuff smh.

Jonatan Tercero

I swear dawg . Some of y’all are the definition or “moron” why tf would you even comment that dude .

Ranginald Vagel

Syphie lookin like a Blues Brother

Mozart Waddell

WTF Im anime only you just spoiled me bro. Don't confirm stuff I type while I watching the show I'm only 10 minutes in. I was just making a joke not spoiling anything.


Top tier anime. Rudeus had to start out terrible and shitty in order to develop and become a top tier character! Great character development for so many of the characters its insane. Love Eris like always. Will miss her until next season. Definitely should have season 2 by next year. They are planning on finishing this series and at the rate they are going at it shouldn't be a long wait for season 2.


Imagine having a life so unfulfilling that you have to spoil shit to feel better about yourself. Serioulsy, I can already see the Chainsaw Man manga readers in the comments spoiling key moments and ending their comments with "just a theory, idk". That's gonna be a shitshow. Lmao


Half the time sheera just assumes shit and she just happens to get it right. I get the meme about it but sheera literally majority of the time guesses shit and either gets it right or wrong. When you do that all the time chances are you are gonna get some things correct.


How? You ignore them you don't see them to begin with. They thrive on attention. Ignore them or deny them and they are nothing. (I get what you are saying but this still works)

Oh Alone

Actually, Selphie appeared already in EP 14 after credits scene


I would expect it to be fall 2022 by the latest. 6 months seems to be a good period for them to do 12 episodes. The studio literally has the priority of adapting the series so they shouldn't take too long. Of course we all want them to be safe and not overworked and the adaptation to be good but I would say 6-8 months is a good buffer for the next 12 episodes for season 2.


I can give spoilers some slack considering what it is and if you actually intend to spoil or not. Like spoilers have a bunch of different layers. For example, me saying last episode that you need to focus on the words "not matched" is technically just a insignificant hint that can help you better understand what Eris is saying but at the same time is still a spoiler for Eris this episode explaining that they are not matched in terms of combat and ability to take care of things. Some people try to say things and don't try to spoil but it just happens if you know about things that others don't. It is hard to explain things to people that don't understand something and not give potential spoilers at the same time. Straight up spoilers are ass though and people have no reason to make them. Bunch of idiots.

None None

As of this moment, they aren't watching any isekai right now. This is an event that only happens once or twice a year and rarely lasts very long. (Shield Hero comes back in April, so it'll only be three months at most. Although I half-expect No Game No Life to pop up before that, given how it destroyed the poll before they removed it)

Jose silva

i need spoilers


I remember reading that Studio Bind Inc. (Egg Firm + White Fox) was created exclusively to adapt Mushoku Tensei. If true, these seasons should come quite fast compared to a lot of other stuff. Tho I wouldn't mind them taking their time if they deem it necessary.

Daniel Borrego

sylphie went shopping at the same store as gendo ikari. I got a real bad feelign about zenith. i hope shes just trapped in suspended animation or somethign and not all clapped in an slowly being digested.

olle spengler

yeah i feel like we can get part 1 of s2 in summer and then maybe a 3 month break and part 2 of s2 in winter 2023

Matrim Hall

I searched exactly one source to find out, so don't clap me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like there's a second and third season in the works. Don't know when but it seems like it's in production as we speak.


I highly recommend doing ousama ranking (ranking of kings) next! It’s so good, one of my top animes this season after this one


Imagine Eris showing up a year later with Rudy's child, meanwhile he ends up smashing Roxy and Sylphie during that year period, getting them pregnant, ergo becoming more like his father -_-

Luqman Muhammad

How's that like his father? this nigga didn't marry no one and Eris left him. The fuck


I don't think Paul was married when he was smashing whilst being an adventurer? and early in Season 1 Rudy has an internal monologue disproving his fathers actions when he finds out about all the women he smashed....

Roy Sinoux

Agreed, please check it out. Don't judge it by it's artwork/cover it's amazing


Season 2 and season 3 were announced to have started production already earlier this year. So fall 2022 might not be a bad prediction for the start of season 2.


SPOILER ALERT: When Zenith transported, she gained the power of telepathy but only does it when she's sleeping.


I can already tell what chapters season 2 will cover and yall not ready for that emotional rollercoaster.


They've started working on season 2/3 earlier part of this year. We might get it fall 2022. Don't forget Bleach oct/2022!!!


When Zenith said "I love you" to Rudy was that just him dreaming?


It literally says “SPOILER ALERT “.. yall mf ‘s dumb 😂

Grantland Shearer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 23:34:52 Those bubbles represent Rudy drowning in the depths of despair
2021-12-20 23:26:13 Those bubbles represent Rudy drowning in the depths of despair. Also, while I think they did an excellent job drawing a short haired Eris, I really hope she grows it back eventually. Her original hairstyle just fits

Those bubbles represent Rudy drowning in the depths of despair. Also, while I think they did an excellent job drawing a short haired Eris, I really hope she grows it back eventually. Her original hairstyle just fits

Nick X

Since y'all are done with Mushoku Tensei, you should watch Akame ga kill


no game no life next!


Im so excited cause next season should be fantastic! they have yet to let us down so lets hope for a late 2022 release and get hyped!! love yall

Drake Rage

I actually started clapping when the Ending Song started playing when Rudeus chooses to move forward in this Life, while they draw a parallel to his Past where his Time/Life was "Frozen" since that Bullying incident. That Ending Song is fricken amazing, and the music made it so much more epic to see Rudeus learning from his mistakes and moving forward, leaving his Tragic, Past-Life behind. This show was a Masterpiece from start to finish. I hope the next Season comes soon...

Drake Rage

I mean... Ruijerd looked soooooo much better when we first met him, but he had to shave his hair and hide his "Third-Eye" as well... "Littlefinger" Priest-guy said he was going to Officially Declare that she was dead... so she can't be walking around looking exactly like the way she used to look. Also, cutting off your hair generally has a deeper meaning, (like starting a phase of your life, or to put your past behind you.. etc.) in this case Eris resolving to leave Rudy and set off on a journey to become stronger, so she can protect Rudy better, in the future.


There is another series with S+ Tier Story telling and world building that y'all gotta watch. Its called Ousama Ranking or Ranking of Kings... its so damn good.


Man, out here looking like Beast Boy at the beginning. Kinda got to me a little...

The Master Here come the drums (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-21 02:11:34 I'm kinda was they took out the part where roxy was posing with the demon king
2021-12-21 02:11:34 I'm kinda was they took out the part where roxy was posing with the demon king
2021-12-21 02:11:34 I'm kinda was they took out the part where roxy was posing with the demon king
2021-12-21 01:36:34 I'm kinda was they took out the part where roxy was posing with the demon king

I'm kinda was they took out the part where roxy was posing with the demon king


Ousama Ranking should be next guys. If you want more good fantasy.


Looking forward to the Ova next year.


Please do Ousama Ranking reactions !!!!


Bleach- thousand year blood war next fall!!!!!

toptier sagat

Dumb niggas dropping spoilers in the comments


When you get the chance, watch the trailer for both bleach and hells paradise


Danm Lupas called it about zennis at the end of the episode wow so random

Sting Eucliffe

If you remember I think Geese or whatever his name was is in the continent the mother is in.

Xavier Chandler

Will Overlord come back now 🤔🤔😁😁


Fuck spoilery ass niggas. All my homies hate spoilery ass niggas.

mitch anderson

Kekkai Sensen recommendation


Sheera already watched it and I think ROshi has also

Anthony Argueta

I heard that also. Lots of articles support that. I remember hearing that MT is gonna be a long running series that comes out in cours rather than a year time frame between them. I may be wrong ofc but I don't think we're gonna have to wait too long for season 2.

Wiggly Gecko

Hey there awesome reaction. It would be rly nice if you could check out the anime Ranking of Kings. Its airing this season and its rly unique and the animation is stunning. No anime reactor is watching the show right now even tought its rly good. Its propably my anime of the year and I know that many other people would love it if they would know that it exist. I hope you have a great week and stay healthy! :D


lalafluffbunny? e.d anime? theres like 5 others too idk what u smoking


Ranking of Kings next?


A nice artistic choice is that up until now, Rudy's thoughts were in his original voice. At the very end, his thoughts of rescuing Zenith were in his Rudy Voice


wait all of them? Could've sworn he had some thoughts in his rudy voice as well

Daniel Borrego

im gonna read the light novels now. i cant wait for the next season. i bought a kindle and am gonna get the e-book version. its only 10 bucks per volume.

Daniel Borrego

just read the LN. i started to. i bought a kindle and buy the ebooks of amazon for 10 bucks a piece. the anime has so far followed the LN pretty damned close. i even like some of the changes the anime did over the LN. but you get extra chapters about pauls thoughts, or lilia or zeniths. so theres more depth plus you get the internal monologues. just started the 5th book today. i think this episode is the end of the 6th book?


this episode is volume 6 chapters 9-10. as a man who has read it all, it is very good.

Daniel Borrego

ya i blew through the rest of the tranlated books in like a week :D just waiting on number 15 in feb. books 11 and 12 are friggn awesome. I might start up tanya the evil in the mean time. there's less books but more pages per book soo its probably fairly close to the same length. maybe 1000 pages less but still 2700 or so pages.

Armando Contreras

i just noticed when the girls are talking after the visions of where rudys mom is at she tells her in a Labyrinth and she said she wants a tall kind man too rescue her from a dungeon so she can fall in love with him ; ) also looks like sylphy is at the magic school talking about recruiting and the uniforms kinda hint at it

Daniel Borrego

15 is so good. unfortunately it wont be in season 2. no spoilers, but season 2 will be amazing. if its the same as season 1 is should cover 6 books( books 7-12) and will give a satisfying conclusion to most of this story. i think the next arc starts in book 13(season 3).

Daniel Borrego

theres really no need as each book will only be a few episodes anyways. book 7 will fit in nicely

Daniel Borrego

honestly, just read the LN. the anime literally follows it almost exactly. its good stuff and season 2 will be amazing.


s2 was officially announced recently, its coming!


Btw, if you haven't heard, there's a new episode of Jobless that just came out!