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Kittan the GOAT



maybe one day we'll get the movie

Zander Infinity

Pls tell me y’all gonna watch the second movie


This has been the best wednesday, of content, ever for the gang. LET'S GO

Weltall Gaia

Gotta watch the second movie. It legit goes 10 times harder than the show does.

Chance branch

Gotta watch second movie. Non optional

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

At least Kittan can brag to Kamina that at the end his drill was bigger.


You're probably going to see this comment about 1000 times, but mfs been memeing for ages that Yoko an acronym for "You only kiss once". It sucks how they keep doing her like that, but both Kamina and Kittan went out like G's afterward so I can't complain too much.


Well now y'all know why her name's yoko, You Only Kiss Once

Chance Lee

The glasses transform into a star because it's the shape of space king kittan


the glasses are in memory of kittan and kamina

Legacy Corps. Productions

Also Note that Verall can't use Spiral power so Guren Lagan was incomplete. So Buta's mutation and stored Spiral power Completely merged the Two.


Guys, lemme tell ya an honest opinion from a mega Gurren Lagann fan. I loved the movies, but if we watching just to see the final battle, then it aint worth it. Almost everything leading up to it is 1:1 I mean, I wont knock on yall if yall just want more Gurren Lagann, just an FYI

Jake Young

They should just skip to the last 40 minutes where the fight actually changes


Kittan’s sacrifice is my favorite moment in the series, the badass theme playing in the background as he dies the only way he wanted to was so fire

Weltall Gaia

Jumping to the point where they leave earth is best. Thats where events start to actually change.


stone ocean AND this episode?! fuck yeah!


Shit i'm crying


The intro for the first movie and the final battle of the second movie are worth watching but i agree, they should watch at least that parts.


ROW ROW! FIGHT THE POWER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT6LFOIofRE


This is the only show that whenever you think "It can't possibly get more insane" the show immediately proves you wrong Next episode is a great example of such


you gotta watch the second movie

nottoday noo

like here if yall want them to watch the second movie


The Anti-Spirals don't literally have control over the universe. They have control of the pocket dimension that they are fighting in. Basically, Simon and company broke into the Anti-Spiral's private Minecraft server and are fucking with them and the Anti-Spirals are trying to use their Admin powers to get rid of them. The only beings in the pocket dimension are the Anti-Spirals and Team Dai-Gurren. The planets in the background are void of life.

michael jaime

For real the second movie will leave y'all questioning your existence. I'll eat my own shoes of you guys watch it.

William Clinton

favorite episode right here. so cool


Yoko's Kiss of Death strikes again! You Only Kiss Once...


i love this anime so fkn much 😭


Yuri Lowenthal's delivery of these lines is unmatched.


Kittan with the fuckin Vegeta monologue


Also I'd like to comment on how fucking hype y'all were; so much that the mics peaked Good shit as always!! Also also... we get 1 more week of GL boiis (unless movies) This was a hellova ride of new and old watchers Never get tired of Gurren Lagann

Jamal Taylor

Gurren Lagon is basically If you recorded a couple 6 year olds playing with transformers and then turned it into an anime plot


Yeah the last half hour of the 2nd movie is worth reacting to. The rest is just the same as the series.

Benjamin Lowe

this is crazy untrue, the movies are the definitive versions of the series, like they were literally made to fix all the creators' gripes with the tv run besides the true ending. the tv series is great but the movies are works of art, they do everything in a much more satisfying manner like they even redid voice acting but better its great


While that was the intention, squeezing 25 episodes of content into 4 hours was not the best way to go about it.

Lord Winters

Hard disagree. The final action scenes are great but it takes out some of the sadder moments of the story that makes the hype moments not hit as hard. You need the contrast


two more episodes left


Dear comment section, they should finish the episodes BEFORE diving into the movies.

Shaun A

I'm a grown ass man, I haven't watched this series in years and it still gets me.

Julio Morales

ive been waiting so long for tengen toppa gurren laggan

A1_MiLFshAkE (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-04 22:03:25 Evangelion: How depression can consume you and how you reach self acceptance and love from others. Gurren Lagann: How you shape your destiny and your life using willpower, living and dying with glory. I feel both of these series can help someone overcome serious social & inner issues.
2021-12-04 05:36:40 Evangelion: How depression can consume you and how you reach self acceptance and love from others. Gurren Lagann: How you shape your destiny and your life using willpower, living and dying with glory. I feel both of these series can help someone overcome serious social & inner issues.

Evangelion: How depression can consume you and how you reach self acceptance and love from others. Gurren Lagann: How you shape your destiny and your life using willpower, living and dying with glory. I feel both of these series can help someone overcome serious social & inner issues.


Y. ou O. nly K. iss O. nce

Jeremi Monroig

I have watched this reaction like 10 times already. They definitely need to watch the movies after the anime!


lol when you realize that this ain't even their final form


To explain, it's not that Boota has more Spiral Power than everyone, or among the highest. It's that Viral has none of it. He's there to help pilot Gurren, but can't help Simon add Spiral Energy. So Boota arrived to help add Spiral Energy, while Viral is operating the mecha.


whole point is bending the universe to you will. Nothing is impossible.

Drake Rage

Damn. That was epic. The soundtrack is sooo good as well.

Sam Smith

The curse of yoko! Y.ou O.nly K.iss O.nce, One kiss is all it takes for the death flag to be activated.