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Yoko showed out!


Jamil Hicks

You guys should check our isekai quartet


wouldn't of mattered if Simon's aim was trash, Viral is immortal remember?

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Yoko really deserved her own episode. Simon and Viral's Combine speech is probably my favorite one. Things are really going to pick up from here.

Davon Thomas

So will Gurren be back to 2 episodes next week. That way they finish on an even note for episodes. Since it's 6 left

Joseph Mohlenhoff

we getting 2 episodes this week too???? plz XD


sorry if something changed I haven’t been keeping up but y’all not posting Harley on Wednesdays anymore?


SO what show y’all gonna replace gurren with after y’all finish? Just curious


I assume the last 3 episodes will be uploaded next week? Don't mind the wait. Keep up the hustle


Man I'd love to visit Norwegia sometime too. As a Swed that had me flailing my legs laughing.


Yeah!? Idgaf if I'm immortal of not. I wouldn't want my testys or wee wee shot the fuck up because of his trash aim. That shit probably still hurts before it starts regenerating. Nah you hold that gun an inch away from the handcuffs and then fire.


Im convinced gurren lagann simply doesnt function correctly unless you say "Who the hell do you think i am", Its like yelling Shazam


Anyone else currently chillin outside the wells fargo atm up to no good?!


Will ep 22 be uploaded today?


By the way, is there like a list of stuff ya'll plan of reacting to somewhere so we don't recommend stuff that ya'll already plan on watching or something. Didn't see anything don't the discord channel.

Otter Mane

I swear they said "damnit" at the beginning of every sentence this episode lol

Tommy G

Is there a place to put Recommendation?

john segun doe

Steins Gate or Monster Next please

Benito Serrano

Okay Lupa get in the coffin ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Omfg i never realised how many shots of JUST Yoko's tits are there...goddamn. Also I get the teacher uniform not working all that well in combat...But she could wear a training bra or something right?

Julio Morales

pig moles are from norweja i think

Crow's Nest

Lupo has a point in that we see adult pigmoles in the show and their boar sized yet Boota hasn't grown at all despite years going by


Roshi gon stop disrespecting Yoko like she ain't been a shooter since episode 1. That rifle been caught bodies!

Jake Young

LMAO LUPA "Norwegia" smh Edit: Upon further research ive found that Norwegia was the French term for Norway in 900 AD. So Lupa isnt wrong. Hes just french.

Jdogzero Silverblade

the gun always did damage its just always really far away so it just made dents and knocked back the gunmen. its why it flat out priced through the metal at point blank. plus it would make sense if she had an upgraded one that was much stronger than before.


Thanks Lupa for the Norway now aka Norwegia shoutout! <3


next couple of episodes is greatness


It's on Discord in the Patreon chat. You have to link your Discord account to Patreon's website to gain access. It has the most up to date info for schedules, announcements, etc. It also includes a list of upcoming stuff and shows already watched that get commonly recommended.


Every couple episodes Lupa says something extra dumb about the show... and I smile inside just a little bit more. Cant wait for the last few eps. lol


im about to take a trip to Norwegia

Zander Infinity

Are they gonna watch the second movie when they finish the series


DANG lupa stay getting clap no matter what show lol


wheres ep 22


norwegia? lmao

David Emerson

is assassination classroom not on Wednesdays anymore?


Pig moles do grow large when adults. They were seen in ep 1


wheres episode 22 isn't it 2 of these episodes the same day?




this is early, but im gonna start putting it into the air so they know since im not sure how ahead they are but remember when ur done with the show there's an after credit scene in the last episode!


Lupa has a point, based off the beginning the mole should have grown. There were other pig moles that were full grown back in the underground. Of course its an anime mascot though, so its meant to be a joke.


"Norwegia" I AM DEAD


yoko was always the true mommy.


One of my first anime


Y'all forgot Viral is immortal and showed his regeneration in front of Simon