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one step forward eighteen steps back with these two lol


Reckless Company

The play will be epic and unexpected

JunpeiFES .

Can it be next monday already? Lol moooooore haha i cannot wait for ep5!

Mozart Waddell

You guys should straight binge season 2 like Squid Game. Are we getting the Karate Kid 2 and 3 reactions?


I won’t lie the fact this man refused to let this mans father know his living conditions over just seeing him with someone will always make Daniel trash in my eyes


For real.. I wouldn't even be mad if they paused everything else and just binged it 😅 Obviously it wouldn't be fair.. but the show and the reactions are so damn good!


It may not have been his place, but Daniel certainly felt that it would be dangerous to let Robby anywhere near Keene. Not only is it not his place, but it goes against what he was predicating earlier. Where his goal is to show Cobra Kai a "better way". You can't do that if you create walls and barriers. The fastest way would be to allow Robby to connect with his father, and in that way, the wisdom of Miyagi Do could transfer over that way. But alas, the rivalry, fear and trauma got in the way of that.

Erich Bomke

Just as easy to say "Robby is coming to stay with me for a while while" while walking away. A single sentence. Its a blessing Miyagi didn't have to see who Daniel turned into.


So happy you guys started watching Cobra Kai. Daniel should have still told Johnny about Robby. Daniel has always been hot headed. When he saw Kreese, he let his hate cloud his judgement. Can't wait until you get to the finale!!


I mean Johnny does already kinda know the living conditions

Devin B

Here's my take on the situation, Danny was being petty asf for not telling Johhny about Robbie's situation but you have to question why Robbie didn't want to talk to Johnny when his mom left. Johnny doesn't take the time to check up on Robbie after the tournament and the only time they saw each other was by coincidence. Danny could've gave Johnny the chance to be involved in this situation but Johnny chose to focus on Cobra Kai and reconnect with Kreese. Danny probably thought Johnny could've used his time better for his son but him being with Kreese of all people made him think that Cobra Kai was his top priority and that he didn't have time for Robbie. Again it definitely wasn't Danny's place to do that but Johnny didn't put in the effort to be given that chance even though he's his father.


Well back to waiting on my cobra Kai crack 😂

Mozart Waddell

The soundtrack in this series is epic

Mozart Waddell

Hey I've been there with the watery honey smacks with no power. Tuff it out bro. If you're not at the point you have to eat dandelions or wet flour you okay. God I don't like this kid.


Johnny already should know his living condition. He knows what the mom does. He also should have been checking on Robby because of that. Robby could have also contacted Johnny himself if he wanted to.


That water thing doesn't really make sense. Robbie is clearly heavier than Sam.


Damn why you do this to us...make us wait for Cobra Kai after 2 eps :D

Jay rellim

you’re really not sympathizing with a child who was living by himself with no power?


Why would robby ever think to go to the piece of crap guy who was absent for the first 16 years of his life and even if Danny told him robby wouldn't have gone and it would have turned into a whole thing because they didn't talk about it but I doubt he has any custody and with an incident with him fighting kids fresh on his record he not winning shit in court. Also johhny is already a lot but Danny's especially not trying to throw robby in between him and knees. Johnny has only started to put in the minimum of effort to even get close to his own son he's more focused on Miguel and kobra kai which is trash

Devin B

It's not like Robbie was complaining about his living situation, if Danny didn't try to help him then he would've more than likely tough it out.


Damn now that you said that Robbie fr looks like someone who could be in power rangers


He’s only more focused Miguel and KobraKai because he can be if Robby allowed him to try be a father for him I’m sure he would try but he knows Robby does not want that rightfully so, so he isn’t pressing the kid.

Jaime Ruiz

Please just binge this haha

Devin B

I won't say it's wrong for Johnny to give Robbie time before he opens up but Robbie not allowing him to be in his life shouldn't stop him from trying. Johnny has been absent for 16 years of his life so of course Robbie isn't going to immediately let him be with him just cause he's just now making an effort to be a dad. Johnny focusing on Miguel and Kobra Kai instead of making more attempts to be there for Robbie shows to me he rather do what's convenient for him.


@Nana right he's focused on Miguel because it's easier. And that's the problem he puts not effort in to actually mend his relationship with robby which is going to take a lot of effort to even start, so he's already not trying.


I’m sorry but I gotta disagree with sheera. Just because the mom stayed in his life means nothing if she doesn’t actually give a fuck. At that point she was just doing it out of obligation as the mother and as soon as Robbie was able to somewhat take care of himself she fucked off and just ignored him. Being around does not equate to being an actual parent, just cuz you spit a kid out your body doesn’t make you any better than the man who left said kid just cuz she was there. Just based off the intro to his character you can tell she didn’t teach him much besides to hate his dad


I personally feel like people are missing the main issue here and that’s how Robbie feels about his situation. He knows deep down that his mom is trash but since she was “around” unlike Johnny, he sees him as the bad guy. He literally hasn’t even had a chance to know the guy for most of his life and finds it more safe and comfortable to stay with a stranger like Daniel. Now Daniel not telling Johnny about Robbie’s conditions may not have been the right call but Johnny has straight up already shown that he knows what the mom is like and with the way Robbie keeps pushing him away probably thinks that he’s fine if he gives him space. Daniel and Johnny know how trash Kreese is but if you pull up on your old rival who you keep having conflicts and misunderstandings with, then with his even more trash sensei, would you even mention his son at that point? It’s not even about karate at that point, Daniel is doing his best to try and keep Robbie safe


I agree but at the same time Johnny tried to talk to the mom and has tried to communicate with Robbie directly multiple times and gets pushed away every time. Like what’s he supposed to do? Fold Robbie and be like your staying with me now? lol he’s definitely putting in effort but he can’t just abandon all his other responsibilities to try and fix a relationship his son seems to not even want. Also the dojo is his job now. He still needs money to survive


Yeah but by how much is the question. At the most it’d be unbalanced but not impossible


I get what y’all are saying but what’s Johnny supposed to do? You’ve seen the animosity his son comes at him with since the start. Forcing a relationship to be fixed is only going to lead to more conflict. He can only say so much before he sounds like a broken record. Yes he’s trash for leaving him for 16 years but you can’t expect him to have the answers after all your attempts to even talk to your son just goes unheard

Devin B

His whole situation is messed up cause he has a parent that wasn't there and is trying to reconnect but he built up too much hatred to give him a chance and he has a parent who was there but wasn't really a parent to him.

Devin B

@MetsuMonsta I agree that Johnny shouldn't push too hard cause it might have a negative effect but he shouldn't not do anything either cause if he's expecting Robbie to come to him then that's gonna be tough cause his mom left him and he still didn't try to reach out to Johnny. I think doing something is better than doing nothing in this situation.

rickie woodson

FACTS. you can live in the same house and still be an absentee parent and she is prime example. running off to gods know where with strange mean all liquored up, leaving her TEEN to fend for himself. no wonder why he became a whole criminal. #momsfault

Jose Iglesias

The lighter person just needs to stand closest to the edge while the heavier person gets closer to the middle til it’s balanced


Please react to this show called Warrior on HBOMAX


I’m Hinata…uh Miguel Diaz, from the concrete.

Adrian Valiente (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 17:48:12 The reason why I think that Miguel not being told about Robbie iwould hurt is because Johnny taught him no mercy only up until it meant his biological son & got punished for it. Also, ultimately Miguel is just a kid and he sees Johnny as a father figure, just like how Johnny sees him as sorta a second chance at a son. That's why it hurts Miguel that this was kept a secret.
2021-11-10 07:45:12 The reason why I think that Miguel not being told about Robbie iwould hurt is because Johnny taught him no mercy only up until it meant his biological son & got punished for it. Also, ultimately Miguel is just a kid and he sees Johnny as a father figure, just like how Johnny sees him as sorta a second chance at a son. That's why it hurts Miguel that this was kept a secret.

The reason why I think that Miguel not being told about Robbie iwould hurt is because Johnny taught him no mercy only up until it meant his biological son & got punished for it. Also, ultimately Miguel is just a kid and he sees Johnny as a father figure, just like how Johnny sees him as sorta a second chance at a son. That's why it hurts Miguel that this was kept a secret.

chase salii

Always watching to see the great sheralock using her sheragan lol

Alrick Campbell

Them boyz literally came out the mud.

George Jackson

I have watch this series like 8 times. I am not exaggerating. This show's characters and storylines are written so god tier. It never goes the way you may expect it to go.


The fact is that she still cared and took care of him even if she slacked off once he could do things for himself and that is still a 100% better then not doing fuck all and just abandoning your child. She's this bad now because he can take care of himself now and she feels like she missed out on her youth raising him and now is trying to relive it, which is something a lot of young parents go through. She's not the worlds greatest parent but she's better than just a name on a birth certificate. Its pretty clear robby hates him not just because of his mom but because Johnny has given him no reason not to, he been a piece of crap parent.


Nobody is saying Johnny wasn’t a trash parent for his actions but you can’t absolve the mom of any wrongdoings just cuz she’s the lesser of two evils either. Her staying still means nothing because before he met Daniel he was arguably a worse kid than Johnny. The only difference is he wasn’t running around beating people up cuz he knew karate. She only kept him because a lot of young parents don’t want to be looked at as bad for giving up their unwanted children. She did it purely out of obligation. So now that he’s not a toddler you’ve done your job and it’s time to go back to my party girl days? She literally let the power get cut off and left him to go to another country with a stranger for some dick lol. Johnny can’t attempt to be a better parent if every time he talks to the boy all he gets is “get away from me” again he earned that hate himself but for what they’ve shown us in the story so far he’s doing his what he can, maybe not his best, but the most he can without consciously making it worse

JunpeiFES .

No, they watched the movies on their own, they even mentioned it at the beginning of the video.

JunpeiFES .

Same man, i already watched this 4 times or more to the point i will get sleepy and play games instead haha then when new reactions pops up, i will do the same thing all over again haha main reason they need to bonge watch this so i don't keep doing this habit haha

Mozart Waddell

Sorry I just got personally triggered I would kill to be in his situation during my childhood. I had to eat out garbage cans and caught E-coli twice eating raw dough. Suffering is suffering though. You're both right I need to work on having more empathy for people.


he literally is Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World


"Damn Robbie got yams" Well thank god the actor is above 18, otherwise there would be a knock from Chris Hansen


The future is female