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That cliffhanger ass ending!



Yes Lupa, they did been caught that but unlike you guys I'm watching these back to back instead of weekly

Myles Guy

who watching the baby

mitch anderson

the way they end the episodes this season is awesome


Some shows won’t be affected this week. They listed which shows when they made the announcement

jesse almonte

This is honestley such a good way to do end credits


You guys should react to Locke&Key on Netflix this show is nuts


this arc I think is gonna be my favorite

Dry Lyo

I thought this was a tale of two sisters movie


I'm so excited that Orphan is in this arc

Url Robbo

The flow in the episode was chefs kiss. I like that you truly cant tell who is lying or being honest. But I agree The Shadows is playing them both.




Man Will's great haha


still how have they not realized who the dude is next to talia


I wonder if lupa realizes yet that the red hooded guy with talia and Damian is Jason Todd

Justin Neason

I think he said so when he first appeared last season, but i could definitely be trippin


This exact scene between young Artemis and Cheshire when Jade left the house was in Season 1. But it's understandable that you guys forgot, that was ages ago lmao


Iroh has so many gems he's dropping them in other shows


My man red arrow is actually being red arrow again….this arc might have the sauce

Austin Friley

The most dangerous bat family member is here😈


Lupa I know u ain’t talking bout realizing shit when u missed a whole ass Jason Todd for 2 seasons

Greg Harrison

Chill guys, the show will probably reveal it this season or the next.


guys.....we know its Jason Todd now lol yall told us already, theres just no reason to mention it. The scene wasnt about him lol

Nate Deezy

they on yall head about red hood. its not that deep yall

Devin B

Lol why is Will cooler when he's fighting as just Will than when he's Red Arrow, I was dying when he was fighting with the clipboard and a pen.


roshi we getting love is war next week? or later this week

sotonye ogan

This season is already ten times better than the last one lol


yo 5 episodes in and not once have they switched POV's to ten other characters that we don't know. I love the return to classic plot arcs I can actually focus on what's happening. Shaping up to be a solid season.


No Kaguya this week?

Ranginald Vagel

Having an Alice in Wonderland poster, implying she and Chesire read the book together, maybe one of the few positive experiences they shared as children and siblings. Reading A Tale of Two Cities for fun at that age, and books probably being her only entertainment/escape from her dad’s BS, it’s actually pretty consistent that she grew up to become a literature professor. That’s good characterization.

Stephen D

Arsenal has the right idea. Cut them both loose and let the shadows deal with them. Keeping these two around is like taking a major risk for very little gain.

Brandon Gibbs

Right now even I can't tell which one is telling the real truth. Also perhaps next week we'll finally get some answers from Jade about what's really going on with her.


Btw, Orphan (the girl in gray costume with a hood and a completely masked face) is Cassandra Cain, she's Lady Shiva's daughter and she's NOT MUTE in fact if anyone told you so. She just never learned how to speak because the only thing she would do was train. In comics, she's one of the few characters who are actually able to defeat Lady Shiva in a fight, and one of the TWO, if I'm not mistaken, who can beat her in hand-to-hand combat. The other one who can is Batman. In other words, she's pretty badass

CJ Dennis

Will was like "the pen is mightier than the sword" lol. I had a sense that we would take a break from Mars and jump into the next storyline. Although them leaving Conner's fate hanging is a little agonizing. Nevertheless, I do like that Arsenal is more of a team player now and has chilled out, and I had the same reaction about the ending lol. Also, Cassandra did have a shocked look when Vandal killed her sister so I think she did care. Lastly, idk much about Onxy from the comics but it's cool to see her as I feel like we don't see a ton of black female ninja characters.


(i thought it was a hand too)

sotonye ogan

Fax but the whole point of the episode was having artemis to help someone for her to cope with her sad phase .


Death of Superboy. Kryptonite bomb in a lava pit with no sun. Dude is done. He was punching above his weight anyways unless he gets an upgrade.


It might be unrelated, but it's something I noticed. Onyx was the sidekick of Puff in Static Shock, a character who sounds an awful like the Onyx in this episode. Might be reaching, but it's a thought I had.

Shin splits

Na I doubt it. It would literally make no sense to kill off superboy like that. If you know the L rings it means something and I’m not tryna spoil. But I doubt superboy is dead


Well my episode title acronym just fell apart...


Don't want to sound weird messaging something unrelated to the reaction, but you guys should really watch ranking of kings. Its a new anime this season and its really good. I'd say personally its my top anime this season and is equivalent to Mushoku tensei.


This wasn't a great episode for me, it felt like lot of setup but I don't know where they are going with this really. The racism in the Mars Weeding arc was a bit heavy-handed, but it was still a solid story. There was a lot of tension throughout, even in post-credit scenes, and I couldn't wait for the next episodes. I'm happy we left Mars, but I was hopping we'd get more development post-attack and from the legion.

Devin B

I'm just assuming invitation is the first word of the season acronym


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;Surrection


I was really surprised by that show. I was expecting some mild and by the numbers YA stuff, but it’s pretty decent.

CJ Dennis

Yep I thought about that Onyx character as well. 😄 😄

Reckless Company

that dude got really mad and broke the clip board just to get stab in the back by a pen that was funny also we all know connor not really dead so i have no sadness in this episode cuz they are gotta explain how he survived so im just waiting...

Revstarallstar .

You might of caught this Roshi but Artemis said “you broke the rules” when Onyx came and followed her from her home. There are reasons you cant kill in this universe bcus the villains know where everyone is and the heroes usually know where all of them are. If one tips the balance the other has to give the exact same force back. There’s a reason why superman doesn’t just bust through like injustice because they have to keep their appearances as heroes but it helps to look at it like the hereos & villains are like warring mafia groups.

Trent Ward

Bro Saturn girl and crew saved superboy and took him to the future I’m calling it


This whole "You broke the rules" thing was dumb to me at first, but then I realized something. This is world building-type plot where there's this unspoken rule between super heroes and super villains that neither are to make an assault on one or the other's personal lives ( home & family ). It prevents an Injustice-type scenario and I completely forgot last season Lady Shiva ( or Taliyah I forget who ) straight up stopped a villain from blowing up a get together the heroes had with their babies because if he went through it, the Heroes would relentlessly take revenge without a second thought and it could ruin the entire world. Makes me wonder ( since there can be time travel and universe hopping characters ) that someone from a different timeline/universe went around other universes to let the important hero and villain figures know the consequences of making direct personal attacks like would do. That'd be cool. But then again that doesn't make much sense either because Queen Bee had no issue making Garfield's mother commit suicide and everyone knew it was her so maybe I'm just honking my clown nose and I'm wrong.


You guys would love Under the Red Hood, especially Roshi. It is about the consequences of batman not killing the joker. Definitely give it a shot if you're planning on watching more DC movies!

Justin Neason

Maybe it was ok because Gar wasn't a hero at the time so they didn't expect that kinda backlash?


artemis had that amon , tarrlok and yakone flashback.


You's should watch justice league: wars. In my opinion it's pretty good 👍


Commissioner Gordon read that same passage from A Tale of Two Cities at Bruce Wayne's funeral in The Dark Knight Rises, and Bruce wasn't really dead. I'm not buying Superboy is gone until I see a body.

rickie woodson

uhm why is onyx with a whole head of hair? she's an og member of the bat family along with orpheus aka the first black dynamic duo and until batwing the ONLY black members of the bat family

rickie woodson

this is me: you both villains, i dont trust either one of yas and i dont have time for your "im turning over a new leaf" bull. yall can go kill each other, i got actual innocent people to protect. DEUCES


if either of them telling the truth then you just lost an innocent person right there and they could actually help you. unlike some other "innocent people",


I'm just like "why is the Black ninja girl's name just another word for Black?" It's like earlier when y'all were asking why the Black villains are always made of hard stuff like rocks lol.

CJ Dennis

Does the name Onxy mean black lol? Granted there are a lot of heroes with black in their title.