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what a reunion!



4:00 this is literally water 7 bro

Corey Leach

Yall niggas missed a whole psa that Paul put out a few episodes back lmao. He mentioned that Millis is Zenith hometown so that's where his home base was gonna be.

jesse almonte

This is my favorite part of the whole "child" Arc of the series.


u still posting i justice bro?


They kinda glossed over it in season one but in the episode when the beam hit everybody Ghislane said that she was the apprentice of Sword God


where's injustice?


i hate paul, fuck him, raped his childhood friend and stole her virginity, "attacked" Ghislaine when she was bathing, cheats o his wife, smacks his son without letting him explain himself because he felt inferior, encourages his son to be scum like him too then and then criticises his 12 year old son for not doing something when he didnt know a thing about what happened. ive seen enough anime to know we're going to go down the route of paul being right and rudeus growing from this but nah fuck that, rudeus has literally just tried getting home and protecting Eris


Eris is best, she attack, and she attack. she can only attack. XD Great episode though, i can't wait to see the next the few chapters animated.


They're both justified in their arguments, but next episode we should be getting Paul's pov of what's been happening, it's gonna be a real tear jerker. For clarification, Rudeus does know about the adventure's guild rules and stuff, he knows you can see stuff posted on board's in the guilds. That's how they picked out jobs on the demon continent, but Paul's letter never made it to the demon continent. They finally left the demon continent a few episodes ago, so Rudeus wouldve went to the adventurer's guild in zant port and most likely seen the letter, but he taken by the beast people, stayed in the great forest for a few months cuz of the rainy season, and went straight to Milishion after. Rudeus didn't ask about his mom first because he assumed she was also here, Norn his little sister was there after all. Also the teleportation incident affected the whole fittoa region, to get a better picture you can look up the map of Mushoku Tensei


I think its totally justified tbh that Rudy thought they weren't affected by the teleportation because when the ball exploded and caused the disaster it was pretty much right above Rudy and he was likely very far from his family's village. So it makes sense he thought it was a relatively small area of effect


Ma boi paul back


LIke ya'll said it's just s shitty situation. From Rudys perspective he didn't know how big the teleportation disaster was. His village was so far away that he didn't think it hit everyone home, so he assumed everyone was safe and it was just the city that got teleported.

Gorge Montoya

I remember the scene but forgot when it happen. Paul left the letter that explained that everyone but Norn was teleported and he was searching for them in Episode 11 when Roxy went to check on them and the family.


The fact that he didn't write a letter until he got to Millis tells me that letters don't go between continents. I'd imagine his dad's message wasn't sent to the demon continent either since rudy was constantly working jobs for the guild, he would have seen it.


Some things to clarify about the sword styles: - they said Paul was advanced in all 3 sword styles (God, North and Water). that dog running was probably north style (it's a style with no fixed rules, it's only focus is winning the fight no matter what, using any tricks necessary. - When they were attacked by a masked familiar right before the mana disaster, Ghislaine swore on her master's name, the 'Sword God Gal Farion'. the sword god is the 6th world power and is probably the 'man who took her when she was a child'.


they showed Roxy and her reading the message from Paul on the last episode before they went on break


yeah but Rudy already passed the port where Paul's message was


That goblin slaying flashback is clearly foreshadowing rudeus becoming Goblin Slayer


If I remember correctly the reason Rudy didn’t have a chance to check the adventures guild in Zant port is because he was abducted. So he literally never would have had the opportunity to check the adventures guild before this interaction.


I think Rudy's reaction to ask about Sylphie first is because before he left for his job she was so fucking helpless without him and taking care of her had become sort of a reflex. he spent very little time with his little sisters and both Lilia and his mom were seasoned adventurers who could handle themselves, so it's understandable why he thought about Sylphie first. Still kinda sucks, but understandable


To be fair about him asking about sylphy and not his mom; Zenith is an S rank adventurer and one of the strongest people in the country and Sylphy is a 12 year old girl that knows some basic magic. It absolutely makes sense to be more worried about Sylphy


Lol was that a goblin slayer reference


I think it was the way Rudy described his side of the story that really did it. He made it out to be like some cool grand adventure and his dad was probably suffering this whole time and looking for people to save. I don't think either of them is wrong to feel how they feel so honestly, it's just an unfortunate situation.


Rudeus asked about Sylphie first because his moms an ex adventurer and strong enough to be in a party with paul and ghislane, i would've asked about sylphie first too


One major saving grace for Rudy is that he was at the epicenter of the blast. How would he know just how far spread it was?


eris is the one who wants to kill paul and ruijerd is like dont get involve in family fights


That Goblin Slayer reference was legendary. Also, bro realistically what was Rudy supposed to do? He was basically reincarnated a third time he had no connections, no idea where he was, no money, had hardly practiced the language, no clue why he teleported in the first place. Was doing what he knew to do - go home. The dad is trippin just because Rudy isn't sad like him.


I watched this and said damn, got real all a sudden. Loving this season so far.


This episode made me so mad and sad


You also have to remember that Roxy took the posting at the port when they arrived. Rudy would have never seen the posting but who knows maybe there was an actual letter waiting for him at the adventurers hall.

Joshua Burns

My thing is I don’t even blame Paul that much Rudy has always acted older and more mature for his age so I assume Paul holds him to a higher standard than he would any normal kid, and the fact that Rudy didn’t even concern himself with his family even after hearing what happened just pissed me off


Exactly, Paul has to realize he was basically right where the blast was and had no idea that the blast radius would make it all the way to his village.


No, he was kinda fluent in Demon-God, but the rest I agree with you on.


Even if Paul sees Rudeus as capable, he’s still a 12 year old boy(at least from rebirth), which he payed no mind. Also Sylphie was someone who could barely take care of herself and relied on Rudy. His mom on the other hand used to be an S class adventurer so he expected her to be fine. He most likely believed his other sister was fine because he saw his other sister just fine, so you can’t really get mad at him for his thought process.


Rudy didn't do anything wrong imo, he was teleported to the other side of their world and they had to survive somehow.Their "adventure" was not easy going at all. Paul did what he had to do to survive as well, same thing.

hector torres

Paul is just a thrash dad ever since he got the maid pregnant


Man this is some good writing, neither Rudy or Paul are wrong or right. It's just a really shitty situation. Like even though Paul is as scummy as you can get, you can literally see how hard he's been working to find everyone. Then we get glimpses of Rudy's anxiety after his talk with Paul. It's all sooo good.


Man, I really dislike how the anime adapted this, tbh. Rudy straight up did nothing wrong, and during this ep they flipped the situation around to make him out to be some sort of incompetent asshole instead of the other way around here. A.) Rudy had really no reason to think/believe that the displacement disaster was as widespread as it actually was until quite a while into his journey. B.) HE'S 12. C.) "Why wouldn't you check the adventurer's guild for a note specifically addressed for this situation" lol how would he know to do this? Paul is coming at him like Rudy is an experienced adventurer, not a small pre-teen who was struggling in one of the deadliest parts of the world just to survive PLUS escort/look after his student. Goddamn.


The letter Paul posted in the guild was in the City called Zant Port which is the city they arrived in after the boat ride where Rudy went straight away to pick up the smuggled Ruijerd and then captured by the beast people. So it was not possible for him to see the message. Also the main reason Rudy asked about Slyphie first was since Norn was their he assumed his family was ok. Which of course wasnt the case. Just bad misunderstandings and assumptions by both sides.


I did not expect the Rerorero'ing. 😂


Honestly its more a lack of communication and misunderstanding between both sides. Paul on one hand had alot of expectation and hope on his son (a good and a bad thing) to the point where he forgets that Rudy is a child (even though mentally hes 40) and believed that if its anyone who could do something, it would be his son. The disappoint he felt when he realized Rudy didnt even know about the situation even though it was probably global news was what tripped him up the most. And the way Rudy made his adventure sound was alot less dangerous than what Paul imagined. On the other hand, Rudy was teleported to an unknown land with only Eris and (fortunately) a friendly native that was around to help them. While he definitely did not think of how the light might've possibly teleported others since they were near the epicenter, it was hard to put it on him as he had his fair share of things to deal with. Both sides just need to have a talk. Paul needs to understand how much Rudy had to go through and Rudy needs to keep an open mind and think broader instead of simply in the moment.

Asante Upshur-Benson

Both Paul & Rudy were in the wrong and right. This is a great example how you shouldn’t assume your strong friend/family member is doing alright just because they say so. But damn Rudy, should have been reading the room like Sheera said🤦🏾‍♂️

Devin B

I would never stand up for Paul because he is genuine trash but I do feel him in this situation. Rudy made it seem like he had a good time when he got teleported while Paul obviously looks like shit because of how much he was doing to look for his family. What made it worse was that Rudy didn't consider to think maybe there were other victims of the blast. Maybe thinking his family getting caught up was too out of there for him to consider but he should've thought about the people in the place where Eris lives. Paul knew Rudy could do more but he's disappointed that he was focused more on other people than his family.

Tyrese Marshall

I don’t believe it made him look incompetent. I think it was a pretty good portrayal of how a parent would react in all honesty even when it doesn’t make sense

Jdogzero Silverblade

rudy is 100% innocent and his father did need a beating to wake him up.

Jdogzero Silverblade

when he was hit by the disaster he was already pretty stupidly far away from everyone. might be another reason as to why he didnt think of it.


It’s hard for him to completely see them as family since he was reincarnated. The sister seen hurt and pissed me of as a big brother

Jdogzero Silverblade

give you a tiny hint. we saw sylphie this season. not saying where or with who but she was with someone we saw.


We have no idea what Paul has gone through. Paul's last memory of seeing Rudy is when he threw him to the carriage with Ghislaine. I don't remember how long Rudy was teacher in Greyrat family, but I think it was at least 3 years then add demon continent. So it's been like 5 years when they last see each other. We only have Rudy's point of view what happened in those 5 years...


To be fair his mom was an adventurer, a powerful at that. Sylphie is just a kid but yeah he should of worried about his family first.

kindomax kamara

you have to remember in his past life he didn't speak to other people so he lacks basic social skills to be able to read the room and in the light novel is says he assumed that his family were together that is why he asked about sylphe

Totally Thomas

To Rudy's defense, he, Eris, and Ghislaine were the only ones he knew got wisped away from the teleportation magic. How was he supposed to know that this effect would reach his own village and be aware of the situation. However; I would've socked him too for being a wise-ass talking shit about being around women and and his absent mother.

Devin B

I understand him being worried about Sylphie but regardless of how strong your mom is that's still your family. He could've asked about his mom, Lilia, and his two sisters after asking about Sylphie but him not doing that made him seem insensitive towards his family.


I don't have the context of the light novel but I think part of the reason for why Rudy has acted the way he has is because he's from another world. His mindset is different. He might acknowledge Paul and Zenith as his parents of this world, but it's not the same as a normal kid and parent. Just an assumption. Definitely faults on both sides, which I like. The dialogue feels more realistic.

Taylor Moon

Sheera its not that he wasn’t concerned about it its that he’s not omnipotent and can’t think of every possible outcome. His plate was full and it took everything he had in him just to get where hes at now... Paul be thinking his sone is god


idk if this has been said, theres alot of comments on this one, but the reason Rudy had not seen the message from Paul was because Paul only left messages going up to Zant Port. (Also message was at the beginning of episode 11? during the intro i think) Zant Port is where Rudy went to save the beast children so he never ended up stopping at the adventurers guild. Rudy had been stopping in to the guild for missions on the demon continent, but Roxy was one of the first people to make it to the Demon Continent with the knowledge of the teleportation incident, and the two never crossed paths to trade info. Still shame on Rudy for not even considering the rest of his family.

Viela Guay

Tbh that's a really weird assumption to make. A very "I'm the protagonist of the universe so all interesting things must center around me" perspective. Like do you think the man directly under a bomb about to go off thinks "oh the blast radius will stop at me"?

Taylor Moon

also really unfortunate all the stuff they left out that seemed pretty important from the manga like the stuff with buddy who calls rudi boss...but i have faith they’ll rectify it in the next episode... which I can’t wait for!!!


The maid was baiting him, so she was as trash as him. If you still don't understand the maid knew Paul from childhood so ofc she knew how to bait him to cheat.


For all attacking Paul we have no idea what he has gone through. We only see Rudy's point of view and they haven't seen each other for like 5 years. Last time Paul see him was when he knocked Rudy out and send him in the carriage with Ghislaine.

hector torres

Still thrash since he cheated anyway theirs no excuse

Viela Guay

Tbh I love the people using the "He's 12" excuse when not only is this a situation entirely relevant to his decision making (which has been shown to not be drastically affected by his body), but also the fact that he's almost a full grown adult by the in-world standards of age, working a professional job at a high level


bro the teleportation disaster was a global thing, that's one of the main reasons why paul is so disappointed with Rudy. How come Rudy, who has been so brilliant since he was a baby, wasn't able to gather information about the teleportation disaster? (honestly the only reason paul got so upset is because he had high expectations for rudy)


Yeah, the rudy blame makes zero sense. Paul could have just explained the situation asap if it was that fucking important.


in sensing a Endeavor redemption arc coming for Paul lol


Whether you agree or disagree on how the reunion went down, all i know is when I read this whole situation in the manga, it was one of those moments where i was once again glad I didn't listen to the naysayers and continued this story.


To be fair, Rudy, Ghislaine and eris were like at the center of the disaster so he maybe figured that it was focused on them and didn't go any further than that. It's still kind of on Rudy though because he saw that disaster was spreading out so after getting their bearings after being teleported he should've been picking up info on to see if anyone else was teleported while also trying to find a way back home. Paul knows Rudy is pretty smart for his age so he was right in thinking he should've picked up on it. I am curious though if he'll start trying to find people in his journeys.


it’s fucked how paul acted towards his son. yeah rudy was wrong in not learning more about the mana disaster, but instead of paul treating him like his son he treats him like one of his soldiers. yeah, his entire village was displaced but how would rudy know any of this? in the towns they’ve been to, they were broke and encountered all types of killers and theives. it’s not as if rudy was just dicking around. dude went through quite a bit to get where they are, and honestly if i were in his same shoes i would assume that erie and ghislane were the only ones affected by the blast. he can barely handle defending himself aganist stronger people, how can he search the continent attempting to find his family? feel like they both need to have a heart to heart and resolve this though.


That’s how I saw it cuz he’s a 40 year old guy that lived 12 years in a child’s body. He will not have a normal familial bond with his parents because he seen his whole life as a second chance. And that’s probably why he told the story in that matter because he still doesn’t realize this isn’t an adventure game and there is real consequences to what’s happening around him.

JunpeiFES .

Roshi would come back with no sheera whatsoever around and he will ask his kid "where is lupa?" 😆


It’s cuz he was in a bad state and was in a drunken state as well. And even though we know what Rudy went through, the way he told the story was obviously in a positive tone. And that probably pissed him off because he was looking for his wife and daughter and her mother as well as all the other villagers thinking they might be dead for all he knows, and Rudy doesn’t have a care in the world by the way it looks to him.

JunpeiFES .

Nah bruh, paul stayed quiet for a while! It is part his fault for not revealing the truth


They’re both in wrong but next episode it’s going to go more in depth, but even though Paul is justified in feeling what he is feeling, but he had no idea if Rudy was even alive or not, and Rudy was sent to the most dangerous continent with just Eris by his side, if Ruijerd wasn’t there they would’ve easily died. Rudy leaves out most of the bad shit that happened to him because he didn’t want to worry Paul, Paul just took it the wrong way and just expected Rudy to be perfect when he’s not.

Taylor Moon

I think Rudy's reaction to ask about Sylphie first is because before he left for his job she was so fucking helpless without him and taking care of her had become sort of a reflex. he spent very little time with his little sisters and both Lilia and his mom were seasoned adventurers who could handle themselves, so it's understandable why he thought about Sylphie first. Still kinda sucks, but understandable


The problem with Rudy was that he did not inquiry about the teleportation incident at all so he probably thinks it was just him, Eris and Ghislaine that were affected. Also he is noob adventurer despite being strong so like he said it just never occurred to him to look for messages about something he did not think about.


Yeah it’s just Paul thinks Rudy is perfect when he isn’t. He just expects Rudy to know everything when that isn’t the case.


Yeah he did that so his Paul didn’t have to worry, if Ruijerd wasn’t there Rudy and Eris would’ve died, if Paul was transferred there with Norn he 100% would’ve died. Paul just misreads Rudy’s story. I hope next episode they show Paul’s mindset before he saw Rudy again and what he was going through

DeAndre Woodruff

It's interesting that they made this sorta different from the manga. Rudy's point hit a LOT harder in the manga so I've always agreed with Rudy's viewpoint. This episode made me rethink that buuuuuuut I still agree with Rudy in the end.


I just love hearing people’s different perspectives on this. Paul and Rudy are far from perfect but keep in mind they haven’t seen each other in 6 years, Paul should’ve been overjoyed that his son is alright and giving him hope since that’s the first family member he has seen since they got teleported

toptier sagat

I think Paul acted that way because he views Rudy as a capable smart person despite his age. Remember in the first season when Rudy sonned Paul multiple times. He probably assumed Rudy was doing the same thing he was doing, trying to search for his family.

Creepy Killer

When i first saw the city my brain instantly went to "Welcome to Scala Ad Caelum"

X__Dead Man

I think rudes asked about the girl and not his mom was because he probably thought that his mom and his dad got teleported together like how he and Eros go teleported together

devin billups

Also I think Rudy assumed that since Norn was there he assumed that the rest of his family was safe in the town and Sylphie would be somewhere else since he wouldn't know how close they would be.

Creepy Killer

The letter paul is referring to is the one he sent to every guild at the end of that episode i think you might have missed it and only saw the part where he said he can't search for rudy but he believes he'll still be fine.


BIG moment for the series but even more BIG moments to come. Eris the goddess!


I love how this scenario parallels the one in the beginning. In that one, Rudy's dad assumed too little of Rudy and treated him like a child. Here his dad expects too much of him, and treats him as a prodigy. Really love the writing.


Does sheera still not know that the demon girl was talking about his disgusting amount of mana power instead of seeing his actual previous form? I thought they were corrected on that...


Ok Samon like you would just know that the Mana disaster was a global event. We saw Rudy’s adventure and not once was he informed or hinted at that it happened globally. Did you expect him to just get a random hunch?

Runner Up

He assumed his mother was safe, and not only that I think when he thought of the people of the village being teleported, he remembered the kid that used to bully Sylphie and then his train of thought led to Sylphie.


I know Paul was mad that Rudy for not going to the Adventurer's Guild in Zant Port, but didn't they get there, go get Ruijerd, and then he immediately got captured? He didn't really have a chance to check the Guild after that


Don't really know how you can blame Rudeus quite as much for thinking about Sylphie before the mom because he has memory of his past life and that mother is technically like a step mother in a way. Rudeus had actual attraction toward Sylphie and he still cares about the mom but it isn't like a normal mother and son relationship. You can blame him but it isn't the same.


Also he has memory of his past life and everything after that. It isn't a normal mother and son relationship. Rudy still clearly cares about his mom but it seems like it would be more of a step mother kind of relationship even though he is in the body of her child he still has the mind of his past life as well. Rudy liked and was attracted to Sylphie and really cared about her. You can blame Rudy for saying that but it really isn't the same when he asks about Sylphie before the mom. Also his mom is strong and he knows that she was in the guild the dad was in so Rudy would worry less about his mom compared to Sylphie since she wasn't as capable of taking care of herself back then.


That guy they were traveling with at the start really reminds me of that God Rudeus sees sometimes when he sleeps..


Also, it makes sense to worry more about Sylphie as she is just a little girl. She has magic but she would be less able to take care of herself than even Eris. Zenith is a retired S-class adventurer, so she should be expected to be able to survive where ever she ends up.


are you gonna react to one piece episode 1000


Lupasan, the demon Rudy met was Kirishika, the Demon Empress. The seven great powers included the Demon God. This might be where the confusion comes from.


Yeah he probably don't have that emotional attachment but it's really weird that he met his step-dad and step-sister and still didn't occur to him to ask where is his step-mom like she's the only person that is missing in front of you. I mean when you visit your uncle and you notice your aunt is absent wouldn't you ask where she is? it's just weird.


It's funny how great the discussion on Mushoku. It's feels great being able to talk about how good is the series. Instead of the toxic and hater mentality we had in the 1st cour.


He is not 100% innocent, they got caught up in a crazy blast that teleported him and for a year and a half he never thought hmm maybe I should try to contact my family or did this happen to others? And after having stuff explained to him and seeing the state his dad is in he tries to imply Paul is out here messing around with women and then thinks about Sylphy before his own mom.


looool they didn't get the hoblin slayer ref


Don't blame Rudy for asking about Sylphy first. It's all about the relationship dynamic. Zenith healed, bathe and fed him since he was an infant, in Rudy's subconscious she is the one protecting, not the one needing protection. Eris and Sylphy on the other hand are his students and Rudy was the one protecting, teaching and caring for them. I guarantee that if you saw a child and an adult drowning your first instinct would be to save the child, it's just how humans are wired. Paul on the other hand sees his wife as someone who needs protection, this was probably the power dynamic since they met. Paul the swordsman protecting the cleric of the party and they when they got married didn't he swore to be by her side forever? Obviously he turned to drink, it must be devastating for a man, especially a proud one like Paul, to be unable to protect his wife and kids. Then comes Rudy along, saying all the wrong things, having totally different priorities than Paul, accusing him of abandoning his family for some other woman.

Malcolm Washingon

The thing that really pisses me off is that the whole situation with Paul is Rudy's fault. None of that fight should have happened. How do you not take one look at this mans Paul and not see the haggerdness, the alcoholism, and the depression. Paul visibly been thru some rough shit, why would you not immediately find out tf happened to him? To everyone. If ya find ya dad after a year apart and he looks like that shouldn't you wonder where TF mom and sister and rest of family is? Like yo! Then instead of telling Paul what he actually went thru he frames the last year as a goddamn adventure story. He tells that to a man obviously going thru some rough shit. Like Paul shouldn't have reacted so violently, he shouldn't have been so condescending. But I cant blame him too much for it cuz Rudy sitting in front of him fucking fine talking about how much fun he's had with his friends despite a little difficulty while it looks like Paul is barely keeping himself together desperately searching for his whole family. It all coulda been avoided, they coulda had a real reunion. But Paul to alcoholic and depressed and Rudy to fuckin oblivious to actually speak. Fuck you thought your dad was leading a group that kidnapped a kid and you didn't think to ask about that shit? Like yo it's so clear that shit is fucked and Rudy just waltzes and talks like almost nothing is wrong and I think that's what gets me. A minimum of basic concern on Rudy's part would have stopped the meeting from becoming a confrontation.


You really can't blame Rudy for anything. He got teleported first while in a city so far away from his home they knocked him out and he still hadn't arrived by the time he woke up. Its like a bomb going off Florida and worrying about NY. Also the demon land is the most dangerous of all the lands and he literally met with the supposed worse demon first thing when he woke up. Dudes only a kid (and its not really explained in the anime but his mental state is getting younger to match his body. Even if he was 30 something before he has the mind of a kid now.)


You need to consider that Rudy doesn´t even see his family as his family. So it would be logical to think about the people that are around you first and he got teleported to the most dangerous continent of all. Another thing is that it feels like his Father doesn´t treat him like a father should, so how should Rudy have any family feelings towards his dad. You also need to consider that Rudy was an antisocial, paedophile with narcissistic traits in his previous life.


They're both in the right and both in the wrong. They both should've communicated better with each other instead of jumping to aggression (though Paul was the first one to do so, but you could also argue that was cuz Rudy provoked him, which was also because Paul was getting on his ass like crazy. I would've fought back with words too.). One thing though, I feel like Paul should at the very least be thankful and proud that his son was able to survive, and not get kidnapped or tricked or what have you. He was sent farther than most of the village, to the fucking DEMON continent of all places, and he came back to human territory in one piece. That in itself is an accomplishment, not "goofing around." Ngl, I would be pissed af too like Rudy if my parent said I was goofing around when they weren't even with me during the shit I did. "Oh, you wanna assume I was goofing around? Then how about I assume that you're fucking around? Two can play at that game, bitch." I get that's probably not the right mindset, but if you're still looking for your dad's approval now and then and he's all like that, that's gonna be irritating. But again, both of them are right and both of them are wrong.


Also, Eris has always been impulsive. Why did you act so surprised when she's like, "I'll murder him" when her boy was feeling down? That's been her personality for the entire show. Except instead of just violence, it's violence to protect Rudy. ;) That moment at the end was cute af. Ruijerd best wingman?


His dad's a dumbass though, technically his son is like 12 and instead of being happy his son is alive he's bitter because the rest of the family is missing. The way he ditched his son and clung to his daughter was kind of scummy as well. Instead of acknowledging that Rudy was in a dangerous place and was trying to protect somebody, he started insinuating that he was doing it for pussy. Paul is a scumbag, I think Rudy is an idiot too for not reading the room and insulting a stranger but that's about it.


Pointing this out as a spoiler is a spoiler. Those of us who don't know any better now know it's a fact rather than an idea. Not cool...


Paul is in the wrong mostly, not rudeus. Paul is beyond unreasonable, and that is because from the way he is talking he expects more from rudeus then himself. He talks about how he expected more from rudeus but at the same time, you can see how paul is struggling and he is a experienced adventerure unlike rudeus. So if Paul is struggling he can't expect rudeus to do better just because he is smart and talented. All he is doing is making assumptions based on his own expectations of rudeus even tho he hasn't seen him for this entire time. Oh, you should be able to do this and that and this. If he is struggling he can't expect rudeus to pull through perfectly as a rookie adventerur in a demon continent and just do perfectly. It's unreasonable as hell even for talented and skilled people. Besides Paul said it himself Rudeus had a bodygaurd like rujierd that guided him through the demon continent what if rujierd wasn't there? Would rudeus be able to do everything you expect? Maybe rudeus is also just human like you paul........ And maybe that is why he had a bodygaurd like rujierd. The same worry he should have for his wife( who is already a experienced adventurer unlike rudeus) And his other children that same worry he should have for rudeus. Rudeus is not jesus just because he is more mature then the average kid. I bet there are plenty of talented smart people that still meet a early end because that isn't always what matters.

Taveon Staten

yall gotta member rudy didnt even know what happened to him the god guy told him what happen cause if you remember he thought he died and he didnt have any idea of what a mana explosion does how would he know it effected anyone else when they were so far out also and then the reason he said something about sylvie first and not his mom is because he thought that would of been the first person paul would find

Wadesworth Lawrence

I believe the letter that Paul left at the port got picked up by Roxy and her party so Rudy Couldn’t have seen it


Finally Pantsu warrior was punched back to reality. I hope this is the last time we see that retard running with panties on face and licking them ..... Fucking disgrace


U should keep in mind the anime does not adapt the manga


The issue Paul has with Rudy is that Rudy never once asked or cared to ask about his family. Even when Paul told him, his first concern was Sylphie. Ever since he got teleported he never tried to send them a message, never tried to get news or anything. All he did was worry about fixing the Superd reputation. Rudy could have gotten home safely at any point, all the danger and hard times he had was because he chose to help Ruijerd.


I really hope they do a good job at explaining Rudy's point of view of the whole situation cause some ya'll niggas are some clowns in the comments, acting like ya'll would do this or do that or think about this, in a fucking fantasy world with some unknown shit. I ain't gonna waste my time explaining Rudy being in the right, I'll let the anime do the work and put on the clown makeup on all you folks.


I mean he did create a religion around them. And he is mentally an adult, so he is pretty set in his ways, but yeah it’s weird.


I recall in the first season they showed a letter pinned to a board and Paul was narrating it, basically telling the situation. At least I think that was the case. I mean that’s why Roxy was out and about, she was looking for him after seeing it, I think.

Daniel Borrego

its not just thier village, its eris' hometown too and probably many other places(think of evangelion in north america's s2 engine blowing up or whatever you call it, that kinda of area disaster). it was a HUGE area of people getting teleported. I dont blame rudy for not really thinking about it, as he was in the middle of nowhere at the time because he was demonstrating his cumulonimbus spell. But what is messed up is when he thought about silphi and didnt even think about his mom or the maid or his other sister. his family in other words. rudy was only concerned about his harem collection. his otaku is showing in otherwords. its an excellently written scene as both rudy and paul are both right and wrong. i think paul sees rudy as a grown up already and was really betting on him solving this as hes always been exceptional before, to the point where he dresses down paul as a kid. the ironic part of this is because of what rudy has done on the demon continent, helping rujerd, he should be able to fairly easily find his mom and who ever else is missing. remember rujerd can find anyone with his third eye.


Theres also the fact that his mom was an adventurer, ON PAULS LEVEL. Why wouldn't he assume she'd be just fine?


Paul really looking at his own son like a deadbeat dad

Moses T24

Honestly, I think when Rudy saw his father, he assumed his mom was okay too, that's why he was shocked when his dad told him that his mother is missing too. I'm with Rudy on this one especially because he didn't know that the impact of how many people got teleported was that big. Remember that god literally had to tell him what happened cause he thought he died

Tj Denby

did anyone else get that goblin slayer reference? lol


WTF? no thats not it at all. Rudy's reaction after realizing he teleported was that He will have one of those Isekai adventures. Never once did he think about his family or even write a letter to them. Its the theme of the first season as well, Rudy is way too cocky and honestly too horny to think about his siblings and family he has not seen in more than a decade. Clearly Paul didn't find his mother. Rudy even monologues about Paul being right about the fact that he didn't think about his mother

Jeffrey Siu

how are you supposed to expect that kind of blast radius...and rudeus was in the same city as it, right?

MatchStickWick Box

To be fair, Rudeus was at the exact epicenter of the incident, so he had no clue how wide the spell had reached. The fact that it reached that far is surprising. How far away was the manor from the village anyhow?


Two references yall missed on this episode: Goblin slayer and shimoneta-a boring world without a concept of sex jokes.


You guys talk like anyone who is in a completely desperate and terrible situation like Paul would even consider Rudy’s point of view after he made it sound like he was on a vacation compared to what he has gone through. And when he found out Rudy was in a team of three of completely OP people “goofing around”, he felt like all of that was such a huge waste in the last year during which his wife, and little daughter mightve been in a state of slavery, rape, and even worse things.

Pilligrim Ilyas

About Sylphie. In anime, it wasn't shown but in LN was. Rudeus thought to himself that if Paul and Norn were here then it meant that his whole family is here safe and sound too. I guess he thought so subconsciously. That's why he asked about Sylphie first. Because she wasn't part of his family, thus was the only one who was in a potential danger


Nah, Fuck Paul, "yOU cOuLDn't FiNd oUt abOUt the oTheRs?" Nigga! Your son and your cousin's daughter got transported to the MOST dangerous spot possible for a human to be sent to and you just breeze over that? How about you start with "Hey Son, nice to see you. We haven't found your Mom and Aisha yet, but I have Norn with me. Also, everyone in here is from Buena Village."


I'm pretty sure its because of how mature Rudeus acts that Paul expected more of him. Paul even said, some episodes back when everyone got teleported, something like Rudeus I know your most likely fine and have probably already realized what is happening so this message is to everyone else, please help me find my family. Paul saw Rudeus almost as his equal so he believed that Rudeus would also be out there finding the victims and his family.

Storm King

UI is right, because Rudeus is soooo mature for his age he sees him more as an equal so it was easy to forget he's physically a child. Yes he did screw up as a father for not putting that his son is safe above everything else but he was probaly stressed from looking for his family for so long. He only has his daughter and just based on his looks you can tell he's not having a good time.


In an earlier episode Paul was Narrating that he left messages for Rudy while he was searching for their family. Also Norn is his full sibling, while Aisha is his half sibling.

Friendly Elites

it was at least a good few days journey by cart, so i'd say probably a few hundred miles

Ever Alezano

The focus is terrible in this one smh :/

Jaime Ruiz

Rudy did nothing wrong, he’s a ducking child. Imagine being a dad and then just sucker punching your ten year son hahah. Dog shit father alert.

Retroactive Gamer

"Read the room"? Come on, He's a 12 year old according to them and he just reunited with his father who turned out to be a drunk asshole who PUNCHED his 12 year old in the face. I don't care what he was mad about decking a child full punch when your a 30 year old and while you're shitfaced automatically makes you wrong. Nothing he should have said even if he flipped out should have led to that. And even though Rudy is older he doesn't know that. If I bumped into a dad like that i'd look for the rest of my family and tell him to F off. Also they have already said letters took forever and were unreliable even from Eris' house to Roxy's kingdom so what are the chances that he could have sent anything from the Demon Continent or the Doldia Village. He literally just made it to the human place that day and we about to send a letter. And if a tornado happens in Maine people days and days travel away aren't going to be wondering about their family, and he had no way of knowing the teleporting happened to anyone besides him until he got back to where they are now, at least most likely. Also he's not bugging he thought because his dad, Lilia and sisters were fine, that his mom was fine so why wouldn't he ask about Sylphie?


hhe was abducted by the beast people


I don't see why Rudy would be expected to assume that the whole nation got nuked by the mana disaster, like he and Eris were right at the impact point, as far as he was aware it could have been related to the person who was fighting Ghislaine at the time.


Rudy is going on with cliché isekai tropes. seeing group in trouble and rescuing them in the nick of time, but here they got clapped. using shady decisions to work with criminals to earn money real quick and he assumed no one would catch him, but he did get caught. Rudy has always been a work by himself and his plans that never have a back up when shit goes south


Idk if anyone explained this but the reason Rudy missed the note in the adventurers guild in Zant Port ( the port they arrived in after the boat they took from the demon continent --> Millis Continent ) was because when they first arrived they had to go get ruijerd from the smugglers and then rudy got taken by the beast people and they essentially skipped over Zant port.


"cliche" this is one of the first isekai's to make the "cliche's" so it's not cliche in this case it's just original.