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Principal straight up embarassing Koro



Aizen's VA being Aizen


Damnn early drops nice nicee


Heavens feel 3 drop👀

Alex cleveland

Good ass uploads, but hopefully we getting one more Ass Class bro 😎

Kevin Campos



When I saw the principal for the first time, I thought he was Karma’s Father 😂😂😂


I still think that's his dad. The mom cheated 🤣


8:38 Sheeras theory doesnt work, people wont try to achieve higher if they can reach a comfortable position but like weve seen in the show people will maintain to avoid being lowered to less than others


That bit by Lupa at the end was great! “I wonder why? Because you’re sick...”

Devin B

Lol they both have certain vibe to them that I wouldn't blame you if you thought they were related somehow


yeah the idea from the principal is logical. just extremely harsh. It won't do any good to the kids in the E class. but hey 95% are above average. but I think its possible to understand him and the method. I bet that if we didn't see the prospective of the E-class but a different one we maybe would have a different opinion


You guys should take a math test and make a whole reaction video out of it lol

Alex cleveland

I love the Naruto reference lmfaoo

Jay Voorhees

All I hear is Aizen scheming and plotting 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't know about you guys, but I would very much rather get my child a **MUCH** healthier learning environment for their education. 😂


this is japan were talking about, the land of tiger moms who expect perfect scores in everything from their kids 😂 (not stereotyping btw im Japanese and its definitely a real stereotype)


Yeah, but look at how scared some of those kids are of being in the 'END' class. I'd rather have my kid grow up being able to bounce back if they fail rather than being conditioned to think it's all over if they fail. 😂


yeah once again youre kind of expecting too much emotion from japanese parents


The only thing I'm expecting is for me to do WAY better for my kid than to send to them to a Koro-Sensei-less school like that. 😂 You're the only one talking about tiger moms here.


im talking about the way it would be considered in japan, the country its based on. i thought you were criticizing Japanese parents so i pointed out the difference in cultural expectations

Antonio Williams

Just to address what Sheera said about making Class E the elite class. That goes against the model the principal wants to have. Since he wants the elite to be the norm in the school, he basically punishes mediocrity and uses it as an example of what not to do, instead of rewarding the excellent few. Basically by saying "class E is where you don't want to be" is allows the highest number of students to strive to excel instead of offering a small number of students a spot in an elite class which would allow the majority of students to feel its alright to coast by since it's easy to say "well I'll never make it to the elite class"


"Be careful you don't become that which you fight against." This is your ASS CLASS PSA for the week! Happy Friday!!!


but yea no shot my kid staying in this school if i was a parent of a e-class kid or not, shit is logical but at the same time illogical for after the kid leaves the school. Failure will never be the end all be all unless its the most deprived situations. Which this principal is trying to make himself and koro is fixing.


Sheera's theory would just make it a regular school. People will accept that they're not in the top 5% but fight against being in the bottom 5%

Immoral Mortal

But graduating from the best school in the country E-class or not looks amazing on a resume so maybe that is why some people keep the kids in the class

Ali Sparks

Loving watching this show with ya'll, this shit is so good


Sheera's whole thing for fixing the school system would eventually turn into the exact same thing. If you have a higher stage of class that people want to be in, once people start getting into it they're going to look down on everyone not in it

Darren Banks

Not even just that. As someone who was a member of my school's "gifted" class for overachieving students, it actually demoralized the rest of the students from attempting to strive for it. Most of these types of advanced classes (that aren't your typical AP or IB programs here in the states) are merit based with testing on completely different metrics than regular schooling and are rife with school board / parent politics. If your parents weren't an active presence in the school, your chances of getting in were nil. Fear of failure has always been a better motivator than a fear of being average.


Making E class the best wouldn’t really work The principal wants the majority to be the best not only a handful.Also if he did just only want a handful of students be elites it would end up no different than what he’s doing now,treat the majority of the school the worst and the handful the best


being the best isnt always a good motivator. theres always ppl who would prefer to stay average or not try as hard. however, its far more scarier to have a place to fall to. the fear of being the worst is much more powerful than the hopes of being the best


except the principal's model is dumb af because even if the kids in the E class are motivated to do better they have to jump through more hoops to make it out of there. If he only punishes mediocrity why make it harder for the kids who DO improve to get back into the hard working majority?

Antonio Williams

Because a one strike rule ensures no laziness (outside of delinquents like Karma). If you knew that class E is treated horribly and that there's virtually no way to actually get out you'll more than likely do everything in your power not to end up there right? It's the ultimate deterent. That's like a country where any crime, even crosswalking results in the death penalty. It'll be absolutely immoral, but I assure you most citizens wouldn't dare dream of testing the system


Not at all, the rest of the school would still have access to functional facilities and be treated normally. Infinitely better than the current situation in every way.


Nah E class definitely would have superior treatment in comparison