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Damn I just realized I thought I was big brain by thinking homegirl was M'gann's sister but forgot yall told us these people are from the future. Theory clapped into oblivion



Lupa's math: Might be dead + in the speed force (Wallied) = oop


As a child... I really disliked legion of superheroes... I can't remember why exactly but I'd probably narrow it down to being unconventional and bland


Roshi Justice would end the show in two episodes

Ejay 火

They took a depressed ass beast boy to a whole new planet and expected him to be good?

Guerry Nine

lmao 5:13 this was literally the meme "Source?" "Trust me Bro :)"


Season 4*

JD Watkins

The episode number Roshi

jesse almonte

All I can think of is Squidward screaming "Future"


Title says Season 2 instead of 4. Not a big deal just letting y’all know. Also, when can we expect the rest of YOU season 3?

mitch anderson

Is it just me or does Beast Boy seem a lot angrier than usual?


I wonder if this is going to cause the Martian extinction

Ranginald Vagel

Man’s stressed, from the beginning of the season it’s clear he’s become a workaholic.


Ma’alefa’ak experiencing intense trauma and pain from being abandoned by his sister and left alone with a family that discriminated against him because of the colour of his skin - "Grow up" - Sheera

Trayvon Brown

She's not wrong. You can only use your bad childhood to justify your shitty actions for so long. At some point you have to deal with your trauma in a healthy way and move on.


On Garfield’s phone, was that a photo of the Outsiders hanging out with Killer Frost? Wasn’t she arrested last season?

Mr. Valkiriyan

Is it strange how each of those "heroes" use a different martian power? One has mind powers, one phases through stuff, and the other shape-shifting and it would make sense that they don't have the same powers because they all escaped different ways.


Guess we’re watching season two now….


Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if they weren't from the future, the sister was with M'gann and co. at the Zeta tube while the ring wearing people elsewhere at the same time, no?

Smash Bran'Discootch

LMFAO bruh she said "she'll recognize my mind touch" because she literally said in the previous sentence "she got a momentary read on me". As in Miss Martian already touched her mind when she noticed them. So if they got too close and miss martian picked it up again, she would recognize it because of her noticing it right then. Like...she doesn't know her lmao. You missed the first part of that sentence my guy


Can yall see how much their patrons has grown when u got it they were at like 12k they are at almost 13.2 k 🤯


Where is harly quinn

Smash Bran'Discootch

It fluctuates pretty wildly. Check it around the beginning of the month and it normally drops pretty significantly then picks back up after the first week or two in the month. Checking it in the last couple weeks of the month is usually the best indicator of how many patrons they have cause by then anyone who couldn't renew their patronage for financial reasons usually has time to come back.


As a Gargoyles fan I appreciate this plot callback...Demona trying to kill off all the humans with a virus.


Yo Sheera that’s not really fair to be like “grow up” to M’gann’s brother. He’s going about things the wrong way but you gotta see where he’s coming from. Him and M’gann were literally the only 2 whites among an entire racist community of greens minus their dad. He was younger than M’gann and even she didn’t know how to handle it, she was the only one he could depend on as well and she just ran away and didn’t say anything to him and left him to fend for himself. Then comes back home after 10 years and quite literally virtually replaced him with a brother from an entirely different species and beast boy didn’t make it any better trash talking him as well. M’comm isn’t handling this in the healthiest of ways but what do you expect from the boy when your whole life has been endless witch hunting (for lack of a better term) in your own neighborhood. He’s tried the peace route like his parents wanted and nothing changed. So now after years of abuse you want him to forget about it after the Queen is just now barely making any progress? Sorry not attacking you guys or anything, I just wanted to help show he’s not just some crazy invalided unjustified terrorist. Again his actions aren’t ok but I can see his plight

None None

Maybe someone's pulling a Vivy and trying to go back in time to stop human-martian relations from becoming a thing. So they're trying to stop this wedding ceremony because it's a major historical event. And these legion of superhero guys are mixed breed martians who like existing, so they're trying to stop him from sabotaging it.

Revstarallstar .

I love the way ya’ll be shooting theories out there. You all have 10% success rate when it comes to first impressions and theories lmao. I love it


It very well could as J'onn is supposed to be the last of his kind lore wise.

Adrian Valiente

man yall dont trust anyone lmao


The fuck is going on with Beastboy? Like i'm getting the impression he isn't JUST stressed by everything...Something's really off.


Also...I find it disturbing how the sadistic fuck that is Desaad drops such a truthbomb that is so trivial it makes sense...Racism is so fricking petty.

Robert Solis

steel was in last season ...


That was my initial thought as well, but you can both be correct.


try to watch inuyashiki bro its really good


You guys should watch "Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi," its also animated by Mappa and its pretty s-tier


Please watch "Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru great" new isekai anime


Low key? You're big mad. Pedo rape show? I've watched all the episode of it as it was airing and there wasn't any pedophilia in it. Judging by your ability to write a sentence in English, I'm going to assume you're a kid.

Weekly Flo

He's stressed with a lot of stuff, you'll see next episode what's going on

Weekly Flo

Saturn Girl is definitely the waitress from the end of season 3. She isn't Mgann's sister. She's from the future. She will be recognized because M'gann got a psychic read for a brief moment, not because she knows her from before. She was also the girl with the binoculars watching her fly to mars. I have a feeling, I know what their reason for being there is, but we'll see. Also, Ma'alefa'ak is definitely in no way justified, but there is an explanation. He's sick of the racist hierarchy in place because decades of trauma essentially and more that he's now working as an adjacent with Darkseid. I think it's a bit naïve to say grow up, but it isn't wrong to be mad at him for what he's done and doing. Yall will see what's up with Beast Boy next episode and what's really going on. Yeah, Mgann couldve done a better job preparing them for the martians psychic strength, but it's not her fault that beast boy tried to attack them with a literal predator shift, of course they were going to attack him for that, he was way outta his playing field doing that.


I don’t think beast boy actually meant to predator shift. Yes he was pissed but I think it was more animal instinct to protect himself and he kinda just shifted automatically and didn’t bother trying to consciously stop it since he was so upset.


i disagree with sheera's grow up at some point comment his older sister who was supposed to look out for just left him alone

Smash Bran'Discootch

How is that her responsibility? Like she said, she was a kid too. Maybe if they were orphans or something i could agree with you that she was supposed to look out for him, but THEY HAD PARENTS. They STILL have parents. That was in no way her responsibility. Kids leave home. Its what they do. I have four older siblings, at at some point, they all left home. And am i trying to destroy most of the people on the planet? No. He's being a brat and putting the responsibility for HIS actions on everyone else, blaming them for his choices. He needs to grow tf up and start taking responsibility for his own actions.

Thalia Philippe

When is Alice getting posted?? I’m about to stay up all night. Ready to cry my heart out again

Kitsune Tengu

Hold on Just a little while longer~ Hold on Just a little while longer~ Everything will be alright~ Everything will be alright~


Yo, ya'll should react to the "Titans" show on HBO Max. It's not the greatest but still interesting in its own right.

CJ Dennis

I agree about the end credits, it's a good way to add to the stories if there is not enough room for them in the main story.


Lol the telepathy is really saving budget. They don’t need to animate lips.

Brandon Gibbs

Man I tell ya, I can understand about where her bro was coming from about being abandoned and all but he STILL did bad last time and has become very corrupted in the process.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Being suspicious of everyone guys isn't figuring stuff out, it's just being suspicious of everyone.

rickie woodson

i dont see whats funny about the racism in the show but ok............

rickie woodson

so the PRINCE is jemm not his father ok ok. still dont get why they made them martians instead of saturians but ok..................

rickie woodson

lupa doesnt know the legion?? time to break out that encyclopedia! also its been a year and at the end of the season we saw imra (saturn girl) as a waitress waiting on them at a diner. maybe they became friends over the past the year? or the legion have interacted with them on a mission as the heroes in dc travel in time all the time (legion to the past; justice league to the future)? both are ways she could have met m'gann

rickie woodson

nah. psychic screen is just a hint she is a telepath...........any race can produce a sensitive. i mean maxwell lord is human.....jean grey is from earth...... time for a legion of super heroes retro reaction watch lol

Reckless Company

is saturn girl there future daughter cuz that shit would be fire

CJ Dennis

She would have to be a distant descendent, because the Legion of Superheroes are from the 31st century.

Reckless Company

I don’t know shit about the legion of superheroes imma do some research

CJ Dennis

Or watch the animated series and my amv 😎. https://youtu.be/_RWSLozg2Zw