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The perverted cat is here!


Kitsune Tengu

The joke "I stumbled into God" was them just playing with the words, where kamimashita can mean "I stuttered" and if you take only the KAMI part out of the KAMIMASHITA then you have kami meaning God, so that's why they said and did that, I love monogatari for their way to always play with the words that way hahaha

Simone Resni

Is it just me or there's some echo since 12:15 or so?


Wait, did nobody mention the reason theres no other people, or that all the bikes/cars are the same is because Ararararagi is literally uninterested in/not paying attention to them?

Kitsune Tengu

that's how it's supposed to be, as they are talking as if they were the radio, sometimes they do this kind of things, not only they play with the visual but also with the audio in all aspects.

None None

The voice actress joke was in the original book. Except there, the joke was that the reader obviously had no idea what the hell she sounded like when she imitated his voice.

Weltall Gaia

The whole thing is pretty much from his perspective, and he is a little bit of an unreliable narrator. So some things deliberately come out skewed.

Weltall Gaia

A bear cat is a type of asian animal. In china, giant panda is translated as big bear cat. Everytime they start talking weird like that, you can pretty much just assume they are throwing puns and wordplay at eachother.


The "blandness" of the world is intentional, at least I think. The reason all the bikes and cars are the same is because they're not important. So I guess it's also easier on the animators lol.


No, i knew that, i just coulda swore they commented on everything looking the same way back in the beginning, and coulda swore at least someone explained WHY it was like that. They at least caught the bit about it being his perspective, so i was surprised they didnt catch the bit about the backgrounds/cars/bkes/people etc too.

Random Guy

I think the reason why everything is bland, is as you said, it's from the point of view of Araragi. When you are not focusing on something in the background it might as well be the same thing to you, something like a white noise. Cars in the background for example, it can be a toyota, it could be a porsche, it could be a hyundai but since its just in the background and he isn't paying attention , to him it's all just cars.

chou sion

oshino goated af, his only contender is the con man himself, but yall gon meet him later