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Loving this slow buildup they are doing with Daniel!



Amanda is the least supportive 2000's Wife ever. smh

JunpeiFES .

Cobra kai cobra kai cobra kai!!


Give me all the Cobra Kai! So hyped for these reactions 🙌


Let''s go!


Yessssss been waiting for this


guys the shit was Jonny’s shit not a dogs lmfaoo


bruh i think yall defeding johnny too much he literally missed 16 years while she was raising him by herself. Now she cant do it and he can only be a Dad when its convenient.


I’m pretty sure she’s been like this his whole life as well or else’s he wouldn’t be such a delinquent 💀


Dude chose Miguel over his son lmao


@Sandy, having a father there for you would've probably helped though 💀

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

The musket pun was pretty clever I"ll give Tom that credit. Also, don't know if you caught it but the "dog shit" was Johnny too he literally took a shit on the billboard that night as well.

JunpeiFES .

And now i am sad again because is no double drop lol nice episode thought, thanks!

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

One aspect of the show that's done so well is neither Daniel nor Johnny (especially considering he's our MC) are portrayed above the other significantly as perfect people. They both got issues to get under control that is born from their own mistakes, and seeing the little wins both get is nice to see.


It’s just parental hyperbole. Most parents have that thought when their kids disrespect them, but very few will actually kick them out for that.


they're not double dropping in the normal sense but this is the second ep of this week, so I guess they're just adding it onto a different day now

The Pebble

That's true for "in the moment" T D, but she's watching a show with no personal agency in the situation at all, and she's still saying that shit, so I don't think that's a plausible reason for this situation; I'm just saying that's really petty and small minded for a parent to think that way about their own kid.


I know it’s really early to think about what show will replace Cobra Kai between season 4 and 5, but a good show to follow up would be On My Block. Very similar in tone, and it gets wild pretty fast.

rickie woodson

going to go cook this chicken fried rice then its time to sit with the crew and hai ya chuck this shit! WHOO! #latenight #schoolnight


At 2 episodes a week they won’t synch up with season 4 premiere… maybe they should drop Assassination Classroom 🤔

JunpeiFES .

I know. It is better than once a week but it is just a pity request, that is all lol

JunpeiFES .

I saw new season is up. Season 1 is wild, two was meh and third was good. I still need to check season 4

JunpeiFES .

They won't, but instead of adding a new show, just finish up what they have, and maybe they can even relax for a bit.

The Pebble

Easy choice though, he's fucked his relationship with his son since birth, Miguel barely knows him and puts a lot of faith in him; For a man with no faith in himself, that's a big deal and probably moves his heart far more than his son rightfully just talking shit to his face.


Wouldn't say its an easy choice. Johnny can risk his relationship even more with his son. If his son knows that his dad finally stopped trying and put his attention to another kid, that makes it so much worse. Bad parenting right there.


For me season 1 was and 4 were the weakest, and 2 and 3 were pretty solid, so maybe you’ll like season 4.

The Pebble

You say that, but it's a good writing choice, no actual Human would make that choice, but it sets up great possible conflict for the future which is what all forms of media indulge in, without good conflict there is no point to any story, if everything was good choices and rainbows there would be nothing worth watching unless you like nothing but overly-wholesome fake stuff lol


lol now you bring up the writing which is completely different to what my original comment is meant for.


that 'dog poop'

rickie woodson

more like you werent around to see it. i was bullied my entire life, even at work so it didnt stop after high school. balloons with bleach instead of water, name calling, threats, beat downs, etc etc. but hey im from a different generation and a whole other time zone. they dont play in the south and teachers dont give a FUCK. never have, never will

rickie woodson

LOVE this scene for sam. not her but how she effortlessly did that combo like that is how a kunoichi says "boy bye" lol


i started watching this cause of the gang and feel guilty cause i be watching ahead lmao i can’t wait to see how they react to further episodes

The Pebble

Huh? You say that as if this is a competition, we're just discussing the episode from every angle :/, stop trying to act like we're attacking each other or some shit and bring up an arguing point for your perspective, otherwise this is a pointless conversation -_-

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, remember when the guy said he thought he stepped in dog shit and then they asked how a dog got up there? Yeah. Johnny shit up there while he was drawing the dick on the billboard. That was the joke lol.

The Pebble

You know what? Nevermind, having actual conversations with the scum like you in this community is pointless, just go jerkoff or whatever you do with your pathetic little life, can't enlighten each other as people, just have to try and "win" petty arguments on social media, you're pathetic just like everyone else that does this, fuck you bitch

The Truth

What? That makes no sense, you expect him to go over to his house and do what? He already went to him and faced him, how is that choosing Miguel over him? Miguel is the one the believes in him that got him to feel like he was younger again and he needed to face his mother. He has a long way to go for his son to respect and believe in him again, it’s not going to happen in one night


@Herp, whoa calm down there lol. Obviously the writing is good. It makes people like or dislike characters. Discussions can be made about how the characters actions are good or bad ones. That's the purpose of watching a show and what led to my comment. You tried taking away from that by brining up the writing and suggesting that I would prefer "overly-wholesome fake stuff" lmao. Take a chill pill dude. If people only thought about the writing perspective then that pretty much takes away how a person can be emotionally invested in a show.


@The Truth, how does my comment make no sense? lol. That is literally what Johnny did. It's not going to happen in one night of course but dude pretty much gave up and decided to put his focus only on Miguel now. He literally told his son to do what he wants and that he doesn't care anymore.

Noah Burke

It may not get the same love as anime drops, but God damn is it not one of the best live action shows out there

Zen Reacts

Idk my dad was there my whole life and i still fucking hated him

Oscar Barcelo

Are we only getting one Episode a week?


One episode was posted earlier this week so we got 2.

Devin B

With Johnny's situation it's not gonna work while his son keeps rejecting him. Even if he tries to see him I don't think much is going to happen unless his son reaches out to him. With Miguel he actual wants to be around Johnny and learn from him so that relationship is easier to mend than the one with his son.

rickie woodson

so what happened was this: robbie and his goon squad "sold" the computer to 3 people for 400 a pop. his friend then said have each venmo half up front (200 each so 600 bucks) and whoever shows up first gets the computer plus they get the other 200 so a total of 800 and 2 guys get scammed. not only that he did steal the laptop to begin with. total trash. but with that as a mother of course he is


They're both great in their own ways, but they are also trash as well. I care more about Johnny, but I won't pick on Danny cause I know he's a good dude. Johnny is just the more interesting character and just makes me want to root for him.


I know it's a trash easy choice, but I'm still glad he did. Miguel and Johnny balance each other out quite well. I think a relationship with Robbie this early would've ruined both Robbie and Johnny's hopes of growing as people. They would have just continuously fed on each other's bullshit and grown into even bigger losers before their relationship eventually breaks down again. May not be fair for Robbie, or Miguel for that matter since it isn't Miguel's job to fix a grown ass man, but it's for the best in the long run.

J. J.

It's been 2 every week wtf you talking about


Y’all probably realised already but that weren’t dog shit😂

Gennadiy Mishiev

and the dog shit, wasnt dog shit :)


Damn I like this show so much wtf, makes me feel so good.


yeah I know I’m just saying she’s just as bad


I did the same. Season 3 was kinda cheeks though



Anthony Coley

Learn to stick up for ya self and stop taking shit , fuck the bullies tho.


Next episode is gonna be lit!


I'm saying. This show has no right to be as good as it is. One of my favorites


This show is better than Mandalorion in my opinion. Don't hate me!


They missed the joke where johnny's ex's date was offering her dessert as they walked away


bro that kid talking about a dry english muffin he want dry bread better give em that kfc biscuit see how he handle's that

The Truth

Gave up? What did you expect him to do? He lives near Miguel, Miguel is his student, Miguel still want to be Cobra Kai, Miguel is involved with his life, you make no sense. Like I said, what did you expect him to do? To go over to Robby? Then What? He needed to face Miguel’s mom, you expect him to just give up on Miguel? He never gave up on Robby, he’s his son, but was he supposed to ignore Miguel after getting beat up and his mom told him to stay away? Their is no Cobra Kai without Miguel and he would have to find something else to do


@The Truth Let it go dude lol. This was days ago. I don’t even feel like reading your comment lmao.


Boy Meets World: Cobra Kai Edition

Father Feugo

Nah Lupa bring up the blechers fight wha happen that sound funny asl


Nah you don't get to abandon your child and not do shit for them for 16 years and think you got any right to judge the person who was there johnny ass is trash lol.

Jay rellim

wait.... so johnny went and tried to be a stern dad after ghosting for 16 years then got read by his son and the mom... and then decided to be a hypocrite (he was getting at the mom for giving up on the son and whatnot) and also give up on his son to do the easier thing and teach karate to a kid who hasnt given up on him?????

Damion Middleton

I truly slept on this show and I felt bad smh lol


Its funny how they got the school bully being a fucking Asian kid who is already balding but still spikes his hair up so high that his hair gives All Might a run for his money. My guy talking about getting his dick sucked but how she gonna find it? Lmao. Just the racial stereotype jokes that completely make the fact that he is the main bully a joke.

Malcolm Hughes

Kid was actually speaking facts about the computer stuff.


after rewatching im just now realizing johnny was the one who took a shit up there