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Talking vajayjay gunmen has arrived!

next episode exporting, will be up within the hour!


Hueki Yuuki

I hate all the characters that blame simon in such a way, they are iredeemable, they dare talk shit to SImon that knew him his entire life, fkin pathethic fools that all should've died instantly .

Jeremi Monroig




i think that'll be next week since it's replacing castlevania and castlevania ended this week


Hilarious they brought up Gary the Snail, isn't this the episode with the Beastman Squidward Cameo? Edit: Oops, it's not this episode.


Please add the subs back.


This week lol

Devin B

Someone in the last reaction said that Nia's VA is Starfire from Teen Titans and I can't unhear it. They even have the same mannerisms.


Dear lord. People need to stop spamming every video asking this.


I know it's probably not going to happen, but it would be pretty cool if she starts reconsidering her need to blindly follow the Spiral King's orders. In between the princess questioning how far she would go in following the King's orders and realizing that had her subordinate followed her orders she would be dead, those two experiences should start giving her pause. Even if she doesn't suddenly join the humans, have her go rogue.


I can't lie Starfire's voice actress is making me like Nia even more, it fits her personality so well


This is my first time actually watching the dub in it's entirety, and you really couldn't have picked a better Nia then Hynden Walch (voice of Bubblegum Princess, Starfire). She radiates sweetness with every line, it's adorable.

The Pebble

I think you're just simping, you want the big tittied Beast-men on the Human's side? She has obviously slaughtered countless humans and the only reason she paused was because she felt insulted by Nia's logic and didn't know how to refute it, shut up horny little boy you're reasoning has no real bases so let the dumb bitch fucking die.


you're an idiot with reading comprehension problems


plus its only been like a week since kamina died lol