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had to reupload due to audio echo!


JunpeiFES .

First! Beat Lupa!


Good to know I wasn't crazy about the echo 😆


Thanks for the reaction!


It's funny because movies like Karate Kid were the cause of the watering down of Karate and all the McDojos in the US in the 80-90s.


Thanks for the upload, when we getting heaven's feel?

JunpeiFES .

Now i am sad because it was not double drop 🥲😆


ain't no way they don't fuck with daniel, shit don't make sense, he has a good reason to act the way he does, Jhonny was dead ass a terrible person back in the day

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Honestly Miguel made a really bad call even if he was good 3 people against you in an enclosed small space was definitely going to go bad, should've booked like the other two.


I mean.. Strike first, Strike hard, No mercy. Daniel just doesn't want kids to be badly influenced.


how old are yall asking why they don't like daniel,based on the current happenings in the show why would they like him...they're just on episode 3, let them build their own opinions of the characters

Devin B

He was feeling himself from his training but realized too late that it wasn't enough to take on 3 people at once

Devin B

I get why you guys think Daniel is annoying but just looking at things from his perspective someone who used to bully him back in the day is trying to start back an institute that promoted kids to basically be ruthless.

The Truth

Look at things from Johnny’s perspective someone who found cobra Kai to give him the strength and confidence he didn’t have

Devin B

That's the thing though, no one is really in the wrong here. I'm definitely not saying Johnny is wrong cause like you said he saw Cobra Kai as a way to gain strength and confidence but he took things too far when him and the other kids started to bully kids like Daniel. He's trying to turn a new leaf now but you can't blame people for assuming the worst of him based on his past.

rickie woodson

nah, they are all dany. a dany trio lol LAME


@Devin B , try watching Karate Kid again. There is a popular theory that Daniel is the bad guy. You can find videos about this in youtube. But i get what you mean. But after finding out that theory and rewatching Karate Kid. I literally cannot unsee the idea of Johnny being the bad guy. I blame it in pooring writing and directing. But i seen both characters at fault.

Devin B

@Erd'na yeah I was thinking of watching it again since these guys started this show so I'll try to see it from a different lens.

Anthony Coley

I just don't see how daniel could be the bad guy just because johnny's girl didn't want him anymore and man's was a hardcore bully the only reason he regretted it was because shit ain't work out for him in the long run regardless.


I don't really think those videos were meant to be taken seriously. Just a bit of fun. Lots of people play devil's advocate as a fun mental exercise or to simply watch others get riled up. Sometimes these theories get away from the creators. You also have people that will do anything to justify bullying, but I'm not going to assume that's the case here. I love the Jar Jar Binks is a sith lord theory, but that was never meant to be taken seriously. Yet, for a while, a lot of people actually thought it made sense enough to believe that that was George Lucas' original intention behind the character and as much as I wish it to be so, I seriously doubt that was Lucas' original intention.


This show is actually ridiculous but is so good lmao


Damn I’m on Patreon now because I couldn’t wait on YouTube for the rest of squid games .. but now I gotta wait for the rest of cobra Kai !! Loving the reactions can’t wait for me to start hating on Daniel-San all over again

Zen Reacts

so it doesnt matter he wasnt to help this kid that doesnt have any way to defend himself? Johnny was doing nothing to Danny and Dan walked up in there like he shot his fucking dog. Danny even said he got over what happened in the past but i guess hes just a liar then as well


Maybe double drops for this one?


really enjoying the live action reactions like this and squid game really hope this gets double drop priority over other shows and it seems y’all enjoy it too


Strike first, is a lesson he learned But i guess he needs another lesson that...he should also do something after that. He just stood around


@Yanpo trust me i didn't believe it at first. Like i said, i had to rewatch the movie. Both men share the blame. Like in the beach scene, johnny was being pushy on Ali. He wanted to talk about their breakup. I would find that to be a perfectly normal thing to do. Finding a way to resolve their relationship. The problem johnny was being "too" pushy which led him throwing ali radio on the sand. Daniel should have never butt in, as it not the place to do so. Giving back Ali radio agitated johnny further. We all know why daniel did that because he look good on the girl. If johnny was really a bully when they start fighting. Johnny would have started hurling strikes. Instead he tripped daniel which shows restraint. Then use a single kick to incapacitated daniel. He ask daniel before getting punch by daniel which led johnny to hurl more strikes to stop daniel. A bully would have continue to hurl strikes on the target while he was down or ask his friends to beat up daniel. But he didn't, in fact ali started hitting johnny. But he didn't fight back. Instead he left the beach before it escalate further. But johnny was also a dick the way he left the beach. Rewatching karate kid and breaking down the scenes completely change my perception on who was the bad guy. Both men were at fault. Props to cobra kai for expanding those small details further. Sure johnny was a dick but he had honor. He wanted to do it the right way. Like how he wanted to defeat daniel in a fair fight in the end.


Personally I thought it was funny how Johnny's student is almost going through the same ahit he put Daniel through. Also I definitely get why Daniel said something cobra kai was fully of a hole bullies firstly and secondly Johnny's grown alcoholic ass shouldn't be in no school especially not the school of some kids he beat up. I mean he's trying to be better but he doesn't get a pass for being a piece of shit just because he let his life go down the drain. Also yall weird as hell if a kid with a black eye said a nigga yall know ain't shit beat them up and yo first thought is huh maybe I should have a heart to heart with this man lol.


Also if Danny were to go to Johnny and had asked what happened instead of assuming a grown ass man beat up sum kids in public? Like that doesn’t just happen, and coulda seen Miguel and got the full stor. I agree with what they was saying like atp Dan is looking for reasons to fw Danny, but that’s only because he thinks Johnny is teaching kids the same exact lessons he was taught but that isn’t the case.


@Dwayne. Johnny is teaching kids the same lesson he was taught though lol

Jaime Ruiz

Nintendo Direct. Go watch it


Lupa again with the destiny 2 reference. day 1 player here


Y’all really should watch/rewatch the second and third movies after season 1, even if you don’t react to them. Later seasons dip much more into them then S1 does.


@zen reacts i mean he thought his daughter's boyfriend got beat up by Jhonny


@dwayne I agree with needing to get the full story but in this show, no one ever talks it out for plot reasons

JunpeiFES .

Please, can i have some mooooore? XD i am dying here for more episodes hahaha

Jake Young

That "Crumb of Pussy" joke has me dying lmfaoooo

James Woodson III

Kyler out here embodying that “spare coochie” squidward

J. J.

F'real, I don't even think they realize there's 2 other sequels.


Keep the episodes coming! 👀


when can i do a raid with lupa

rickie woodson

time for my 4th watch :) #pleasedodoubledrops the wait is REAL

RavinFox .

I swear these guys the BEST mileage out of the "I'm only bones" joke. Perfectly placed here lol


that burp scared the shit outta me 🤣😭... looks like it scared the shit outta Roshi too lollll

Lupa is Dadi

The burp and the reactions lmao 🤣