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adding to our live action reacts! This show is nuts!



Cant compare 2 diff countries like that, you don't know how much everything costs in korea so u can't really compare it, an average mcdonalds combo in korea costs 7,500 won which is only $5.00 usd so it may seem cheap where you live but not in korea


Letsss gooooo


YES!!!! You guys are going to love this show it’s crazy lol


Hell yeah! I just finished this yesterday and was about to recommend it.


bruhhh i literally finished this show last night. what a surprise you guys will be reacting to it


you guys are the best reactors; out here grinding for us


cant wait for kobra kai too


Ooooh a nice pick up as well as more variety than yall already have!!


I'm glad ya'll are branching out hell yeah


Damn! Great pick-up. Roshi I love that y'all are branching out, a lot of great international shows out there, and Korean shows are pretty great. I just started this show last weekend and I'm on episode 7


Bro guy who saved him is a real g

Antonio Williams

MAAAAAAAN...I just finished this Sunday. It's super insane. If you're going to start doing more live action shows, I recommend Alice in Borderland and Kingdom (Korean live-action show) as well


Korean shows: Signal, Six Flying Dragons, Korean movies: New World, Parasite, Train to Busan, The Chaser and Man From Nowhere - all close to 10/10

Elijah Melitante

If you're watching this then i have to recommend parasite and train to busan.



Sheron Taylor

And just to think I saved this show and was gonna watch it alone not anymore 😁 yay


Have ya'll seen the live-action Alice in Borderland? It's FIRE.


Oh wow, I just started watching this show yesterday lmao!


YASSSSSSS!! This is on my list to react to!


Yooooo just saw this on the front page and was interested. Hype af I get to watch it with ya'll


If u haven't already please react to Alice in borderland it's amazing 🔥


I need supernatural tv show


WOAH did not expect this but I'm hyped! This show was a wild ride


I'm surprised I haven't seen anybody recommend Kaiji, that show is an absolute gem.

Vincent S Deluca

If you havent seen it yet Alice in Borderland is AMAZING, imo the only live action adaptation of a manga done right


Yaaaassss bro you reacting to korean content


I love this show.

rickie woodson

i have no idea what this is but i knew it was korean lol. MY PEOPLE! #nosubsforme #hankuknumbaone

Charlie baker

Hope you guys check out sweet home too eventually

Michael Hodges

Ouuuuu I just got done watching the whole thing, South Korea in they fucking bag!! As always with the dramas

Oui Oui

Sheera he wanted to let her stay on. The mom was the one who didn’t. Also y’all don’t seem to understand what fear can do to people.

Troy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-23 21:16:33 SO HAPPY YOU'RE REACTING TO THIS SHOW OMG. Yall really make the Patreon subs worth their while. Big respect ! <3
2021-09-22 21:58:45 SO HAPPY YOU'RE REACTING TO THIS SHOW OMG. Yall really make the Patreon subs worth their while. Big respect ! <3

SO HAPPY YOU'RE REACTING TO THIS SHOW OMG. Yall really make the Patreon subs worth their while. Big respect ! <3


damn i just started to watch this show two days ago what a timing this upload was


I recommended Kaiji a while back, but really don’t know if Lupa could take it 😂


I hadn’t heard about this, so many Kaiji vibes from the trailer. Definitely looking forward to this.

rickie woodson

fall guy???????? do you mean free guy with ryan reynolds? and what the doctor doom is up with the head boss dude lol

rickie woodson

its 4 mil in korea not everywhere else. the won is a low currency in the world. not rubles low but still. 4 mil is only like 300k. still a good amount of money but need a lot more to really set yourself up with a new life cause they will just send folks after him

rickie woodson

sang woo is so my type. show husband. please dont die on me sang woo-ah!


im all for korean shows second favorite thing to watch after anime


YAYYY! I'm so glad you guys are reacting to this!


Fall Guys, except when you fall, you don't get back up.


I did not expect u guys would react this I love it. hope to see more live action, theres alot of kmovie n kdrama thats are fucking good. i think u guys might like it.

Jose Iglesias

THEORY BUT POSSIBLE SPOILER MAYBE I’m wondering if the “game master” is his daughters step dad since the grandma said his job is taking him to the US and the only English spoken was from the “game master”. Maybe they are trying to take that game to the US?


하,. 오징어게임 ㅅㅂ 다봤는데 보지말껄


Ikr also korean variety shows

Sheron Taylor

This is gonna be fun and exciting!! I also recommend Alice in Borderland has a similar story but way different at the same time


I'm so glad you guys are reacting to this! I also recommend Train to Busan as a really good Korean movie!


Yeaah!? Intro about only watching shows in its native language because it's better, but ya'll decided to watch Gurren Lagann in dub smh. Jk, but still...

Gabriel Jimenez

Well they did make a poll on it...so...can't blame anyone except the people who voted lol. But I was thinking the same tbh haha.


I'll make a prediction on this 1st episode that the mastermind is one of his childhood friends.


This looks like its modeling the Kaiji anime.


The games are different but this is Kaiji lol.


Since we're watching Kdramas now I'm gonna go ahead and recommend K2 and Goblin 💀


Also you know you've watched too many kdramas and know it's Gong Yoo in the subway scene strictly from the jaw line before the camera even shows his face 😭

Practially Incarnate

To put it in some context, he is roughly 350'000 USD in debt


Thats 4mil in won not USD


was specifically speaking on live action lol, dub emotions dont match the actors and its odd. Anime it just comes down to the talent


Love the reaction to this and gotta recommend Alice in Borderland as well. Think you guys would really enjoy that


And "As The gods Will" is also a good one but it's a movie


Aye #067 sexy asf 🥴


Ok people wont shut up about this show, and I did so love Sweet Home so lets gooooo!!!!!!

Joey Zero

yea they were saying to give the girl the 10,000 won as a gift but thats only like $8

john segun doe

Change the subtitles to just english not english cc


man it's going to hurt when the old man dies


lol they played the bayonetta theme :D


Yo this show is wild af. wth

David Emerson

This is like Tower of God


You guys should watch Kingdom it's pretty great it's another korean show on Netflix.


I'm so glad ya'll are watching a Kdrama! Other suggestions are: Sweet Home, Alice in Borderland, and The Uncanny Encounter


weird i just started watching this. on like ep 3 or something but i thought it was old and now i'm starting squid games. . .netflix is watching us.

The Truth

You’re really comparing anime where the voices match the mouth to live action where they talk over the actors? Dumb


Squid game is insane, you should react to another korean netflix show called Kingdom, you'll love it

Stanley Labissiere

Just a reminder to anyone watching that 1 million won is about 850 USD. So our main character has about a debt of 210 000 USD and oans the loansharks about 130 000 USD. Still a very hefty debt, but don't let the millions and billions fool you hahaha.


Yeah, but still, a million in YOUR OWN country is still a million lol. I get 10,000 won is only 8 bucks USD, but it spends well enough to buy dinner for two (no dollar menu necessary lol) in (S)Korea. Conversion is great to know! Just don't undersell the value in it's native land.


The average monthly income in South Korea was around 3.6 million South Korean won for men and about 2.36 million South Korean won for women in 2019.

MC zsn

im sure people converted the money to US dollars when they first watched it you nerd