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All of that to agree on a can of soda lmao



What's wrong with the chronological order? I loved it.

Jin Shim

I shall patiently wait for to your eternity. This series is fun too tho lol Nvm I just could've waited 5 more seconds lmao

Aries F

Oh no its hide ur coochie

Darren Banks

Here for the dialogue fuckery!


I'm glad not too many people have seen this series cause the mystery aspect of each arc leading to the overall story is the best part and we don't need no spoilers for this masterpiece

Peony 三色団子

Fire Force has a real-world depiction in manga, so it may be a little different from the exact same way this anime was made.


Oh man, time for one of the absolute best characters! Hachikuji practically carries every arc shes in.

None None

I'm honestly surprised so few people have seen it. If I remember right, it was the second highest-selling anime of the 00s in Japan, only beaten out by K-on.


Yo I really hope y'all have the determination and everything to go through all of this series, despite being so long. All I can say without giving out anything is, look past appearances in this show and focus on the narration I suppose, or the main story (arc story). It's a pretty cool and complex mystery show and the ending of every arc(almost) is very fulfilling. I know people that dropped this cus of tropes n stuff or fanservice, which I agree sometimes can be too much, but under that there's SO much going on, so yeah.


long running series plus the release order kinda scares newer people away from watching. Just like Gundam


I wanna know how Roshi fcooks breakfast if doing it naked is unsanitary? BRUH, you rubbing the ingredients on yo self? You squatting over the pan before you use it? How is anything from your body transferring to your food here?!?!?!

Peony 三色団子

10:10 I live in the countryside in Japan, but at least there is no such playground equipment in my neighborhood park. It's a little too dangerous. Some playground equipment is banned, so it's probably not anywhere. However, if the playground equipment is closer to the ground, it may be in a park somewhere.

kurumi Tokisaki

Sheera is right in that its kinda like blues clues, but over a variety of episodes. The way to enjoy it for me is to take the small info they give and try and understand new characters as they initially come into play. The timeline is all over the place but they do mention past events in the dialogue that you have to remember in later episodes or seasons. Also, cooking nekkid is the cleanest plus issa vibe

kurumi Tokisaki

He prob dont want pub hair in his eggs. I can understand but if its from my SO, then its just extra flava :p

Bart the Beard

Translating siscon to incest is very weird

None None

There's a Japanese "rollercoaster" called the skycycle that you have to pedal like a bike. Japanese playgrounds also do sometimes have those random-ass rails for no reason. I'm pretty sure the show just combined the two ideas into the playground rail bike thing, because it's a weird show. Or maybe it does exist and I've just never heard of it.

Devin B

Araragi might be even scummier than Kazuma. Dude was really proud for beating down a grade schooler.


The other thing that you're missing from this show is there's a lot of wordplay with the Japanese language and culture to make puns. I don't blame you if a lot of it seems random or confusing. In translation we can only derive so much context. Imo that's what makes the show fun and the characters great because once you catch on a bit it's delivered well. I'm glad you're both picking up on the main points though. The overall story is fed to you well through those breadcrumbs of information within with convos.

Peony 三色団子

Koyomi "暦" means Almanac. When the Chinese character is used in a person's name, it also has a meaning such as fate.


Nise is the final boss, where it tries to invert the idea of what fan service is, by no selling things like blatant nudity, while trying to make every day average stuff like tooth brushing as erotic as possible. This os some god tier directing!

Connor Grynol

I think the fanservice is over-the-top and I'm pretty certain that its intentional. Everything in this show is over-the-top so people who take action scenes literally are probably gonna get super confused.

Austin Yun

This is one of my favorite episodes of an anime ever. 80% just two people on playground equipment having random conversation with crazy sexual tension.

Alex cleveland

Monogatari Series = Pure randomness but everything makes sense and connects


if you paid attention to the convo. This is the 2nd time he saw her the first time he was alone in the park. Its implying this is a year later or more and he's seeing the same girl who looks the same in the park seemingly lost. Thats why he was so intent on speaking to her because it was weirdly out of place.


Just a warning going into this the release order of the show isn't even close to the chronological order things happens. So be aware each series will jump around to different periods of time and probably confuse the hell out of you. Bakemonogatari is actually like 3rd chronologically. i think the order is Kizumonogatari Nekomonogatari: Kuro Bakemonogatari Nisemonogatari Monogatari Series – Mayoi Jiangshi Monogatari Series – Shinobu Time Owarimonogatari (First Season) – Shinobu Mail Monogatari Series – Tsubasa Tiger Owarimonogatari (First Season) – Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle, Sodachi Lost Series – Nadeko Medusa and Hitagi End Tsukimonogatari Owarimonogatari (Second Season) Zoku Owarimonogatari Hanamonogatari Koyomimonogatari


listen man nobody is gonna watch chronological order it wasn't even written that way nor was it the airing order just stop

Taylor Moon

Yeah the chronological order isnt nearly as good as the preferred order imo


A show that renders the Sheeragan inoperable


LOL you're funny man. Wasting your time on typing comments that won't even be read.


And I thought Fate was confusing jesus christ.


LOL you'd think, but she's still hitting the mark with barely any info.

Random Guy

I just have a problem with them translating siscon as incest. Incest is having sexual relations with your biological sister. Being a siscon is just obsession with sisters (can be blood-related, step-siblings, or other people's sister. It's not really the person but the status of being a sister thats makes them go) like doting on them, being overprotective, etc liking your sister so much but not necessarily in a sexual way. That's why the conversation seems so weird because it's not translating properly.