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Batman is on one!



Diana play the fucking game damn how she complaining from all the way in space 😂


when you finish watching the new ep of castlevania to see the new ep of YJ just dropped 😌😌😌

Ranginald Vagel

Back to classic YJ starting an episode with calm followed by sudden violence

Smash Bran'Discootch

Whoa whoa whoa. Am i tripping or is young justice taking jabs at trump by having lex luthor represent him? Just little stuff that had him say. Like stuff in the beginning when Lex said "No, i didn't host this here because I own the hotel. I own many hotels all over the place" I'm paraphrasing there, but trump also said something REALLY similar. Also with the way he was talking in the G Gordon interview and he ended what he was saying with just "Sad" like trump would do with a lot of his tweets. Like, am i tripping here or does anyone else see this? Because if i'm not just crazy, that would be HILARIOUS!

Ranginald Vagel

OML villains ain't the only ones doing setups when Batman's around

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh damn i just did some research and apparently the Lex Luthor/Trump comparison is definitely a thing lmao i didn't even realize haha

MgGlenn Etienne

Anybody know what happened to the 2nd fate episode?


“This is a setup” into the batman play is the perfect example of the “call the cops, but not for me” meme lmao


Batman to Lex: You thought you could outsmart my outsmarting?


The thing about G. Gordan Godfrey and how he manipulates is that he *doesn't* lie. All he does is manipulate and bend the TRUTH, which is much more insidious, scary and alarming than just telling someone "Hey, the Earth is actually flat!" When you instead go "Hey, the Earth is dying and its going to die soon", you're starting from a logical point of entry and leading the person you're manipulating on the path, with information that is as truthful as possible, albeit with some omission here or there. That's why G. Gordon doesn't lie for Lex on TV. Lies are harder to manipulate and easier to spot. The truth is easier, affords him with trust among his viewers and allows him to connect with them on a unanimous level.

Jonathan Acosta

Fun fact: The redheaded Irish girl with psychic powers is Omen, she was one of the original Titans in the comics. And her being in this episode along side Troia, the original Wonder Girl in the comics, and Garth, the original Aqualad in the comics, is a callback to them being founding members of the Titans that sadly doesn’t exist in this universe

Jeffrey D

Violet is deadass Kenny from South Park

Brandon Gibbs

WW was right! It was bad enough when they lied and kept their secret task force plan from everyone else but THIS was just too much! They had no right to just interfere in the Outsider's business using deception on them to make them look good but they could've done that on their OWN! See that was just very selfish & inconsiderate of Batman and them.


he said it himself its a war so time is important and garfield was being way to naïve

Tim Chaos

This season has a ton of interweaving politics and news segment scenes; I can’t decide if I should be impressed with the writers for trusting the audience to follow along or mad that they keep making us watch DC Fox News 😩

Chris Hawking

i gotta admit even tho I'm annoyed with the logic have choice but agree with Wonder Woman Cuz when you actually think about it logically The moral of this in the story of what's going on is to ask yourself the question just how far are you willing to go for a total Lie ? Even with good intentions

Weekly Flo

I pray that Shera or the others eat while filming again. I could NOT think of anything else while watching. I just kept hearing Shera's lips smacking and her eating them damn skittles. I know im bein salty but damn, I had to stop like 7 times to just not hear it

Chris Hawking

😅 it didn't bother me Didn't even notice at all I was too into the episode But then again I did have my Bluetooth headphones on & was eating at the time when watching this but honestly even if I wasn't having that stuff going on I still wouldn't have noticed anyway Cuz I'm usually oblivious to that sort of stuff


I'm only 5 minutes in, but every time Halo gets killed, I'm like, maybe get her some better armor or teach her better evasion/defense tactics? Up to this point, she's been acting like Season 1 Subaru, just diving in front of everything. She has a whole fucking shield ability for Christ's sake. The writers really do just like abusing her for no good reason.