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That fight was epic! Nice setup for Season 2!


Lady Jie

Finally, my mans Alucard is here.

Weltall Gaia

More more more more more.


This has better animation than anime

Revstarallstar .

Ya’ll kept that alucard disrespect all the way till he started laughing as well as sypha disrespect till she started doing dirt. Love it, shows the investment of ya’ll towards the show.

Leaky Peach

SPOILERS "He's not a bad dude" and "he's kinda right" are reasons why I think the first season fails beyond surface-level character introductions and setting the conflict. Nothing about the church or the citizens gives us a reason to hate Dracula or think he's wrong beyond the typical moral standing of "genocide is wrong". This problem also extends into further seasons where the only people we grow endeared towards are the depraved or morally repugnant. There is a character in S3 that serves as an exception, I'll admit, but that's the only one that I can think of. As a comparison, Avatar: The Last Airbender from the start gives us the exact same inciting conflict (just like Castlevania). The difference is that, from the jump, A:TLA gives us characters and lore as to why we want Aang to defeat the Fatherlord.


I can see where Dracula is coming from since it is the religion and policy of the country that doomed his wife. most of the blame going to the church which basically runs the country and some to the people who let them push their weight around so the destruction of the whole thing is slightly understandable but if he went past the countries borders then he is truly attack people for no reason.


YEAHHH?!! Roshi with the double hand stroke gawk 3000 at the end 🤣🤣💀


They gonna love Sypha by the end of this.


“You see how dangerous rumors are!?” LMAOOO

Devin Jersey

This show is mad fire and its hard not to watch ahead lmfao.

Asante Upshur-Benson

Trevor vs Alucard one of my fav fights in the series. Always love the “This not a bar fight. Have some class.” line🤣

AjohnJexy 123

Tbh in reality Romania was controlled by the Orthodox Church. They were persecuted by the Ottomans. The show is really anti religion or at least anti Christian. Apparently Sypha was religious and not a God hater. Belmont prayed etc but the show makes him indifferent. The show is poor in that sense. I prefer how FMAB showed religion and science. Castlevania shows science as a pure incorruptible form of humanity, which is laughable lol as a biology major student.

Milian Seeve

theres no way the sheeragan really just predicted that


Was waiting since y’all posted ep1 for that demons dialog with the Bishop. Love what it says to him! Haha

Scott Tyson

Remember these 4 episodes where suppose to be a movie and Netflix tested them like show us what your made of..... fuckers these animator's are practically begging to make a fateful Berserk adaptation ala the 90s version with the shit that comes next!

Leaky Peach

Yeah. Having never played the games, I didn't know about the faithfulness of the adaptation until my friend ranted to me about all they left out or changed in the show. Honestly, I don't care that much about which monsters they didn't use. But I do, however, care a bit about how characters are adapted. Nevertheless, in the first season especially you can feel the anti Christian beliefs bleed into each episode. Now I'm not one to discourage criticism of religion (even my own), but it feels far less like a critique or examination and more like a damnation of Christianity to me.

AjohnJexy 123

Yes I agree. FMAB critiqued religion and science in a fair view. As an Eastern Christian from a tradition older than the Catholic Church. I understand how corrupt the Western church was at one point in time. But the show is disgustingly reductionist. SPOILER Isaac was an a enlightened character with the show showing Sufism as enlightened. Which is ironic since in Romania the ottomans were seen as the devils. and the worst slave trade that occurred in man’s history was the Arab Slave trade.


Anti Christian? Lol this is probably a nice depiction than reality


How corrupt at one point in time??? When were they ever not corrupt


The show didnt didnt show sufism as enlightened. The captain even makes a joke about it. Isaac is enlightened and he happens to practice sufism. That last comment about the slave trade a bit weird and out of place.

AjohnJexy 123

Well Bobbie the western Church separated didn’t it? The Catholic Church split and many reforms had to go through to complete with Protestantism. Trust me my people were persecuted by the Catholics due to being Orthodox Nestorian Christian. We even led the decolonization movement against the Portuguese Catholics. The show is anti Christian lol whether you like it not not. It changed the Christian characters to God hating beings but through weak and one sided perception unlike FMAB. As an Orthodox Christian it is also painful to see our Romanian brothers being painted in a Catholic limelight with a complete ignorance of Greek and Orthodox genocide committed by the Ottomans.


There's a whole "properly ordained priest" recruited by Belmont that was crucial in fighting back against the demons in this very episode. Their anger and indifference is towards the Church.

Scott Riley Adrueno

Man y'all lucky you dont have to wait for Season 2 haha

Scott Riley Adrueno

Bro, how is this Anti-Christian? They literally used a Priest and holy water to fight off demons.


"Lies? In God's house?" Man I fucking loved that whole scene so damned much.

Leaky Peach

This gave me a chuckle. With the subtlety of a semi-truck plowing through a convenience store, you threw out possibly the weakest and funniest argument you could've to counter Jexy's points.


ya sam has been begging for nearly a decade, and the final season they tried their hsardest to show what they could do for the berserk anime franchise

Miguel NoName

Sheera with the Sharingan on point as always :D


This is definitely a fair criticism of the show. I may be giving the creators more credit than they're due, but I've always taken the lack of many morally upstanding regular citizens in the show to be representative of the world Trevor sees and still decides is worth saving. Especially in season 1. And I think [SPOILER AHEAD] that the setting and resolution of season 3 was meant to remind us of that bleak world and pull Sypha into it.

AjohnJexy 123

Hey there Scott. Using imagery and items of then faith does not negate the themes they portrayed. It is easy to see words like I hate God, only magic, science hating etc. SPOILER The priest even used holy water as a zombie to purify and cause evil, showing that God is ultimately evil. Maybe my brain is more fine tuned in religious themes, but many people also agree with the poor taste of changing religious characters into mindless haters purely because the show creator hates religion lol. Also I agree Bob, enlightened was a poor choice of word I think I meant as a form of non oppressive self humbling experience the (SPOILERS) Philosopher in the desert was also quite funny . The Byzantine church had serious discussions and division when the icon worship came into question. Philosophy was still seen as high class and for the elites. Aristotle and Plato were still being taught within monasteries and many theologians at that time used philosophy for apologetics. Hope my sentence made sense lol.


Christian's so desperate to be persecuted because jesus was lol. But I guess if the church isnt infallible then its anti Christian


Also no response on why you mentioned the arab slave trade? And no response to the priest helping Belmont. It's not anti Christian its finally being able to criticize the church without repercussions that upsets you.


You are upset because the church wasn't praised to the utmost that's it. No other valid reason

AjohnJexy 123

Hi there Bob let me guess you think I am a white man. My family is Nasrani we are an ancient group of Christians lol from Kerala. Christians were definitely persecuted just because you do not know basic history of the East and your ignorance allows you to believe that some groups of white people represent a faith that is 2’000 years old which was established in the Middle East. Please educate yourself on the persecutions that Christians went through and go through in the Middle East. You must have on,y seen suburban churches with white steeples. Nothing wrong with that but quite wrong assumption. Ps Jesus wasn’t the only persecuted man heck he wasn’t even a Christian. Gladiators and animals were used to kill people of the faith and Nero even used them as flaming torches. That’s just Europe, welcome to the Middle East where Christians went through hell and still go through in some places.

Leaky Peach

Hmmm... a fair retort. However, for me, in a "save the world" story like this or A:TLA, I need some reason shown to me that the world is worth saving. I understand that this world is incredibly bleak, but having something beyond the depravity goes a long way to providing a reason to save the world. My original comparison was going to be Berserk for how tonally similar they are at times, but Berserk is never written as a "save the world" story. Because it's far more personal, we don't need walking examples of goodness to provide that reason. However, it still gives us characters that fit all up and down that spectrum of moral black and white. So I feel that it's a misstep on the part of the creators to not give us that.


I say better choreography more than the animation coz anime is usually more crisp but this is more smooth and fluid.


What about when the Christians gained power? They reaped destruction on other religions more than was ever done to them. Pls tell me I'm wrong so I really know how crazy you are. Christian's were persecuted but today's Christian's are so desperate to be persecuted because their founding was seeped in persecution. That Arab slave comment that was so put of no where that you still haven't respiratory ded to has been a white nationalist talking point for a while now to downplay american slave trade. Though to you if it's not complete praise then it's wrong and we gotta burn them at the stake. Keep your dumbass in the past with your views.


The demon literally said your work makes god puke. So keep up with that bullshit persecution saying that god is evil lol. Christians are so desperate to be persecuted. When they've committed genocide for people not accepting christianity

AjohnJexy 123

Hi Bob you must be joking if so that is quite funny in historical terms. Western Christians did do things that are evil and many times those in authority purposely kept the people from reading the Bible because people won’t wage wars if they knew what Jesus said. Such as blessed are the peace keepers for theirs is the kingdom of God. And let me tell you again stop your nonsense. Christians do exist beyond America and Europe. Till recently if a Christian was killed in Egypt the killer would not need to go to a court. The Armenian genocide, Greek genocide occurred to Christians who were minorities . Regarding the Atlantic slave trade while I completely agree it was messed up and wrong. It is a joke to even compare to the Arab slave trade. Where do you think the European powers learned to trade slaves on this scale. Many Christians were against the slave trade. Many first Christians or early Christians were slaves. People used Christianity has a title but used money as their God to justify their actions. Its called Mercantilism. It’s plain and simple just like how Americans today justify guns in the name of God. It’s laughable to many Christians around the world. Please learn the history of Christianity and the east. The world doesn’t revolve around the West lol.


Times are changing people are allowed to question and critique. Backwards morons like you are slowly fading. Also you said if people followed what jesus said there would be no wars. Would there still be wife beating and spousal rape? Or is that allowed because she is his property.


You calling the transatlantic trade a joke says a lot lol. Wtf is that to just minimize slavery. Also slavery is as ancient as time. Conquered people were enslaved. Though I understand your hatred for arabs. They did put the orthodox church in the gutters.


You really think europe learned slavery from arabs. So what about ancient rome? You're islamophobic and stupid


Bob no offense but you sound like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, the other guy is spitting nothing but actual information and you're countering with Ad hominems.


Is it a fact europe learned slavery from the arabs?


Downplaying transatlantic slave trade said all there is to know about the guy. He doesnt care about others unless he considers them one of his.


Roshi, since you've mentioned that you only played a few Castlevania games. Here's a video on how the show is reference in the games. I will be posting a similar videos on the end of each season. https://youtu.be/w1u-d6b8KCE

Baren Nerab

season 2 gonna be good!

AjohnJexy 123

Hey there Bob, the I said Atlantic slave trade pales in comparison to Arab Slave trade that does not make it less evil. Why do you keep twisting words lol. Yes it is a fact that the Europeans learned from them. Even India did. There even was an African king in India due to the slave trade. My people and many other brown folks have been taken off to Fiji, the Caribbean, South Africa etc as “servants” (slaves without that title). Your arguments might work against an average white joe from America. But it is invalid before my cultural experience like I said our culture actively fought against Roman Catholic Imperialism through the Portuguese. We stood up with our Muslim and Hindu brothers. Romans do not represent us Easterns through action that’s why we separated early. Our faith is on our Lord, we are called to love and to be peace keepers, not to kill cultures.

Daniel Gonzalez

I call BS on Netflix's way of doing seasons this and S2 together for me are really season 1 same with Voltron those half seasons in my mind are SA part 1 and SA part 2 etc.


It's not BS, you have to understand the production history of the show. This script was completed in 2008, it was in developmental hell for so long. They tried to sell this script to studios as "animated film". Nobody wanted it. When they approach netflix, they agree to produce with a few changes. One of the changes is not to make it as a single film. Basically season 1 is the entire movie chopped up and extended in certain parts of the story. Calling s1 and s2 as the true season 1 is wrong. Season 2 is basically what was envisioned as the sequel of the original movie so to speak.


I mean you can't blame them, video game adaptations have a bad rep when it comes to their adaptations in movies/ tv. So Netflix wanted to play it safe by releasing 4 small episodes to test the waters. After it became wildly popular they renewed it for a S2. But yes, i agree with you. Season 1 and 2 should practically be 1 season


You racist fuck then did ancient rome learn from arabs?

Scott Riley Adrueno

I think they use the same principle as Ufotable. Animate as fck when it counts, when it doesn't, just polish the still frames as good as you can.

Jay rellim

damn so yall want dracula to lose but were ok with eren doing the rumbling to genocide the whole world?? lol this is just one part of europe :p


I mean bob you have some valid points but goddamn calm down buddy XD. The show agressively tackles religion and in terms of taking it as a excuse for wars and all that stuff. All the crusades were basically straight up war to conquer other countries and establish their own culture. The people believed it was right to do so because all the bishops and priests said so, the have gods conscent just like the bishop from this episode. The reality is that this is all bs and so many bad things are done in the name of god eventough it goes against everything god stands for. They interpret bible verses or any kind of "gods word" in a way that benefits them. I don't really believe in god but the actual values most religions try to pass on are a good thing and the belief in god helps so many people in the world, still there are tons of people or complete religious groups that went into a shit direction by basically making up a construct of manipulative lies. The ruling powers always took advantage of that and deformed religious value because people don't have to think about whats good and whats wrong because "its gods word" right? XD Yeah this bullshit made thinks like witch hunts an actual thing. Not understanding something and just getting rid of it is the laziest way of solving something. And under the pretense of religion its extremely easy to do all of that. No religion is perfect, they all have major flaws because one disgusting human beeing decided to bring in their opinion. The bible has so many good values and idea in it but also so much bs and that's only because over the course of time people brang their own opinions and prejudices when conveying information. As roshi said "look how dangerous rumors are. If anyone thinks the bible is pure and only carries good values they are straight up delusional but the bible still carries so many good values and really has it's right to exist. (sry for my weird english, im not a native speaker and it's kinda hard for me to formulate the senteces I want when it comes to more serious discussions.)


That isn't a flaw. Being able to draw sympathy from the viewer despite the fact that the character wants to commit genocide and other atrocities is a sign of good writing. Like Thanos and many others, Dracula falls into the category of a tragic villain.

Leaky Peach

You misunderstood my original point. Drawing sympathy from the audience towards a villain isn't a flaw, as you said. However, my point was that not garnering similar sympathy for the citizens of Wallachia IS a flaw. As a result of this flaw, it becomes hard to root for the success of the heroes outside of "because the story asks us to." Sure, genocide is wrong. But I want to actually care about the people that Trevor's trying to save. That's why I compared it to A:TLA. They have a very similar conflict with the villain. Where they diverge, however, is in how each show endears us to the inhabitants of the world.

Smash Bran'Discootch

"I'm glad it was a nice slow death" brooo Sheera you're a real one homie!

Daniel Gonzalez

I didnt say for just Castlevania i also said Voltron they also did the same thing for Bojacks final season except that one was actually broken into parts i remember they were supposed to be films its just that the 1st 4 episodes on there own just feel like a prologue with "S2" carrying on right after feels like they shouldve been one whole from the start so yes i call BS on them breaking it into S1 and S2 wouldnt care if they called it Part 1 2 and 3 but for me 1+2 constitutes one full season

rickie woodson

now the show REALLY begins! we got our squad and our mission plus sypha aka the avatar with no earthbending is revealed lol. and sexual tension between alucard and belmont...........YUMS


If you know anything about the writer Warren Ellis you know why its so anti-relgious as he believes and is one of the heads of secularism. The West is always writing its politics and ideologies into its stories its just some weirdo habit they cant get out of which is obviously negatively impacting them atm. I think someone must of talked to him at some point about it because after season 1 all of that shit dies out for the most part and the show dramatically improves. But you're definitely seeing the writer inject his own biases into the first season pretty heavily. That being said it still makes for good entertainment so I don't think people cared that much especially since its not prevalent through the whole series and most the characters including trevor himself are religious anyways.

AjohnJexy 123

Hey Bob, ofc not slave trade existed in Europe even before the Romans but the African Slave trade and others were greatly learned from the Arab. How am I racist? Sounds like you are Christian-phobic and hate other people like me from different cultures and cannot seem to accept our history.


I just wanna say Bob probably has pink/blue hair and lives in portland oregon so I wouldn't take anything he says seriously since his education and knowledge of the world probably comes from other weirdos like himself who have never actually left his own state before or read a history book.


they aint making berserk that pipe dream died awhile ago. They are however making a devil may cry series so expect that next.


I like how yall were like "Yeah people in the past did this all the time they were so stupid" Like you don't turn on the news everyday for the last year and see people with masks on chasing people down without masks on doing the same shit in 2021 XD


What did the europeans learn from the Arabs about slave trading. Please give an explanation instead of claiming bullshit and expecting everyone else to believe.


You seem the type to cry sjw when a black character is shown


What kind of dumbass statement is the west is always writing ideology and politics. What fucking culture doesn't incorporate the life around them into their writing.

AjohnJexy 123

Hey there Bob, no I do not cry when I see black people but I do cry when I see some anime episodes from good animes. Google it or go read on it, you library should have it. I learned it from my sociology course at my university on deviations and deviants of humanity. The slave trade by the Portuguese took the gap and absence of Arab slave trade in west Africa. Saudi had 400k slaves till 1950 and even now there are undercover reports of slave trading in Libya. You are quite funny Bob. I enjoyed this love to see someone squirming to label others as racist when there wasn’t a need lol. Hope you have a good and blessed life honestly and Jesus loves you


What did europeans learn from the arabs about slavery. And it's obvious you something against muslims with that kill cultures comment.


What did the europeans learn from arabs on slavery


How are you gonna claim bullshit like that when rome was huge and already laid down the groundwork for slavery. The arabs came after onto the world stage


I'd say in S4, we somewhat get that with the villagers Alucard goes to see.


I suppose they could've introduced more examples of kind commoners like a group of nomadic monks that help others despite the danger to themselves. An older lady bringing flowers to mourn Dracula's wife. A low level nameless priest whose faith is powerful enough to create holy water in the middle of Hell on Earth. Villagers willing to stand up to the greatest of evils to protect their loved ones. But personally, I don't need to see kind and innocent people that don't deserve all this bullshit to know they are there and to want them saved. I also wouldn't have faulted Trevor for skipping out and leaving them all to die, because most of those good people also have that option.


not just end of the episode but end of the season

Michael Hodges

Sheera could probably guess my blood type


"bro are they recruiting him?" Funny you should say that.


This anime does an extremely good job at keeping me on my toes. So much so that I'm fully engaged in all the dialogue and I'm as surprised as Lupa when the episode finishes. I suppose some plots are easier to follow than others, but at least I'm engaged and not stuck only waiting for the next fight scene like in other shows.


Hey where is Ep 5?😭

Cian Perkins

I love whenever somebody (particularly Sheera, because of the Sheeragan) guesses the correct plot turn/outcome and the other two immediately jump to say “No, there’s no way that’s it because x.” It just brings me joy lol

Susana Canales

Lol dude 😂 it’s Dracula. He was NEVER a good dude. He was on a break that time he met Lisa 😂😬


"LIES?? In your HOUSE of GOD??" Is my favorite thing out of this episode lol. My coworkers and I quote this show all the time lmao