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Well then, that was a tragic ending


Oh, That's Wild

Although very late, I took what he said differently. He put how much Grace meant to him in words an AI could understand, by relating her importance to him with Vivy and her mission. Grace was his "mission", and with her gone, there was nothing else that could fill that gap in his heart.

Cameron Robinson

They could never stop Dive from being made since she was the way went back in time. That dude that keeps showing was never meant to die so Vivy saving him is inconsequential. He was gonna get out of that building.


Tragic. Vivy just keeps getting better and better! More people need to watch this anime!


“coocoo for cocopuffs” sheera be killing me😂😂😂💀


Wanted to give a little correction, the AI that was singing in the beginning wasn't Vivy. It was a sister but not vivy, the doctor who sent Matsumoto said she had been in a museum of sorts so she wasn't affected by the AI takeover


Tragic ending, but this episode popped the fuck off! The first time I watched this, I got chills when the fast version of the op started playing. That whole sequence was so epic.

Daniel Borrego

its surprising that the author of re:zero could make something this epic. make no mistake, i love re:zero, but vivy is on another level for me story wise. and goddamn, the fight scenes. im glad you guys decided to watch this. its SOOOOOOOOO good.

Mr K Delicious

Funny how you guys keep complaining about the intro when it honestly doesn't give much away lol . Especially compared to other anime intro's


Man this episode made me appreciate the opening so much and almost cried tbh the songs and osts for this anime are crazy good🔥

Darren Banks

I'm not sure if we can say much of any of this is really on Diva/Vivy. Matsumoto mentioned that because of the original hotel crash, the Dr.'s marriage to Grace was going to make them celebrities and they were meant to do something about that... but because of the change of events, instead of the marriage being the issue, Grace being synced with the island became the issue instead. Toak was going to carry out the sabotage of the space hotel, the murder of the politician and the park bombing regardless of Vivy's interference. Also, the island was going to exist in 20 years from that point anyway. In those scenarios, Toak actually killed/sabotaged all their targets. With Vivy's interference, they failed. So truthfully, all Vivy has done early on is help AI and Human relations in a way that caused humans to entrust and develop AIs faster. Also, Grace is an older Sister to Diva. so Diva would technically have been based on Grace.


Like AoT S3 Part 2? Showing the EXACT scenes in slow-mo for way more than a split second.


I expect nothing less from an anime centered around a character who wants to make her audience happy with her singing.

Darren Banks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:14:08 Probably because of how long re:zero is, it takes far more time to set up and build than a world where you can get right down to business and tell the story without the lore that takes 5 arcs to tie back in. In 6 episodes, this story managed to tie up 3 separate stories. The birth of Vivy and the Singularity Project, Estella/Elizabeth, & Dr/Grace.. It's just more engaging up front. We've been in an amusement park, in space, and a mech island... By episode 6 in re:zero, we were just figuring out the mansion arc. Plus Diva/Vivy and Subaru are polar opposites of protagonists. Sadly, with Vivy's main plot having such a limited scope, i'm not sure how they could possibly give this a full season without having her go back and rehash 100 years again. I'll miss this when it's gone.
2021-06-11 21:42:10 Probably because of how long re:zero is, it takes far more time to set up and build than a world where you can get right down to business and tell the story without the lore that takes 5 arcs to tie back in. In 6 episodes, this story managed to tie up 3 separate stories. The birth of Vivy and the Singularity Project, Estella/Elizabeth, & Dr/Grace.. It's just more engaging up front. We've been in an amusement park, in space, and a mech island... By episode 6 in re:zero, we were just figuring out the mansion arc. Plus Diva/Vivy and Subaru are polar opposites of protagonists. Sadly, with Vivy's main plot having such a limited scope, i'm not sure how they could possibly give this a full season without having her go back and rehash 100 years again. I'll miss this when it's gone.

Probably because of how long re:zero is, it takes far more time to set up and build than a world where you can get right down to business and tell the story without the lore that takes 5 arcs to tie back in. In 6 episodes, this story managed to tie up 3 separate stories. The birth of Vivy and the Singularity Project, Estella/Elizabeth, & Dr/Grace.. It's just more engaging up front. We've been in an amusement park, in space, and a mech island... By episode 6 in re:zero, we were just figuring out the mansion arc. Plus Diva/Vivy and Subaru are polar opposites of protagonists. Sadly, with Vivy's main plot having such a limited scope, i'm not sure how they could possibly give this a full season without having her go back and rehash 100 years again. I'll miss this when it's gone.

Matthew Brindle

This is easily my favorite show of the season

Oscar Barcelo

I thought they had mention that diva was the first of the sisters which is why they keep regarding her to as older, there is another reason to it but i want to keep away from spoiler as i know they read our comments (sometimes).

Oscar Barcelo

This was also mentioned in episode 1 when matsumoto was showing vivy the future footage. she had asked who that was singing and he mentioned that AI was her predecessor/ replacement. \


Idk if you've guys have heard of it but there's an anime called how not to summon a demon lord it's on the short side but season two just started recently I think ya'll would like it


i would've killed myself too ong


just wanna once more bring up steins;gate! looking forward to hopefully seeing it in the future. much love hope your lil fam is doing great!

Charlie baker

Chivalry of a failed knight is still a banger years later, danmachi is also definitely up yalls alley

Charlie baker

Oh see if vivy is way different then subaru maybe ill give this a chance ,i was gonna completely avoid this as its be re zeros author but this gives some hope

Viela Guay

Man you know the Dr being an advanced A.I researcher calculated exactly what he was doing to Vivy at the end there


They mentioned multiple times that Vivy is the oldest self-autonomous model. All the sister bots are based off of her & the sister bots are at the center of everything so far. So, essentially if Vivy was never created, then the AI apocalypse would have never happened. So, in an offshoot way, Vivy is the blame.


Re:Zero is bogged down but uncalled for dialogue, unfulfilling exposition, unrealistic character interactions, and a very poorly written main character who is HIGHLY dependant on his supporting cast. I'm absolutely shocked that this comes from the same writer. It's almost as if he's learned from his mistakes in Re:Zero.


Every time they reference Vivy as Diva I think of Diva from Blood + and now I need to rewatch it.


but have you already seen all the released episodes of Vivy or are you in episode 6? Because you said you prefer 86, but in 86 the story hasn't started yet, episodes 1 through 10 are pretty much the same on Lena's side, and the characters who have a bad end have not even been presented well enough to become attached to them. Because although 86 is still at the beginning it is good, but only 2 or 3 episodes were good but all the others were nothing special.

Darren Banks

I had misinterpreted the caption at @15:37. I do remember multiple times that Diva was the first AAI. However, unless it’s shown that Diva has been playing Vivy across multiple timelines, I’d still argue that Diva and the sisters still have had little to do with what has happened in the original timeline. Humans still would have killed a politician using AIs to boost his standing. Humans still sabotage Estella by having Elizabeth act in her place to crash the hotel. Humans interfered with Grace’s first mission. Humans have been at the center of the sisters’ issues. Not Diva. The sisters so far have just been used and manipulated at the whim of their supervisors.

Darren Banks

Opinions are like assholes. None of what you mentioned about re:zero are mistakes, but instead a writing style preference. The main character is literally a reflection most of the viewership.

Christian Guzman

Nah, I am caught up with all the eps, but for me I just really like 86 for some reason. Not saying vivy isn’t good because it really is


this show is top tier omg


I still say that he's getting intermittent reports from the future - like the AI in Flash/Legends - on how their actions are altering the future.


Tragic Ending But when the doctor said " You wish me happiness??" I thought of the Tra Rags theme coming on like " Who said I'll be happy" ( With a funny smirk on his face) That ending was terrible for Vivy


Yeah I feel none of his flaws are "bad writing" and more fo a show on how perfect every main character is in isekai's.


Matsumoto woke up this time to stop the marriage between the doctor and grace. Yall need to pay attention lmao. He even says that's why he woke up he found out about the factory after and decided that was a bigger issue because it wasn't suppose to be there yet so he said fuck the marriage we got bigger problems to deal with. He doesn't go back to the future he knows the entire history of the next 100 years and has pre planned key moments to wake up to prevent from happening.

Daniel Borrego

ya i hear ya. i think 86 is a bit too almost artificially depressing for me. like NOTHING can go right for them. vivy has a better ballance of good and bad outcomes. but quality wise both shows are incredible so it more of a preferance then anything. Sometimes a show just flips the right switches for you. land of the lustrous(houseki no kuni) did that for me fore whatever reason. i really loved that anime.

Daniel Borrego

im pretty sure the doctor phrased his last statement to her to basically hurt her. he knows ai's after all.

Daniel Borrego

Season 1 of re:zero was very tight. i think season 2's problem was just having a TON of stuff to cram into the same amount of episodes. more of a problem of adaptation then a failiure of writing. and darren, you're probably right. vivy is a more compact story where re:zero has more long term story arc.


Think so many sleeping on this anime still as the title makes them avoid it.

Scott Riley Adrueno

The doctor couldn't cope with the hole in his heart, he put another in his head.

Ranginald Vagel

This was all kinds of fucked, we need to take this up with the mfs who reprogrammed Grace in the first place instead of building another goddamn AI jfc

RavinFox .

These episodes were already like Nier Automata but after Lupa's Square/Gummi ship joke, I can't help but laugh even harder lol Full Square Enix


Nah bro that's the Cubix bike


wait, people dislike Re:Zero? What the actual fuck?


It did give quite a bit away ( such as the AIs it focuses on, her gaining combat abilities, her fighting the guy )


Right? Bitchasses basically said "Fuck AI Rights" despite what Estella did.