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woah we getting deep outta nowhere!



This whole thing has been tropey, delicious fun and then BOOM this one's just a fucking truck of emotional baggage

Emiliano Reyes Andrade

ohh yes, the series that made me laugh for 10 episodes only to destroy me in the last 2

Damion Middleton

I see a notification, I instantly click. Especially if it’s Cautious Hero.

Randall Martinez

Rewatching the series through your reactions has made me see all the clues they left through out the series. Really cool to see them this time around.

Austin S

you guys are ridiculous it just dropped 😭 I thought I was bad


Love to all y'all

Devin B

The tone of this show really changed with these last two eps. This really set it apart from other comedy anime.

Big Daddy Dre

That moment when you realize we’ve all been laughing at a mans ptsd😂😔


I've been waiting all day for this!! Now we see why he always quadruple taps his opponents


Fkn cryin rn g 😭😭😭😭u guys are on point👏👏


We finally here guys 😢


You guys need to react to Grand Blue!


I'm so absolutely baffled by their immense brain fart...... it was CLEARLY Rista's voice, literally. And somehow they didn't recognize it at all. Like wow. LMFAO. It really wouldn't take half a brain to at least observe the fact that the princess' voice and Rista's voice are the exact same, and wonder if that is coincidence, or given the direction how things have been going, that that could have been Rista at one point. Like damn, I'm dumbfounded lol. XD


Yes, legit one of the funniest shows I've ever watched along w/ Hinamatsuri and Asobi Asobase


watch Asobi Asobase and dont skip the ed

Oui Oui

Lol y’all really didn’t figure out that Princess Tiana was Rista? Same voice. Same eyes. Healing magic. It was pretty obvious

Creepy Killer

Ummm y'all know they didn't actually fuck right


Damn nigga can you take a moment to walk outside, you probably stink you fucking neckbeard.

Joel Brian

Let's go!!! I've been waiting for these 2 eps

Joshua W Capute

Lmao yeah I don't get it, I've seen a handful of other reactors who were 100% adamant to the end that they were indeed smashing as well, despite the many times it's mentioned just how taboo "relations" really are between the divine beings and heroes or that both Valkyrie and Seiya had said with a straight face that Rista was misunderstanding that they had been training and nothing more, or that Seiya 100% isn't that kind of guy being that he's already had 3 goddesses straight up and literally throw themselves at him; yes they all happened to be crazy as fuck but regardless he declined all of their advances, overall it was hard for me to even remotely believe he'd flat out lie to Rista's face about something like that.


yeah sheera that was so funny.......


Yah, back in an earlier episode when Aria dropped the tea because she saw him and freaked out before regaining her composure.


The only think I know about that show is the machine gun ass slap.


lmao Roshi was like "yo this is getting serious" Sheera -" HAHA this is probably just another prank"

The Truth

Yes, yes it is, for some people


Doing the math, if 3 days in Heaven is 1 hour in the fantasy world, then 100 years in Heaven would only be about 8 months.

The Pebble

Sheera was a whole dumb dumb this episode lmao

Scott Riley Adrueno

Sheera was so used to the ridiculous antics in this show it took her a while before everything settled in.


This episode hurt


Idk if you’ll see this but it also explains why aria dropped the tea , and acted very casual with seiya