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Wow, what a finale. All my homies hate Omni Man


Ejay 火

Omni-Man is one of those characters that should’ve stayed a villain or not be written in the beginning to be a full on villain because at the time of this show coming out it was entertaining to see him fuck shit up but now seeing it again and seeing the full reactions to his chaos if he was to die or be injured people are gonna chant like yes we would rather see him in pain then happy because of what he did like conquering planets, killing humans and all that shit was unnecessary he could’ve easily just been a runaway viltrumite like he is right now either way the outcome stays the same but hey that’s just my two sense not everybody gonna think like me and I get that and that’s cool too but all I gotta say is Omni-Man should’ve just stayed a villain


you need to work some punctuation in there my man


Omni man is like a Darth Vader he’s Badass and dope but he is a bad guy who did horrible things


I know most people mad at him, but ur forgetting his prime reason for going to earth was to conquer it. And he can't leave his mission or he'll die, because ur forgetting theres millions of other viltrumites stronger than him so if he were to leave his mission he'd most likely be killed by them. He doesn't care about other life other than his own planet because hes done this for Hundreds of years.

Jarren Jenkins

Season 2 coming out later this year hopefully! Can't wait.

Daniel NT

. Jk Simmons voice acting as Omni man is so good."that was your fault".Mark getting his ass kicked makes it better tbh.

rachet marvel

He is basically what Goku would've been,if he didn't hit his head as a child.


@Ejay 火 Yeah this is a bad take, because once you see the full picture or fully understand omni-mans actions you will know that he wasn't just doing bad things for the hell of it. So redemption for him isn't out of the question. I can definitely understand people not liking him at this point in the story tho.


Season 2 is almost here lets go!




Season 2 coming November 3rd 😁


Throwback still one of the craziest episodes in my show history but season 2 episode 4 gonna be crazy 🐒

Christina Scarfeo

It's hard cause we're human and we are biased, but to omni-man we're a mountain of ants to spray raid at.

Rishad GB

I see people here supporting omni man.........yall need help...like serious help bro


Why not, he's the nicest most empathetic viltrumite in existence, next to mark.

Gabriel Souza

I really like omni-man, so well constructed character. He is an alien of the strongest civilization and was raised and taught that you can only get things by the strength of the species. Obviously he won't think like a human or give a damn about little human lives. I don't think he is a piss of shit at all, compare to his species he's pretty great considering that he actually regreated and was able to change his mind a little bit because of his son.

Mu Nanyo

Amber needs to fuck right off. She had her chance.


Bruhh I just got finished watching it........ Welp, time to get traumatized again


Let the party begin.


Omni man a goated villain this shit was raw


Yeah what a finale, really enjoyed it. Is sao also coming or not tonight?


I had to pause for a second after the train scene and process what I just witnessed, this episode was insane!

Zheikon _

Wow the episode dropped already bet

Big Daddy Dre

So glad this got renewed for 2 more seasons 😤


I haven’t been disturbed like that from Tv in a while😩

Ranginald Vagel

TBH if Nolan was talking that good shit and promised that the people I care about would be OK I wouldn't be completely sure I wouldn't end up trying to talk Earth into agreeing to a soft facist invasion.


You should watch Castlevania if yall looking for more cartoons to watch


Castlevania is amazing I wish they would watch it too

yasmina C

this shit was fucked, is2g this was wayyyyyy worse than it was in the comic lol


Yo this man Omni man is RUTHLESS

MitensuraTensho (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:32:47 this made me sick lol.... and now rewatching it is worse I'm boutta cry
2021-07-09 03:32:47 this made me sick lol.... and now rewatching it is worse I'm boutta cry
2021-07-09 03:32:47 this made me sick lol.... and now rewatching it is worse I'm boutta cry
2021-04-30 04:22:38 this made me sick lol.... and now rewatching it is worse I'm boutta cry

this made me sick lol.... and now rewatching it is worse I'm boutta cry

Oui Oui

Sheera he’s gonna keep killing people no matter what.


Great show. Gonna get more complex. I see why ppl say it’s one of the best comics. But now the seasons over🙃


Hit him so hard they had to switch to CGI


"I wish the teen team would come back him up" ...So they can die lol?

AjohnJexy 123

You guys should react to Gravity falls if you are looking for more cartoons. It’s fun, quirky and well written plus the characters are lovable 😊


Omni Trash now

Candice Blair

I just read it last night was like, wtf? It's more brutal than the comic. lol


I second this. Surprisingly mature themes and jokes in a really well written show for kids that can be enjoyed by adults just as much.

Solivigant Kaiba

Me:Omni-Man, hand over your paternal rights Omni-Man: I'm a Viltrumite, no. Me who's read the comics and know his weakness: I said, hand over your paternal rights. I am Mark's father now. Omni-Man: You're a woman. Me: I'M MARK'S FATHER NOW!!! honestly, the animation makes everything so much more brutal.

Big Daddy Dre

Seeing amber show up at the house pissed me off more than the Omni man shit for some reason 😕


I'll tell you right now, Nolan is strong, there are Viltrumites who're WAY stronger.

MitensuraTensho (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:32:44 LUPA 💀that's exactly what I said..just let go bruh 🤦🏾‍♂️
2021-07-09 03:32:44 LUPA 💀that's exactly what I said..just let go bruh 🤦🏾‍♂️
2021-07-09 03:32:44 LUPA 💀that's exactly what I said..just let go bruh 🤦🏾‍♂️
2021-04-30 04:38:11 LUPA 💀that's exactly what I said..just let go bruh 🤦🏾‍♂️

LUPA 💀that's exactly what I said..just let go bruh 🤦🏾‍♂️


I'm glad they didn't make her bland like the comics, but damn does she annoy me.

Charlie baker

This was super comic accurate and i loce they left key references in

Charlie baker

Well yeah he crashed through the city in and out in the comics so a shit ton of people did die but not on screen really


A beautiful conclusion. fingers crossed for season two asap


i heard there was gonna be two more seasons

Neon lover

Season 2 AND 3 HAVE been confirmed 😭😭 YES


They have already been greenlit for season 2 and 3. So don't worry about that

Shin splits

So this way there season finale right?

matthew perry

yeaaaaah, fuck omni-man

Big Daddy Dre

Shit battle beast is one of the only niggas in the comics that can go toe to toe with them


I was so hyped when I saw conquest in the viltrimite flashback


Like Mark laying in a pile of his own blood with broken limbs and a fucked up face.


Bro, Mark should start respecting himself more. Amber literally treated him like trash even though he told her the truth about his identity and then when Mark gets fucked up she comes and kisses him, like what?!


Man this last episode made me so emotional with everything. Ommi man is a piece of shit. Damn looking foward with season 2 and 3. I hope mark get a character/power up.


Goddamn mark got the shit beat outta him. this viltremite war fiina go crazy tho

Kekeke 7

I never pause a show when watching, but after mark said id have you i had to take a break


So I’m assuming cobra Kai is replacing this starting next week


This is a third of the total story that’s why they only confirmed three seasons and it only gets crazier from here 💯

Alex Omega

Fuck Omni Man. I will never like him. They can never redeem him for me. (*If you like Omni Man good for you but I don't give a shit.*) *For the people who usually leave me comments on my comment*


Yeah they said they was finna do it on twitch and on the board they posted a few months back. And since they just finished a 40min long ep series I figured they go straight into another one as a replacement hence Cobra Kai

Devil’s Advocate

Ngl I giggled a little at the train scene. The event itself was horrible, but the way they showcased it was comical. ...I know no one’s gonna understand this. 😅

Grimm Paragon

you guys really have to give it to marks will though. getting beat by someone whos unstoppable, when he knows the alternative is his world falling to ruin is commendable


That was crazy as for someone who read the comics can’t wait for the next season’s. It gonna get even better

Rin B

Yeah, same. I don't know even know how he could ever be redeemed. He's way pass the Moral Event Horizon.

Saad Rasool

Please do Castlevania now.


The Omni Man stuff makes a lot of sense when you consider that he's on his own level compared to everybody on Earth. Like even if he switched sides it's not like he could even stop 2 other Viltrumites.

Rin B

Yeah. Castlevania is really good. I think the final season is coming out soon

Charlie baker

Amazon definitely aint tryna piss off comic and non comic fans like that plus this property is a super cash cow with how little people are prepared for how truly violent and intense the rest of invincible is ,itll keep anyone invested

Charlie baker

To those who know ,nolan said something important to issue 144 after he beat up mark in the Himalayas and was yelling at him

AjohnJexy 123

Remember when the Hulk decimated the city as well as the other avengers. Remember Man of Steel with Superman and General Zod. This is what happened but they never really show the real effect supes have on the planet in those movies. Also seems like Mark is more comfortable as a Viltrumite, like when he said it’s better to float, he feels better when looking at the “grand scheme of things.” Quite similar to what his dad said and he also said it’s within Mark’s heart.

Orlandez Malone

Seasons 2 and 3 have already been greenlit. Can't wait to see where the show goes. This finale, and entire season was WILD!

Charlie baker

The comics are worth the read,i binged the 4 eps that were available at the time then over 3 days i binge read all 144 issues and it was amazing, i highly recommended getting the invincible compediums,theyre 3 volumes of 46 comics each that compile all the issues for like 60 bucks

Richard Stewart

I just realized that this man got dumped by his girl, got his ass kicked by his dad, and found out his true family legacy all in one day, thats rough as hell. I cant wait to see how season 2 and 3 will follow because there is so much more to tell

yasmina C

is Dorohedoro still coming? I thought it was supposed to start a while ago? or maybe I misread the schedule update @Roshi

Grimm Paragon

this show is wild, and hella stressful.

Donaldo Medina-Lozano

Yo yo yo, you guys are definitely watching Yasuke on Netflix right?? Studio Mappa at it again!!!

Lamaree Jackson

Clue that this episode was intense af: Lupa didn’t laugh at a single person dying or getting their ass whooped.

Reese Daboss

Am I the only one who noticed how the longer the fight went the more red omni man's eyes got red

yasmina C

srsly, it was bad enough in the comic and they somehow magnified it lol

yasmina C

the city stuff was basically the same; it was the added subway butchering everyone scene that really made me stop breathing for a bit lol


Season 2 and 3 Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!!!!!!!! but this really was good tho.


Damn this was good. Really hope this gets a season 2.


Rachel,Gabi, and now Omni-man smh


Fecking amazing finale for a spectacular show.

Candice Blair

TBF, we don't know how many episodes it will be. We don't know if it's going to stay at 8.


A third isn’t a good way to put it, there are three really memorial events in the comics and this is one of them


Omni-man: WHAT will you have after 500 years? Mark: You, Dad... This part made me tear up a bit man I feel so bad for Mark after everything he learn and experienced I'm surprised how well he is doing.


bro me and lupa had the same reaction at the train part. jesus christ.


To thinks that it’s gonna get crazier than this. glad it’s been renewed for two more seasons


In the comic the Omni-man Vs Mark fight happens pretty early, so it depends how they adapt it. I could see it going past season 3


Feels like we're about to go into the Saiyan Saga


I had a feeling she was going to come crawling back.


The irony is, I somewhat suspect that Nolan could have won Mark over if he had laid off the mass murder a bit and given it a bit more time, say a century or two. If you think about it, sooner or later, experience would have brought Mark at least partially around to Nolan's point of view. It's true that humans are tragic and fragile creatures, after all. And the more experience Mark clocked, the more true that would seem, especially as the deaths of his various acquaintances grew to multi-generational proportions. Sooner or later, he would surrender to the totality of his experience and began to view the many flaws of human civilization as things which could be rectified, if only humanity would surrender to a greater wisdom. This, I imagine, is exactly how Nolan became the way he is. I doubt it's possibly to live that long and not grow disillusioned with what seems to you to be obvious foolishness, a thing humans and especially governments are prone to. You spend enough time cleaning up their messes, and you're going to start thinking that they should be listening to you instead of their idiotic whims. Hell, many people get there before they're 20, let alone 200... As I said, I doubt Mark would ever get onboard with wanton mass slaughter like what Nolan was doing here, but I also don't think it was necessary. For that matter, I'm still a little puzzled as to why the original Guardians had to die. Nolan's approach was simply tactless, which seems to be a hallmark of his character. Or perhaps it's simply a consequence of his age and power that he no longer has the ability to think in such terms. But if he had given Mark more time, he probably would have had an extremely loyal ally in the control of Earth. And it's likely there would be several more generations of Viltrumites in the mix to boot. These additional generations would grow successively easier to convince, as well. Think about it: If your dad tells you something and you don't believe him, it's a bit different from your dad and grandfather and great-grandfather (etc.) all telling you the same thing.

AjohnJexy 123

I don’t like him but he is like the joker to me, a necessary villain for a good story.

Deric Jackson

shit gets me every time when mark responds to omni-man with "You dad..." I literally cannot help but cry

Viela Guay

Binged the entire comic yesterday. Some real good shit coming down the pipeline. Glad we got to end with best boy Allen on screen again. Also tbh with how many times almost every "good" character causes this amount of death and destruction intentionally I'd totally forgotten the possibility that people could dislike omni-man

Kalib Holland

The real question that nobody is asking is why do all the Viltrumite dudes have mustaches

Aniruddha Sharma

Y'all should really read the comic, if you loved the show, you will love the comic. Just read the first 20 issues, if you don't want future seasons spoiled. Bu I recommend reading it entirely. The whole thing is only 130 issues.

Gurnoor Sekhon

Viltrum is basically if entire krypton was made up of general Z'od.


holy shit this was epic


Coming from someone who is only watching the show and knows nothing about the comics and doesn't want to get spoiled, maybe The Immortal can train Mark after he comes back again since The Immortal was putting up a decent fight, I think he has the experience to fight Omni-Man on certain terms he's just not genetically as strong as him. But if Mark gets that experience alongside his viltrumite genetics, he could probably actually fight his dad.

Enkyri (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:32:35 I think he killed the guardians because they were the only ones who posed an actual threat to his mission. Even from the aspect of him trying to kill Immortal first. It shows he was trying to get the people that he deemed to be a problem out of the way first & foremost. He didn't see anyone else as an actual threat after that.
2021-04-30 07:18:21 I think he killed the guardians because they were the only ones who posed an actual threat to his mission. Even from the aspect of him trying to kill Immortal first. It shows he was trying to get the people that he deemed to be a problem out of the way first & foremost. He didn't see anyone else as an actual threat after that.

I think he killed the guardians because they were the only ones who posed an actual threat to his mission. Even from the aspect of him trying to kill Immortal first. It shows he was trying to get the people that he deemed to be a problem out of the way first & foremost. He didn't see anyone else as an actual threat after that.


All I can say is, when Amber showed up at the end, I was like: "Nah bitch, I DON'T - FUCK WITH- YOUUUUUUU!!!!'


Only the built different can survive in viltrum. Guess im a pureblood viltrumite then💪🏼😈

Life Legacy

Great reaction as always. Love you guys! PLEASE REACT TO CASTLEVANIA NEXT! Season 4 starts in 2 weeks

lakewood145 .

season 2 better be here by next week

The Truth

Mark has just been through some shit and witness so many people die, none of them are in the mood to be angry at each other

Lamaree Jackson

Good guys never really cause this much destruction. Especially not on purpose. When Hulk does it, he gets sent off planet or Banner is put in a voluntarily coma to keep Hulk contained. When heroes purposely cause mass destruction with no consequences, it makes the whole project their apart of seem trash. I.E. Hancock and Majin Vegeta. Superman breaks a wall while saving ten people: everyone starts calling him a false god and wants to kill him. Good guys always think about death and destruction they’d be causing. Cecil cleared out a whole neighborhood to blow up one house. Omni-Man was just like fuck everyone. I don’t know which heroes are intentionally causing death and destruction but I’m sure it’s nothing like “hey let me stand in front of this train and turn everyone on it into mist.

The Truth

Mark has just fought his father and witnessed so many people die, he just got done seeing his mother cry. In what world would he have the energy to be mad at Amber in that moment? You can’t blame Mark, he just been through some shit

Big Juls

Watch castlevania! It's real good

Ranginald Vagel

In human terms Omni-Man is like a boxer you would hear about if you follow the sport. But he ain't the world champion, or even a challenger.

Ranginald Vagel

It's like, one kickboxer can beat up a less skilled one, but imagine he's now fighting two of them. Now imagine he needs to fight an army of kickboxers and a league of professional ones stronger than him plus the world champion is on the other side.



Viela Guay

I was more referring to the "good" characters in this series than just a general claim. Everyone gets their hands pretty dirty

Nero Redfield

It is small, but he also instantly mentioned pizza as soon as he got home with his mom. Just like his Dad mentioning Naples


Yo fuck Amber. She doesn't deserve a Giga-Chad like Mark. He deserves better any day. fr

Randle Dandle

If you guys want more good adult animation to react to Castlevania is a good fit to replace this show until it's next season.


again just like the guy commented...no good person just decides to commit genocide because those particular people dont really matter to them


I think he said it was gonna start after tanya was finished.


I really loved how there's so many different plot lines to still deal with. Like yeah viltrum is still something they'll have to deal with in the future but we still got everyday enemies lurking about.


J.K Simmon's voice acting was second to none in this show


Can you guys please watch Tokyo ghoul


it’s one of the best anime’s

Lupa is Dadi

Damn bro , that line Mark said hit me man. Fuuuuuuuuuck


I actually don’t hate omni man cause he’s such a good villain


^yep, he was sent to earth to weaken it for an eventual invasion not to invade it himself, taking out the guardians of the globe would be the clearest method of weakening the planet


Amber did nothing but give Mark unnecessary Stress this whole season.


Yo I actually felt bad for Mark. That shit hit deep. Aside from that...can you guys react to Yasuke plz?

Brandon Eaton

Omni man is a product of his society.


I can't really hate Omni-Man. Tbh I never "hate" fictional characters because that's a waste of time but I feel like his struggle is interesting. From his point of view his life on Earth really has been a speck of an eye. I think he did change but he doesn't want to admit, proven by the fact he decided to leave instead of finishing the job. In his eyes Mark could have been a catalyst between the conquered and the conquerors, he could change the Empire itself and remake it in a better way too.

Damion Middleton

This season was Mark just taking Ls. I hope he’ll get some development throughout next Season. That last Episode was really rough to watch.

Jeremiah Wagner

How is hating fictional characters a waste of time? You can hate whoever or whatever you want


That was fucking crazy God damn


Epic Finale! The head crushing of the Pilot and the Train scene was so brutal!

godUsoland (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:32:25 Gotta feel a little bad for Omni-Man. He's literally a soldier of his Empire who caught feelings on Earth. He likely wouldn't have attacked until after Mark & Debbie had passed on, but the moment Mark got his powers, he immediately started feeling like time was running out, and thus killed the Guardians. The inner struggle he must be having, going against a lifetime of indoctrination and love for his people, vs. the love of what would be "a speck" in his lifetime.
2021-04-30 12:37:31 Gotta feel a little bad for Omni-Man. He's literally a soldier of his Empire who caught feelings on Earth. He likely wouldn't have attacked until after Mark & Debbie had passed on, but the moment Mark got his powers, he immediately started feeling like time was running out, and thus killed the Guardians. The inner struggle he must be having, going against a lifetime of indoctrination and love for his people, vs. the love of what would be "a speck" in his lifetime.

Gotta feel a little bad for Omni-Man. He's literally a soldier of his Empire who caught feelings on Earth. He likely wouldn't have attacked until after Mark & Debbie had passed on, but the moment Mark got his powers, he immediately started feeling like time was running out, and thus killed the Guardians. The inner struggle he must be having, going against a lifetime of indoctrination and love for his people, vs. the love of what would be "a speck" in his lifetime.

JsnSkg (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:32:27 Agreed. I'm hella mad at Omni-Man for sure, but I don't think I hate him. I'm still not putting this in a black & white perspective. He's very misguided and was raised to believe it's the Viltrumite way or the highway. Strength & power is everything for the Viltrum Empire. They can keep believing that because nobody can stop them. What needs to happen is Mark has to prove he can surpass his dad, fight him again, and once he prevails, puts his foot down. Omni-Man does his time in a specialized prison (we know he has to have his own kryptonite, he's essentially "darker Superman" and that's why they're studying Viltrumite blood).
2021-04-30 12:37:50 Agreed. I'm hella mad at Omni-Man for sure, but I don't think I hate him. I'm still not putting this in a black & white perspective. He's very misguided and was raised to believe it's the Viltrumite way or the highway. Strength & power is everything for the Viltrum Empire. They can keep believing that because nobody can stop them. What needs to happen is Mark has to prove he can surpass his dad, fight him again, and once he prevails, puts his foot down. Omni-Man does his time in a specialized prison (we know he has to have his own kryptonite, he's essentially "darker Superman" and that's why they're studying Viltrumite blood).

Agreed. I'm hella mad at Omni-Man for sure, but I don't think I hate him. I'm still not putting this in a black & white perspective. He's very misguided and was raised to believe it's the Viltrumite way or the highway. Strength & power is everything for the Viltrum Empire. They can keep believing that because nobody can stop them. What needs to happen is Mark has to prove he can surpass his dad, fight him again, and once he prevails, puts his foot down. Omni-Man does his time in a specialized prison (we know he has to have his own kryptonite, he's essentially "darker Superman" and that's why they're studying Viltrumite blood).


I'd have been like, "Dafuq are you doing here? GTFO." Coming back to him now of all times, like nah, fuck that shit.


Eh, more like a good antagonist. "Villain" isn't necessarily accurate.

James Yoder

Maybe it was because she got angry at him for something so petty when he's the only thing standing between them and a multi-galactic empire lol

James Yoder

Roshi's face at the whole amber scene lmao


True, I already know what happens in the comics so I'm just trying to think my thoughts about this episode out loud. It's definetly not black or white, which is how I see most stuff like this. Us humans can look at lists of casualties in past wars and think how horrible it must have been but that's it. We don't care about dead people who died a thousand years ago. They're just numbers to us. We do all sorts of bad things in real life and try to justify them. That's what Omni-Man does. He feels no joy in killing people. Someone like Battle-Beast just wants to fight strong opponents and everyone roots for him while hating on Nolan for trying to, in his eyes, better humanity.


Niggas should of just paid battle beast and had nigga on stand by for this nigga omni man 😭


Omni-man best superhero. Lupa freaking out and not understanding at all Omni-man side and where he came from. I really didn't think this would get season 2, could have been one-off story.


So glad you guys gave Mark the respect he deserved. I was honestly afraid you guys were still going to trash talk him for getting his ass beat.


The way this is set is very interesting. They are setting mark up to be the sole protector of earth and at the same time the made it intergalactical. Like the lanterns from dc( havent read any comics). This dialogue about the coalition of planet just expanded the Universe massively. They are also setting mark up to become less human, as he will outlast everyone on earth. He will just be the protector and never mark grayson again. He will see his mom die, his kids and grandkids die. This is a fcking hurdle to bring to a kid. He will never view humanity as a human


Debbie is literally like a pet to him. Just like you know your dog will die before you, but yoi still cherish the moment with him

Tre'son McClendon

Omniman was doing Mark so bad it was hard to watch lol

Lefrazier Hathorn

Are you guys gonna watch Tokyo Revengers?

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

Great episode!!!!! You guys should react to Castlevania and Yasuke. Both are on Netflix.


Friendly reminder too that even though Omniman looks middle aged, he's implied to be hundreds if not thousands of years old already. He straight up says to Mark "you don't know me"

Charles Darcy

Castlevania would be a great reaction! especially since the final season is about to come out,

Waka Flocka Flame

Omni Man Reminds me a lot of Reiner in AOT He was on the mission but got to sucked in. Same with Omni Man got to attached to Earth and its people.

Devin B

That scene of Amber coming up to his house got me just as heated as when Omni man explained what Viltrum actually do if not more heated. She got the nerve to come to him after telling him to basically fuck off.

Devin B

Bro she didn't want to mess with him after protecting her from the cyborgs but decides to come back after he gets fucked up beyond belief. I just hope next season Mark realizes she isn't for him and end up with Atom Eve or literally anyone else.

Candice Blair

If Amber thought Mark blew her off before, what makes her think he’s going to have time now to date her?

Devin B

Omni-Man never said anything that implied that he was trying to better humanity though. Everything he did in his eyes was to better the universe at the expense of other worlds by having the Viltrumites rule over them which is what most people hate on him for.

Devin B

I gotta give it to Debbie cause she just heard that the man she was willing to spend the rest of her life with called her a pet and she is holding it together better than I thought. She definitely needs time to heal but she's strong enough to keep it together for Mark.


My boy lupa going through it lol


He said they could help humanity by stopping wars, ending hunger and giving them better medical technology. Yes, forcing your good intentions on others is no better than an evil act but he believes that this is necessary.

Devin B

Yeah but that's the messed up thing about it though, in order for humanity to get all those benefits they have to be essentially enslaved by Viltrum.


Well we haven't yet been shown how they treat the people they conquer. We know they kill the one's who resist but don't know how free the one's who give in are.

Devin B

That's actually a good point. I just assumed that they might be treated somewhat bad cause Viltrum appears to think that other races are insignificant but we don't know how they treat the people they enslave.

Tyreke Stewart

One-off? You must not know of the comic series its based off of. This season alone covers the first dozen issues that came out years ago.


It was rough but it’s realistic, something marvel never shows. Can’t have a big superhuman brawl with no casualties. That’s what I like about the show it’s gruesome but that’s the reality of a fight like that

Devin Witt

Picked up the comics after this season. Shit gets wild! Love how the show has kept things tight with the pacing, might help with the crazier arcs in the comics.


How? The stress was entirely self inflicted. He should of told her sooner or ended it.

Devin Witt

Volume 24 is where the first season just ended I believe. Just picked up the series to physically read through, I've read some synopses online and watched some character overview videos to see if it was worth picking up physical copies. Well worth it, I highly recommend getting the series!


When Omni-man said all those terrible things, he wasn't trying to convince Mark, he was trying to convince himself that what he was doing was still the right thing to do. And he failed at that.

Candice Blair

I brought the Ultimate edition vol.1 and its basically this whole season. The only stuff not in that book was the robot stuff

Brandon Rodgers

It was hard finally watching Debbie break down who knows how long she was holding that back

Stephon Gooden

mark really getting me tight taking amber back, he need to punt that bitch like football and go get eve or stay single with his simping ass... great reaction tho lol

Jed U

Was watching Akasan's reaction to the episode and he made a really interesting comparison between Omni-Man and Vegeta being on Earth. Like how both of them came to Earth to conquer it but got complacent with his family and it softened him up for a time like how Vegeta eventually got with Bulma and Trunks. In Nolan's case though he stayed much more committed to his "mission" to the point of wrecking Mark


The comic literally ran from 2003 to 2018. This could NOT have been a one off lol


he gave himself stress. he need to decided to tell her or leave her alone from jump but he keep lying and wasnt even good at it.


he literally killled hundreds maybe even 1000s of people for no reason in one afternoon. they weren't resisting just living their lives. so im gonna go out on a limb and say they treat the people they enslave like shit bc that what enslaving people is to began with.

rickie woodson

solid finale but: im disappointed they stuck with the comics and didnt just make him have that glimmer of "goodness" in him. after all he did and said, no way can he redeem himself in my eyes. also: fuck the heroes of this universe. the guardians arent the only heroes out there so where were they? and the fact that the guardians just sat there and watched all those people die without TRYING to help? fuck them too. helping people AFTER the danger to themselves was gone is no redemption in my book. bravery isnt the lack of fear but the ability to stand strong despite it. in kid lingo: they whack! #whatwouldteentitansdo superman and other uber powerful folks have gone evil and heroes didnt back down. heck just read the debut of doomsday aka the death of superman! i need them to touch on this next season for the public to throw a guilt trip on them


Sure, but that's just you assuming. We don't know yet so all we can do is theorize. However not all slavery includes treating the slaves poorly. Slavery and enslavement are both the state and the condition of being a slave, who is someone forbidden to quit their service for another person (a slaver), while treated as property. That doesn't always mean the owner abuses them. They just aren't allowed to leave their service. Treatment of slaves is usually up to the owners, some are nicer than others and may even let some slaves go if they work well enough.

Joseph Wong

I’m not sure if he did take Amber back tbh he kinda seems out of it at the moment. It seems like it’ll either be a distraction to help him cope or they’ll just be friends.

AjohnJexy 123

I think Mark is a successful viltrumite in a weird way because he technically destroyed Mars. Mars might not have the capability to resist Viltrum. Mark in the viltrumite eyes successful weakened Mars. Maybe I am think too much into this lol

Joel Braaten

If this episode messed you up, you are really not ready for what's to come...

Joseph Glover

I wonder if they were fighting in a different planet with civilization and see other beings that’s not humans get slaughtered would they reacted the same way.

Joel Braaten

I'm so mad Mark took her bitch ass back.


how does a cartoon almost make a 22 y/o cry :(

Doughboy 1027

Bro, I would've slammed the door in that tricks face quick! Fellas, dont be a Mark...

The Pebble

Bruh, I'm 22 as well, we're still babies when it comes to a lot of shit lol


when yall crush ants and bugs in yo house do you care or shed a tear? This is what humanity looks like to omni man dudes literally 1000s of years old and basically a god. Also im curious what viltrum would do the earth when they submit to them? do they wipe out part of humanity or something? they didnt say but he did offer to solve humanities problems so weirdly it didn't even sound like a bad offer unless there was catch.

The Pebble

Bruh, I thought the writers were just trying to get rid of Amber, seriously though? The writers obviously don't realize how hate-able they made her and now we have to keep dealing with her dumbass? Hopefully she's just chill from here on out then but I'll never like her again.

Candice Blair

They would've just got killed as well. Just more senseless deaths for no reason. It's good they listened to Cecil for the most part.


So they can reanimate dead bodies with the tech and then that body has the strength to hurt a Viltrumite so can someone explain to me why they did not cyborg initiative the dead member of the Guardians of the Globe? Hell War Woman was able to hurt him before give her the cyborg make over and she could probably be a real problem.


The show is not tagged under its name btw


Also I think if mark didnt get his powers omni man wasn't gonna carry out the plan because it could of potentially endagered his son. He didn't do all the stuff he did until he confirmed mark had powers which why he reacted to weird about it and said it woulda been better if he didnt get powers in the first place.

Fin brotherson

The thing i love about this show so much is that it is realistic for a world like this would be, so many people just love to watch the good guy vs the bad guy and thats fine but there is no depth to a story like that. Great hate omni-man but if any of us had grown up on viltrum we would be the same and theres no doubt about it. There's more to the "villian" you are supposed to hate and that is clearly shown and once people take off the goggles of fantasy utopias you can see it for what it is...


it was alright hopefully season 2 picks it up


Omni-man petty af for that whole episode


I'm so glad this show was renewed for a second and third season

Devil’s Advocate

They’re a bunch of genocidal lunatics...there’s a catch. And that bug analogy (shoutout to FMAB) kinda makes sense but then kinda doesn’t to me. The psyche of the person that views it that way is what I’m referring to, not necessarily the logic. Humans and Viltrumites are the same essentially (maybe) aside from their physical abilities. They look exactly the same and we’ve seen that they can have the same types of emotions. Humans to bugs on the other hand...not so much.


I feel so bad for Mark


That actually makes sense now that I think about it.


Soon as Amber came in I would've been like, "Nah, bitch, GTFO."

Lively Nili

Growing up in that society, having that type of power and living that long would make you cold like that I guess. Was a great finale. But I can't believe Mark took her back bruh, especially after her manipulative, bs entrance smh


Idk about its people really, I think just his family. He had no problem committing genocide. Pretty sure he was conflicted, then resolved to go full Viltrumite, and then conflicted again. He's still for sure gonna have to face severe punishment for the shit he pulled this episode. If Viltrum culture is all about power and strength, then that's what Mark needs to POTENTIALLY sway his dad. If he can prove to his dad next time they meet that he can a better protector of Earth, hopefully that will cause Omni-Man to stand down.


Oh nice! I like this observation. Unfortunately despite that, he still killed tons of innocent people. I don't really hate him, nor do I want him dead, but he's gotta face the consequences...... after Mark levels up.


Lmao but she knew at some point, and decided that being petty about it was the right solution. I'll agree that Mark was a bit too indecisive about it, but he was also being hella cautious, which there is nothing wrong with when you're a superhero and you're trying to look out for the safety of your friends. Superhero newbie in high school isn't gonna be like, "HEY, I'M INVINCIBLE, BITCHES. FUCK YEAH" if they know what's good for them.


"Are they gonna try to blow up Earth?" literally right as Allen was saying Earth was flagged for Viltrumite takeover. Also, those cyber soldiers or w/e are dead soldiers. So it's not that big a deal... relatively speaking. It's better than making them out of living people. And if you're in a desperate situation, take the lesser of two evils.


When Mark said I'd have you to Nolan, that fucked me up.


Nah Jonah, don’t worry. It’s just some ketchup dawg😂

Faiz Khan

plus their soldiers so they've already the governments lapdogs it makes sense

Eli Kisamo

I really don't hate Omni-man. He's spitting facts. He's killing people. So what? Even we do that. We literally tried all throughout history to conquer each other. Viltrumites are just super saiyan British people to the rest of the universe. What part of a super alien society built on the backs of literally HALF their race's corpses do some of y'all not understand? Redemption? They are not interested nor do they really need it. Its like with us, and how we treat animals. Insects, in particular. Flies live for like a week. So what if we crush them now or later? They're literally going to be dead soon anyway. Exact same perspective from a viltrumite I'd imagine. Especially when a Viltrumite could literally crush the planet rather casually. Nolan said Mark would be thousands of years old before he even LOOKS thirty. That means they live for tens, hundreds, thousands of thousands of years. Now obviously, Mark grew up with humans. So he values their lives. But I feel like he'd grow more calloused as time beats him down with the continuous deaths of any humans he'd come close to.

Viela Guay

Lowballing as hard a possible to a 2000 year lifespan his entire time on earth (say around 30 years) is the equivalent for a year to him. A more reasonable assumption of like 5000 years put it around 5 months. As terrible as it sounds, him viewing debbie similar to a pet isn't that big of jump considering she literally has a shorter relative lifespan than some insects, and at the high end, a hamster. Like there's nothing saying you can't love your pet dearly, but you have to mentally come to terms with the fact you will outlive literal generations


Flies aren't sentient, bro. If a bee lands on your arm and starts discussing the ethical ramifications of capitalism, then you would value it's life over that of the non-speaking bees.


The problem is obviously that WE are humans and we are going to root for the humans in the end.

Humble Johnson

I think that’s another reason we wanted to believe Omni man was good tho cause he looked human and we were fooled. “We were rooting for you, we were all rooting for you. How dare you!”

Faiz Khan

this was great animated

Kevin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:32:11 @ 12:33 she says "This is terrible...terrible" and my first thought was "You haven't seen terrible yet...but soon..you will.."
2021-07-09 03:32:11 @ 12:33 she says "This is terrible...terrible" and my first thought was "You haven't seen terrible yet...but soon..you will.."
2021-07-09 03:32:11 @ 12:33 she says "This is terrible...terrible" and my first thought was "You haven't seen terrible yet...but soon..you will.."
2021-05-01 03:20:20 @ 12:33 she says "This is terrible...terrible" and my first thought was "You haven't seen terrible yet...but soon..you will.."

@ 12:33 she says "This is terrible...terrible" and my first thought was "You haven't seen terrible yet...but soon..you will.."

Kevin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:32:10 Also thank you for saying No when Amber tried to kiss him at the end like bitch I don't want your shallow ass ignorant ass lips on me.
2021-07-09 03:32:10 Also thank you for saying No when Amber tried to kiss him at the end like bitch I don't want your shallow ass ignorant ass lips on me.
2021-07-09 03:32:10 Also thank you for saying No when Amber tried to kiss him at the end like bitch I don't want your shallow ass ignorant ass lips on me.
2021-05-01 03:37:36 Also thank you for saying No when Amber tried to kiss him at the end like bitch I don't want your shallow ass ignorant ass lips on me.

Also thank you for saying No when Amber tried to kiss him at the end like bitch I don't want your shallow ass ignorant ass lips on me.

Markus Antonius

God that fucked me up when he said I’d still have you dad


bruh I thought Bulma was watching the fight with her robots lol

Anthony Coley

I don't think it was dumb for omni man to assume that Mark would be on his side, he isn't human, he doesn't think like one and mark is probably his first son. He's never been a father before and he's already like a thousand years old plus viltrumite blood is dominant so he probably didn't think that human dna was strong enough to overcome the natural viltrumite instinct


Amber better be sucking marks dick all season 2 or i'll never forgive her! ... lol


Maybe but I dont think they ever say thats a limitation?

Eli Kisamo

Humans are, and some of us kill each other mercilessly, or even worse. If an insect landed on my arm and started talking, even if I valued its life over a non-speaking bee, its value wouldn't be so high as to not kill it. What is the ethical ramifications of capitalism to a being who could literally destroy every society who uses that concept, and erase it from the history books. Or just, destroy the planet. What value is there in sentience? Less than you'd imagine, even amongst ourselves.


In this case, Shah, I'm rooting for humans, yes. But please do not assume that just because we are human we have to always root for humans. Sometimes humans are shit and I want to root for fictional races in works of fiction.

Ax Man

Omni Man beat Mark like Kunta smh


Omni Man is Majin Vegeta on crack lol

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:32:11 She is a teenager, watch out >.>
2021-05-01 14:54:47 She is a teenager, watch out >.>

She is a teenager, watch out >.>

Arsean Wilbon

Lmao 😂 is it bad I still like Omni man? His propensity for carnage is crazy lmao viltrumites are fucking Spartans on a whole other level

Faiz Khan

bro JK Simmons is fucking great for this role l mean no surprise with Whiplash and Spiderman but its still dope

Jaime Ruiz

He’s awesome, if people can’t like a character for being an antagonist then they’re brain is underdeveloped and immature. I like Omnimwn as much as Season one of The Boys Homelander. Fucking terrifying.


That Id still have you dad fucked me up haha


Well im assuming the tech is the part that made them a problem as even human bodys with no limiters are still pretty weak... though the problem with this argument is why use dead bodies at all then and not full on drones? I guess its one of those things you just have to ignore

Derrick B

No zenki boost for you lol

DeAndre Woodruff

I feel like..... Omni Man has a point. Aaaand he still a better Dad than Goku


Yo can yall maybe tag this as invincible, right now when people click the hyperlink they only get shown up to ep 7

The Truth

It’s because he does, it would be better if they just joined the empire, what’s the point in resisting? They aren’t going to be slaves, they’ll make Earth a better place and it’s not like they can stop them anyway lol


Cecil is a "VERY GOOD Liar", I see it now, everything he does and says is all intentional. Man's playing 4D chess while competing for an Oscar at the same time. Also he's DEF trying to smash Mrs Grayson

Immoral Mortal

I love Omni Man. to be honest his plan is not that bad just submit and get your technological advances. i was on his side the whole show, So what if a couple million people die for the betterment of humanity


"But I feel like he'd grow more calloused as time beats him down with the continuous deaths of any humans he'd come close to." Yo, remember Immortal? The dude who was clapped in the first second of this episode who ALSO lived hundreds, if not thousands of years? He seemed totally well adjusted and on board with saving people. In fact, he was the one in episode 1 used to show how callous omni-man was in comparison when they were saving people from the White House.


are you willing to be one of the couple millions to die ?? lol

Austin Friley

Let’s be real Cecil stead man is the white nick fury


The impression I'm getting is that Viltrumites are space nazis. So they would probably do a Thanos Snap on Earth, but they will snap the "weaker" half of the planet. Then they will probably repeatedly wipe out half the planet every certain amount of time for eons until they feel satisfied that Earthlings have evolved to the same level as Viltrumites.

Chris Hawking

A man with principles ?! Him and his goddamn species have a God complex on a whole nother level they're all a bunch of brutal merciless barbarians not having a respect for Life basically

Chris Hawking

He's a great antagonists yes but when it comes to a father just a decent enough individual a society hell no !! In fact he should be the one in Hell or going through something even worse than that compared to the demon detective who actually was standing up for what's right him & his goddamn species at least the ones that act just like him they're bunch of Barbarians merciless bastards with no respect for Life whatsoever with the huge guy complex obviously irl tho when it comes to The Narrative of a story even I can admit that antagonist can be interesting but that still doesn't excuse the atrocities that they do fictional or real life society's most of the systems love themselves to Hero can't blame them for the most part

Chris Hawking (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-11 12:22:36 So basically Nolan & his species is a bunch of merciless brutal barbarians that force their way of living onto others with a God complex
2021-07-29 05:11:13 So basically Nolan & his species is a bunch of merciless brutal barbarians that force their way of living onto others with a God complex

So basically Nolan & his species is a bunch of merciless brutal barbarians that force their way of living onto others with a God complex

Chris Hawking

19:37 when you think about it the signs were there but unfortunately nothing could've been done :-(


Brutal people with God complex never make any civilisation better. Have we seen what happens to those planets who submit? By the way, he insinuating slavery. Why would the viltrimite think of humans as equals? Omni man literally referred to his wife as a pet and referred humans as insects. You want these kind people ruling over you? They literally humans are worthless which omni man repeatedly said. They even killed their own people to cull the weakest. Under their empire we would have to kill weak humans, including disabled people, skinny/fat people, sensitive people etc.


You literally cannot disagree with them on anything otherwise they will wipe you out. Omni man referred to humans as worthless and if humans tried getting as strong as the viltrumites they would wipe out humans out of fear.

David Sanchez Hernandez

Have they figured out that those robot/cyborg things were made using dead soldier bodies

Drake Rage

Alright. I have barely watched 10 minutes of the video, but I have to stop and say something. Mark "Mr. Vincible" had to take that pilot dude out of his chair because he was not able to lift him with the chair to save him. The man can't lift a falling chair, there is NO way he will be able to beat his Dad. Lets hope whatever happens in the episode is not a complete ass-pull.


Yusuf the people who try to sympathize with Omni Man's and his race's motive are beyond stupid and weird, like these two ^


Oh you're pathetic if you're siding with a intergalactic space nazi. You must've been raised in the trashiest way possible.

Ranginald Vagel

Actually his kids and their kids will probably live longer too so there’s that comfort.

Lamaree Jackson

“Is Mom’s life worthless” “In the grand calculus of the multiverse—yo momma ain’t shit. Just my pet.”

Lamaree Jackson

How did the Viltrumites stop fighting each other? Wouldn’t anyone who stopped and suggested that others did too have been seen as weak and killed?


This comment might not be seen but about immortal. Cecil likely knew how and had the means to revive Immortal. Cecil suspected that Omni-man was the killer in the beginning. Cecil makes a comment later that the blood samples on omni-mans suit had belong to the GoTG. So. Cecil knew Omni-mam was the killer on EP2. Cecil need two things Why omni-man killed them and How to stop omni-man. If Immortal was bought back it would tip off omni-man that Cecil now knows before Cecil can get what is needed.


Omni man the nice vil


I knew Omni looked like Hitler for a reason


Omg the show is gonna take forever to get to the crazy shit that happens in comic, I needs next season to not do filler and cover atleast 3 to 4 volumes


I loved seeing the set-ups for a few upcoming arcs in the series at the end of this. Two characters have a lot of character development as a result of those aliens that age quickly, and I wasn't sure how this series was gonna do it given Omni-man wiped them out in ep 2 (doesn't happen in comics). Didn't remember this series had that at the end, as well as some other stuff like the sequids

Art of Trolling

I just read the comics and after learning everything that happens, and everyone's story. I feel different about Nolan. Not saying i like him but I don't hate him anymore.

Owen Halloran

Their aim was to cull the weaker half of their population they prolly just had an alarm go off when enough people died