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Show just hit us with the reverse trap card lol



I think the point of Rudy's character is to be scumbag. He lived for 40 years as a dude who was a recluse and played dating sims and video games all day so he had no social skills, hes a guy with hardly any morals. I think we couldve done without the weird scenes though. Author said somewhere his Child brain influences a lot of his actions or something.


This is a old comment but anyway, rudy was bullied and it looks like he shut himself inside since highschool. The way I see it he stoped growing mentally after that and his actions are just that of a 16-18y old boy who stayed inside all the time and read novels,manga etc. Also the author said that his new child brain influences him too. Its still very much weird but I think that was the point.


yeah that’s cool and all but i’m talking about writing a character like this in the first place. it’s just weird

Daniel Robb

It's not weird to write a character that's a pedophile... it's weird if there was an overepresentation or softening of image of pedophiles in the show... but there isnt. To repeat - creating characters with bad morals is not "weird". It speaks that people can explain the psychology behind Rudy, but you're just like "ahh no, feels like pedophilia" 🙄


also regardless of who he likes or when he likes them, he’s still gonna be considered a “pedo” technically. now i’m starting to see why people say the MT: jobless reincarnation fanbase is terrible


I'm sorry that I think that there shouldn't be a reason to represent pedophiles in any type of media. It literally sickens me because I do want all of em dead. granted rudy really hasn't taken any sort of action as what I have seen so he does have some sort of second chance left in him, but from what i've heard of the ending and how he basically has a harem of children he groomed i really couldn't care less about his character and the great psychology behind touching kids.


also forgot to say the whole point about how his new child brain affects his thinking is so bs, like he clearly has consciousness while he's still being held in his mothers arms and the moment his body lets him move, he starts crawling around and reading books in secret. What less than 1 year old is reading books in a new language and actually retaining anything? Also his past voice/life is there as like a narrator to the whole thing because his thinking is still clearly that of his previous life's.


So, the ONLY way in your eyes for Rudy not to be a pedophile is for him to date in his previous DEAD self age range? So as a 6 year old he can ONLY be attracted to or date woman 40 to 50 years older than him? Obviously he’s not a saint, but that reasoning just doesn’t make sense 💀


Pedophile chronicles episode 3 lol

Melvin Martinez

Not sure you can necessarily call that this show. I agree some scenes were not necessary but even still once you look passed it you'll see a really fucking good show


Sheera's jaw dropped with the whole undressing of Silphy, I give the pedophile chronicles until episode 8 before they drop it.


I’m pretty sure they established he doesn’t feel that attraction to his mom in the first episode

Rok Gorjanc

You've got deep problems if you think that is what this show is about

Baren Nerab

Its a good show, its just technically the main character IS attracted to children (girls)

Tyrese Marshall

Bro ur bored man. If that’s all u see this show for and continue to watch it then that’s a bit fucked don’t u think


This dude is commenting the same thing under every video. go outside and play some basketball or some shit

jonathan stockley

but he is a child himself as he was reincarnated (i still think it hard to watch and very uncomfortable) its that old question are you your body or are you your mind


Shotacon is like lolicon I think? Instead of an attraction to lil girls it's lil boys.


Bro you really have nothing better to do, do you?


chill lol, he's not THAT bad. And don't forget, he's running on a child's brain right now. Questionable decisions and mood swings to come! Either way, this story is about his growth to becoming a decent person who can be proud of how he lived.

Egg Plant

yep...weird stuff the people over in japan got goin on there


Man... as much as I love watching series with you guys this is one I can’t keep watching. Maybe it’s just me who can’t get over the fact that the main character is literally a pedophile in a child’s body


i mean after episode 8 there's really no more weird kid stuff


Lupa's killing me with these jokes on the main character. Lol


Nah, there are definitely a lot of people who don't like the show. The pedo stuff is pretty bad, and there's also just a general theme of treating women like garbage and being rewarded for it. Worst part is that you look past all that and all you get is a super generic isekai. The animation is nice though.


people bein sensitive af about the mc bein a pervert is the main reason why shit gets censored, keep watchin the show yall the series is fuckin GREAT


There’s a difference between the MC being a pervert (like a lot of Isekai anime) and the MC being a literal pedophile that sexualises children. Sorry for not wanting to stick around for an MC that fondles their 9 year old cousin’s chest.


It's perfectly normal for a kid to be attracted to the opposite sex. I'm sure i was. I'm pretty sure i wasn't the only one.


I genuinely did try to stick around and see what the hype was about but the last straw for me was the MC (a 40- something year old man in a child’s body lest we forget) attempting to take off their 9 year old COUSIN’s underwear in her sleep. Honestly I tried my hardest to look past the pedo-ish stuff in the earlier episodes but it takes A LOT to brush it all off especially since the show doesn’t seem that amazing. Tbh this feels more like the creator writing out their sick fantasies than it feels like an Isekai

Austin S

why do I feel like its forbidden or something to do magic without incantations like the book is trying to suppress peoples knowledge of magic or is that a reach and its just outdated?


We can't change their perspective. They don't understand that this is a slow burn. Just because you are reincarnated it doesn't change your personality. People don't change easily. Some people try but never able to. They don't understand the creator's realistic approach. Yes, Rudy is deeply flawed. But I'll take his imperfections any day over protagonist that is always perfect. That's just a boring story.


Keep in mind the fact that this story is one about a person improving dramatically, if the character was good at the start then where would there be room for improvement? You're supposed to want to smack the lil fvcker. Also I think it is important to realise that his age/body does have an effect on his mental state (learning faster, not being attracted to his biological mom, and most likely many other things)


yeah like there was a lot of cool things about the show but i dropped it at 7 cuz i couldnt look past how sketch the mc is sometimes.


I think it has more to do with the fact he's actually 30 and a pervert towards children. If he was 16 or something no one would care, but he's a grown man.


@Erd’na you are right a perfect character is a boring story. However, Rudy being a pervert is different from him touching on children. Like yes i get hes in a childs body but its harder to swallow that pill down when u hear his old ass voice in his head.


Roc, I'm the one with deep problems, but not the author of this light novel that put pen to paper and wrote out a whole pedophile fantasy? YEAH!!?? Lol Fuck outta here with that nonsense. Defend the 40-year old MC fondling a 8 year old and trying to take of her panties.


Yes he has mental state of an old person it doesn't change the fact he is a kid. Let me ask those who believe he is a 30 year old. If you were in his shoes. You see your undeveloped body especially your sexual organ. Would you call yourself a 30 year old or a kid?


AoArlert, say it one more time for those in the back! Lol


@Andre3k Good for you, so why are you still complaining here. Why are you even watching these reactions...like what are you even trying to prove? It's fictional story, the MC is perverted, but he isn't a evil person. He wasn't trying "R..e" her in that specific scene, just basic white knight over reaction. The story is god tier, if you don't like it then don't come complaining...go watch pokemon to make yourself feel better.


Yeah I made it to episode 5 before I dropped the show. Molesting a girl while she sleeps was the final straw, and even then I had to look past a lot of other crap like the Dad flat out admitting to raping a girl in his past to get up to that point.


@LAW i get it and that's perfectly understandable. But people are focusing too much on one aspect of the show. There are other aspect of this show that is great but you guys are way too focus one this one. I really can't understand your frustration on rudy sexual nature. I mean people enjoyed game of thrones despite it has pedophile nature until it got bad when the show started deviating from the novels. So far rudy hasn't done anything that goes way too far. Unlike another show that came out recently.


Lmao I feel like you'd be the person to get mad at Game of Thrones or Handmaid's Tale for how they treat women/children in the series. It's within context of the setting, used to convey the tone of the show, and it's not supposed to be a morally correct thing in general. The whole point is to see how the characters change and get from point A to point B.

Ranginald Vagel

The real magic this world needs is anti-horny magic


No it's more like petite guys or girls. Not all "adults" have giant breasts and tall etc. lmao. I find it more fucked up people call those people with petite bodies "kids". People needa stop confusing the two.


Point is that there are other great literary works aside from the song fire and ice series that also do these type of stories. So why the hate on Mushoku Tensei?

G. B.

Rudy's interactions with people are interesting. In his past life he was a shut it and didn't interact with people / have friends so while he is generally perverted, he is also just a dunce in social interactions. This bathroom scene shows that perfectly as he isn't just thinking though things as an adult would, but as a socially inept person in a new younger body.


I get the MC is a scummy character but let’s face it, in real life pedophiles are the scum of the earth, completely irredeemable. Why should we stick around for his “redemption arc” if he was (and still is) a literal pedophile? The creator could’ve so easily made this guy a regular perv like most anime instead of a whole pedophile. It’s like telling Hentai watchers to look past pedophillia in Boku no Pico. No matter what format, pedophiles will always be irredeemable scum of the earth and no one can convince me to watch an anime surrounding one.


@AOArlert Okay, have you been complaining about Game of Thrones as well then? Plus, people aren't watching a 40 year old, its a 10 year old. And if you dislike it this much, why are you still here? Have you checked out the MAL stats for this Anime? Its insanely popular, with people disliking it being in the small minority. Hell, less than 10% of the people who started watching it, has given it a score of 6 or below.


This series is about a human being at their worst and changing and developing into something better. The people that completely shit on the series for the uncomfortable moments just don't understand or don't care about that aspect of storytelling. The only actual bad thing in this series happens once where he gropes Eris. Everything else is just dumb pervy comedy. People can't use the excuse of the part about where they almost had sex because Eris was up for it in the moment and age doesn't matter in that type of world and it never even happened. People also can't use the fact that they are related because they are not closely related at all and no one ever thinks about that kind of stuff in this type of world and time. People had incest all the time back years ago either because they didn't know or because they didn't care. Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend this stuff and it shows in these comments. Incest is not shown here just because Eris is barely related to him. Sexual assault happened once and I don't play that off like it isn't bad because it is but it shows how shitty Rudy is to make that development better. Pedophilia doesn't exist either because how the fuck is the dude supposed to have relationships with girls without someone thinking it is pedophilia simply because he remembers his past life. Even with no age limit for sex and being considered an adult at 15 people are still going to complain just because he remembers his past life even though he is in a completely newborn body. The only literal time of sexual assault is the one time with Eris. Roxy is not young and Sylph was a genuine mistake. People don't understand shit about this. Don't fucking watch the series if you can't get past one moment and a little perverted comedy. Worthless ass snowflakes.


At the same time though it could be a cultural thing to an extent, in Japan it seems a lot more normal for people of the same gender to bathe together and not really care about the nakedness aspect

Ranginald Vagel

"not wanting to stick around" isn't the problem, the problem is when someone insults the series over it or puts it like it's a serious flaw in the story, or worse yet implies that people who do like/watch the story are just people who are OK with child exploitation in real life or something like that. Most fans of the series would castrate kid Rudy for the shit he does lol. A person's sensitivity or taste in fiction is their own thing to deal with.


bro, MAL is TRASH imagine relying on MAL for info LOOOOL


pretty sure you fail to realise that ALOT of people even like me will never see rudy but just pedophile for rest of the series, you cant unsee it, its a turn off for people for fact that you look at this person who still has mental age of 40 year old pedophile, im only commenting here because i wanted to see the drama after me being done after episode 8, AND YES I DO GET ITS REDEM ARC dont care dont matter cant unsee it


@AOArlert You are a fucking dumbass. Learn about the series before you say shit about it. Incest doesn't even happen here. You clearly are competent enough to be watching a series like this. Go to twitter to complain fool. That is where the other stupid people gather up.


Everyone calling him a Pedo needs to stop. He's fkin 5. Yes he has his old memories but his body is age 5. He was a recluse for most of his life literally never leaving his room. Give the man a break and stop acting all high and mighty. Or wait when he's 18(even tho 15 is adult in this world) he cant date either cause he would be a 50 year old man dating 18 year olds by your logic. Btw in most Isekai where the character dies and is reborn they tend to have their mind affected by the childs body. As in they start to get mentally younger to match their body. Just like Rimuru in slime recently realized his heart has become a monster's(when he realized he couldnt cry) even though he still has his human emotions. The anime's tend to skip all that info to fit or make it entertaining for your lazy asses who can't be bothered to read.

Tev Overhaul

@ Sheera, Roshi, and Lupa up until episode 8 the Mc will have these weird pervy tendencies until episode 8, the author wants the Mc to make u feel uncomfortable in the beginning before the story tone switch and It’s a great story and world-building .


@AOArlert tensei slime has an interesting premise but the story for is going boring fast. Currently reading through what is probably going to season 3 plot. Mushoku Tensei is telling a different story. It's about second chance. Having rimuru story wouldn't work because all he is doing is getting powered up. Someone already mentioned it. What is the point of a redemption story if the protagonist is perfect. There is nothing to improve. I think the problem is, you consider him as an old man rather than a young boy. In my perspective he is a young boy. I wouldn't call him an old man for having an undeveloped body? Would you call razen an old man after taking shogo body in tensei slime? His sexual tendecies are perfectly normal. Boys at his age are curious at the opposite sex. I've encounter people like that. So why would i consider rudy actions abnormal? Because he is an old man. He was a virgin in his past life. Weren't sexually curious/frustrated when you were a virgin?


I don't mind if you don't like it then don't watch it. They aren't cousins, but 2nd cousins (his dad paul & girl's dad are cousins) they are far enough moved in blood that them having relationship wouldn't be weird at all. That taking panties off scene, yes wrong as hell, but he wasn't trying to do anything else. Show & story is purposely making him look bad so his growth to be a better person is much more great. If you can't get over it then don't, it's just fictional story and if other people like the story doesn't mean they accept anything so many idiots accuse the MC being off as he isn't even close to what you are saying as you don't actually even know what real "Pedo..." is...


Don't think anyone is defending the MC about that... but you're acting like the show is just about the MC being a pedo. you aren't even acknowledging any other aspects of the show and story. you're weird


I can just tell from the very few people in these comments that they don't understand shit about this series and they don't belong here. They use stuff against this series that doesn't even make sense. A fool talking about incest when incest isn't even prominent in this. Eris isn't closely related to the MC. Also the problem with Rudy remembering his past life is fucked up against him because he isn't allowed to live a normal life in his newborn body just because he remembers his past without being called a pedophile. One bad thing happens in this series from Rudy and I don't condone it or stick up for it but it literally shows how shitty rudy is as a person so he can develop as time moves on. Rudy genuinely mistaking Sylph for a boy and pulling her clothes off is not something that should be used against him. Him being perverted with Roxy can't be used against him because she does not openly act against it and she is not underage at all and she is open to being with Rudy. As for Eris he has one slip up against her and the next time is something that just hints at them having sexual relations in the future. She is not against it and they both understand where they are at with it. Rudeus has perverted acts but that is part of the anime japanese culture with many series. You have one slip up in total with this series. You are a snowflake if you use anything else as a way to attack this series. Go to twitter if you can't handle some mature content that shows how shitty human beings can be and how they can grow from that.


@FaLLenHeRo You can’t force someone to like a fucking show with pedophillia. The guy tries to remove his 9 year old COUSIN’s underwear IN HER SLEEP. Why the fuck would I stay and continue watching that? Just because you may be comfortable/ get off on kids getting sexually assaulted by a 40 year old dude doesn’t mean everyone else has to be. How can you not have the common sense to understand that not everyone has to enjoy it? Fucking weirdo


You don't even understand what real "Pedo" is. In his earlier life he never left the room, he never was even close to children. If you think watching perverted hentai/porn from computer is enough to accuse somebody being that, then you need to accuse everybody visiting said sites. Another thing MC isn't a evil person, is he perverted and is he scum for doing those things, yes. At the same time is he what you accuse and most idiots just making wild accusations, no. You aren't supposed to accept the shit he is pulling in these early parts of the story. Go watch pokemon if you want to feel good every episode.

Alex cleveland

lol bro were not even at Eris yet???? Why r u spoiling some of the content that is about to come dude? At least put spoiler or some warning


@FaLLenHeRo It could be the best Isekai on the planet but who are you to force someone to be okay with shit like that? I can guarantee you Roshi and crew will be equally if not more grossed out at certain scenes then I was, especially since THEY HAVE A CHILD. What are you gonna attack them too? I’m allowed to criticise a show for literally containing pedophillia, it might be a good show once you look past that but you can’t force everyone to do so


@FaLLenHeRo If your refer to that scene where he tries to take off the panties, he wasn't trying to sexually assault her at all, he was trying to do stupid stuff like taking her panties off ONLY, not assaulting her. And like you said the other scene was mutual in a sense, but he acts really stupid there anyway. It's not like our MC has any experience at all in those kind of things either.


@AOArlert So because some people don't like it, everyone else can't like it? That's pretty dumb if you ask me. You're in your right to dislike the series all what you want. That said, you don't have the right to go around reactions talking shit of the series hoping for reactors to drop it, calling people who watch and like it "weirdos" and defending people with those behaviours.

Alex cleveland

Hey guys, ppl who love this show and watches it are considered weirdos and ppl that r into pedophilia.(Sarcasm)😃👍🏽🤦🏽‍♂️😂 The ppl that keep spamming some ignorant shit is annoying asf bruh. Instead of cancelling something that isn't really a huge issue, why don't u guys go do something productive instead of spamming the exact things over and over again damn! Ppl who love this show ALSO understand that its a problem, and its disgusting!!! U can stop typing the same shit now guys.... Im pretty sure Roshi, Lupa, and Sheera understand that there's controversy in this anime...ok cancellers! A lot of anime r very controversial. Its a trend in anime low-key and high-key. Yall legit r doing too much. Go and walk ur dog like I did today. Spring just started recently, so u guys should get out more instead of acting childish.


So your answer is to make him a generic character like every other isekai? lmao. I can't with people. Another case of "I don't like this story so I want the author to change it to how I like it". Fucking privileged people lmao.


Ikr these people are being so ridiculous rn.


Can't everyone just watch their reactions??? I'm sure Roshii, Shera, and Lupa wouldn't want their own fans to start hating on each other. It's fine to comment your opinions on a show but it's worse to hate on others just cause they don't share the same opinion.


@Vladistvar when did I say that? I said you can’t force someone who is uncomfortable with those themes to like it which is true, you can’t. Some people will stick around and some won’t. People who force and insult people who are uncomfortable with the show are weirdos, anyone is allowed to dislike a show. Also I’m not the guy who keeps commenting “Pedophile adventures” or whatever, I’m just expressing and letting them know that certain parts of the show are extremely uncomfortable and it’s OKAY if they don’t want to continue seeing as they literally have children. If they end up dropping it it’s fine but don’t talk to me like I’m the one that’s telling them to drop it.


You know, I think it's interesting that there are so many people campaigning against this show, as if a topic which is uncomfortable or even disgusting is somehow something which cannot even be addressed. There's a lot of really shady porn addictions out in the wild and I would be very surprised if they didn't have their hooks in more people than we realize. And there's a lot of people who have retreated from the difficulties of life into a virtual existence through games and all manner of other things. I think it's important to have characters who have these issues and work to overcome them, like Rudy, flawed though his progress is. I think it's important to show him attempting to fall back on his old habits at times and having those attempts fail miserably, though. There are tons of examples of this in the eleven episodes they've aired so far. And frankly, I don't really get this idea that the show somehow excuses these behaviors, even glorifies them. I don't know if they could actually find a way to make the main character's former life look less appealing. I mean, he's a porn- and game-addicted NEET with no redeeming qualities who hasn't had a conversation in twenty years in his old life. And it's only with the total shock of a literal new life and no access to digital technology that he's been able to begin to break away from that. I mean... where's the glory?


@AOArlert no one is forcing you to be ok with it, we all know a lot of the shit the mc does is terrible, but the story is about him improving and he actually is getting better in the story.


Ethan was legit about to say the same thing, in GoT there's MUCH MUCH worse in it but people look past it like you should because it's not real just a story. Khalessi was literally 13 when she was raped and to drogo (who is 30 btw) but while the show was going on people found him attractive? As soon as it's a anime/novel though, where any questionable stuff happens maybe once every few volumes then damn it's a pedo show, andre I hope you don't watch any of the shows ethan mentioned cause then you sound like a hypocrite my dude.


@clay tell that to the people in this thread who are getting mad that I didn’t want to carry on watching a show where the main character is a pedophile. Like I said before, it is INCREDIBLY difficult to get past the first 8 episodes and I’m sure eventually the MC gets better and actually does develop, but not everyone can easily shake off the fact that he’s a pedophile in a child’s body and that is okay. People in this thread need to understand the fact that people have different opinions and you can’t force someone to see things a certain way. In no way did I insult EVERYONE who watches the show, just the few dumbasses that tried to attack me for not being comfortable with themes to do with pedophillia and sexual assault along with the weirdos attempting to justify his behaviour seeing as the entire point is that he’s a scumbag.


It's like half the people in the comments have never heard of Lolita lol

None None

Back in my day, anime was niche enough that lolicon was just something people laughed about as a stupid anime thing and didn't give it much thought beyond that (unless they were into it, I guess). 90% of the discussion about this show being people shocked and offended about a 40 year old dude in a 5 year old body being mildly perverted just reminds me that I'm old.


This is such a poor defence imo but whatever


Ohhh boy, just from the comments you guys are gonna have fun with how people react. Anyways, I hope you three enjoy the series. Yeah there are parts that are uncomfortable as all hell, but thats (imo) part of the story. Its about Rudy learning from his mistakes. Which he makes a lot growing up. Is Rudy scum? yeah, but it doesn't really make him a evil person. Anyways, love your guys reaction and hope you continue! But understandable if you drop it later on.


I’m going to assume you’re from Alabama or something... Being in a relationship with your 2nd cousin is definitely weird. And it’s hard to see things that way when you’re constantly reminded that he’s a 40 year old in a child’s body with his narrations. I’m sure his growth is great later on in the show but I personally can’t see him as anything other than a pedophile...

matthew perry

He wasn't a pedophile before dying from what we know, and now he's a literal child, so having a mature mindset negates the literal biology at play here? Should he be going after 30 year olds or something? I don't get it.


Ya'll there's literally 24 volumes in this with, by the end of the anime we will be at the end of volume 3, there's so much content and this is a very slow burn show. It only gets better, there's not many isekai what have this amount of effort put into them I assure you, if you can read Game of thrones and be okay with drogo and khalessi you can look past rudy being a perv what doesn't act on anything for a few volumes, it stops and the story really takes off. 1 more thing he may have been 34 in his old life but, at 14 he stopped leaving his house for the next 20 years he stayed inside of a room cutting ties with his only friend and parents, when his parents died he still couldn't leave his house for the funeral that's why you see his siblings come and kick him out. This would have stunted his growth i'd say he is still 14 and then he still saves 2 people. I mean it took him till roxy came to get over his anxiety of the outdoors he didn't even grow while in the new world. He was still stuck in that stage till that moment.

Devin B

I just think it's cause he's used to seeing other methods of magic from anime and games and whatever that he didn't mind trying it without the incantations but I guess in this world they believe you need to use incantations for magic. So yeah they're basically outdated.


You guys in chat are a big yikes


It’s funny asf that you stans are mad at people being uncomfortable with Rudy, relax it ain’t that serious.


@AOArlert it's perfectly fine not to like the series. I'm gonna use a tensei slime reference. Since you used one that you edited completely out. Why are we ok with rimiru becoming a demon lord? Because it's great story telling. He change his views on humans when they killed his own people. But if you look at it, rimuru is just a mass murderer. He killed 20,000 people, that's worst than pedophile. Remember pedophile is different from being child molester. But you are perfectly fine with what rimuru did because the people are evil? Some of the people just mercenaries trying to make a buck for their skills. Please stop using a moral ground for your reasons. Now i am going to spoil you a little about Mushoku Tensei. At a certain point of the story. Rudy and Eris will sleep together. And they did it for all the right reasons. The conversation leading to it is fanstastic. And the aftermath after that scene is great for the development of both characters. That's great storytelling and it wouldn't have that great of an impact without the build up in the past including rudy pedophile nature. You have the right not to like the show. I am just here to tell you that the show isn't just a creator perverted ideas being presented in anime. Much of what being shown here will have impact in the future. If you are willing to give it a chance you might like it.


AO, what a legend faith in Roshi’s fans restored. For a while I felt I was alone in this onslaught of weirdos defending this pedophile!

Omega Kyo

Considering the setting of the show. A cousin relationship isn't weird at all...


Like people were saying before, the problem is not ya'll "not wanting to stick around" it's your constantly beratting a anime/novel which you've watched/read maybe 3% of the story, it's literally only a way to show you his growth. Fair enough you don't like he's got his reincarnated mind (one what's been stuck at the same point since he was 14 and bullied out of school stunting any kind of growth into an adult) i've read the whole novel and damn is it amazing, top 3 isekai easily. Now I'm not saying at the beginning rudy wasn't hard to deal with after volume 3 it's a lot easier since it all but stops. I'd assume you never watched game of thrones, vikings, rome or any show of the sort since GoT in particular is riddled with under-age rape, incest, mass-murder and that's just the start.



Omega Kyo

Andre there are better things to do in life... People are gonna defend a show they like and calling everyone that disagrees with your opinion "weirdos" is just a weird move itself.


This comment section is wild AF lol. Why are people getting so mad we’re pointing out the MC is a pedophile? I understand things get better, but most people don’t want to stick around for a pedophile redemption arch. We’re allowed to speak our mind too.

Devin B

Dude you can't compare the transition with Rudy with the transition with Rimuru cause Rimuru literally turned into a whole different species so him losing some of his human nature over time is understandable. The anime doesn't show that Rudy's mind is regressing to match his physical age so it's hard to defend his actions.

Alex cleveland

Have yall dumbasses EVER watched 13 Reasons WHY???? If u have and still complaining then GTFHO because u prob not of age yet or ur not mature enough to understand that TV has these fuck up situational storylines


I’m only calling the ones who defend his actions weirdos, and rightfully so. I have no problem with the ones who admit he is a pedophile, but stick around because he redeems himself. I just agree to disagree, I don’t believe a pedophile can be redeemed personally.


Because you were calling it pedophile fantasy. As if the whole story is about the MC being a pedophile. And there are people like me who have read farther or read it completely that are telling you the whole story isn't pedophile in nature.


@Erd’na Honestly you are the only person to give a reasonable argument Rudy’s behaviours. I watched up to episode 8 and stopped because I couldn’t take his behaviour any longer but if he truly does tone down right after the first 8 episodes and it turns out that was the worst of it then maybe I’ll give it another try. However I don’t think anyone can shake my opinion of Rudy being a pedophile but if the other characters are good and the rest of the story is as good as you say then I’ll give it a shot but I’ll admit that it’s highly unlikely that I’d ever like Rudy as a character


Most of these comments are talking about shit that hasn’t even happened yet 😂😂


Like how much of the story is pedophile in nature than? Are we talking 10%, 20% or even 30%?


Lol episode 7 or 8 is going to break the Patreon servers 😅

Omega Kyo

Andre I stick around because I heard he will become better and the story is certainly good but I wont lie the ep 8 stuff was very yikes for me. So I totally understand if u don't wanna continue it.


@AOArlert it's perfectly fine not to like it. And personally it was also hard for me to read the early parts. But i was willing put up with it and rewarded with a great story. The best thing about this series is it's world building and characterization.


I hear you @Omega I can understand you sticking around if you think it’ll be worthwhile in the end. I also appreciate you acknowledging and not defending the actions in episode 8. I saw past a lot to get to episode 8, but what he did there crossed a line for me. That was beyond uncomfortable.

Viela Guay

People really wilding over this show. Like it's already been established that he's not just a transplanted brain, but rather just memories. His mental state is affected by his new body's biological state (such as not getting turned on by breastfeeding when he was an infant, and different learning rates affected by the neural plasticity of a young human mind) and so it's literally just proper to categorize him as a child with a very uncommon amount of experience. And so people who argue that it's just straight up wrong for him to feel attraction to people his age not only are ignoring his biological aspects, but are also arguing from a weird perspective of "if the kid's smart enough/experienced enough they can only pursue relationships with adults" which is ironically an argument irl pedos actually try to make. Of course this doesn't mean his behavior isn't scummy or anything in some moments (and it's portrayed as such), but the relationship dynamics fall under that weird category of like is it morally okay to be in a relationship with someone you're smarter than since one could argue the smarter one is going to inherently be more unintentionally manipulative simply due to more cognitive power (which is arguably one of the main factors behind age of consent laws)


@AoArlerlt, don’t get caught slipping now. Erdn’a in so many words said he ends up grooming Eris I don’t think continuing the show would sit right with your soul. However I don’t know you, I can just go off your words here so maybe you might enjoy the show after all.

Viela Guay

Also anyone who thinks he was intentionally trying to be a perv regarding Sylphie in the bath literally somehow missed the rest of the episode


Man, quit acting like half of yall didnt watch Redo of a Healer

Alex cleveland



Since when did all these twitter snowflakes come to the patreon comments god damn


Lol Andre3k, at no point does Rudy groom Eris. He said they sleep together at some point, that doesn't mean grooming, hell, Eris is the instigator for that, now you're just blowing it out your ass without knowing anything.


The main character beats over our head that he is in his mid-thirties, what more proof do you need he is mentally an adult?


They're all soft and the darkest show they've ever watched probably Mickey Mouse.


Not trying to hear it from you (SgtAnders) Stephan from Struckbybellz called you and the rest of the weirdos defending Rudeus out! Are you waiting for Roshi to do the same? Just stop defending his actions and admit you enjoy a good pedophile arch. Rudeus has been creeping on her since she was 8 and you say she instigated the sexual relations down the line? Nah he groomed her. You sound sick my man, putting it on a 15 year old.


wtf is your problem. why would you think that people would enjoy a pedo arch? hello? you're acting like this happens all the time in the show. you're actually weird for making it seem like the show is just about "Rudy the PEDO" . Fuck outta here with your soft ass. Go back to watching Mickey mouse with your little cousins buddy


this is a great series, but it has some hella sus shit. especially episode 8.


We're talking maybe 1-2%, you got real insulting in your earlier comments but now all of a sudden it's we're allowed to speak our mind too? Like i said earlier it isn't about not wanting to stick around you're throwing bullshit accusations about a t1 novel because of a few episodes of the anime? The anime finishes at volume 3, the novel finished at 24. You're making a decision of the whole novel "Pedo fantasy" when you've watched 10% of it. And most people? Majority of people actually want them to watch this since we don't let a anime project into our real life. And yet you still feel the need to comment on a show you clearly don't like? You must of had a heart attack at berserk and it's like.


as everyone should. 2021 best anime so far

Hakurei Oni

You're free to not like it, but it most def is not just the writer "writing out his dark fantasies" the show gets much darker and deeper and deals with some real dark stuff. it's a dark fantasy. It's no different from Game of Thrones which also has pedos and r*** in it, it's a mature show that handles mature themes. The characters are not "rewarded" for it, they all suffer greatly because of their flaws especially Paul, all of their flaws come back to bite them. The show is much deeper and well written / animated than nearly any other isekai out there easily.


You know, not all main or major hero characters are blameless and pure. In fact, very few ever are. You have a problem with Killua from "Hunter x Hunter"? How about Jin or Mugen? Kenshin Himura? Scar? Rimuru? Sugimoto? Every single one of them would qualify as a mass murderer. If a "pedophile redemption arc", as you put it, is out of the question, surely they're even more irredeemable. Fact is, there's a simple solution for this issue -- stop watching the Mushoku Tensei reactions. Roshi & Co. are watching eight other very good shows at the moment with many others already finished and more yet to come. Watch some of those. But the fact you dislike the subject matter (or what you believe the subject matter to be) does not then validate spamming people with your opinion, or spoiling upcoming episodes. Let the people who want to enjoy the show do so in peace and find something which is more to your taste, please.

Hakurei Oni

It does show his mind is matched to his body. he mentions this throughout the anime from episode 1. He can't find Zenith hot, even when she's naked, because his biological body prevents him from being attracted to his "mom", similarly he goes through puberty just like any average kid. He ahs no real agency over his bodies functions, him having the mind of a 40 year old doesn't really affect how his body and biology work.


Like imagine me going to berserk reaction video's and just spamming "NTR rape fetish show" when I know full well it's much more than that and that's just a tiny part of the story, people will get heated because it's a stupid comment


Episode 1: Rudeus: “Roxy doesn’t look like she has pubes”. Episode 2: Rudeus: tries to peep her getting undressed. 3. Rudeus reaction to seeing Sylphy naked. Literally every episode Bermy.

Hakurei Oni

I hope you guys continue to watch the show and just ignore the comments, the show has some extremely vocal haters. The real ones will continue to love and respect you guys no matter what, and I for one am loving the reactions so far. This series is one of my favorite and a definite gem worth sticking with. Hope you continue to enjoy it!


@BERMY, These same people won't answer if they've watched GoT or any of the sort cause they know full well they have and didn't think anything about 13year old khalessi and 30 year old drogo, crazy as soon as a little hypocrisy is brought into the mix it's all quiet.


Lol @Andre3k no clue what you are talking about. I'll spoil you a bit more. For reason i will not divulge, Eris came to Rudy to sleep with him. If Rudy pedophilic nature should have take advantage of it right? Nope Rudy hesitated. But the the two came to understanding and did sleep that night. It was consensual and did it for the right reasons. And the aftermath of that is basically a scene from Forrest Gump. I won't explain why because it's really fantastic writing especially for Eris.

Hakurei Oni

He has the memories of a 30 year old, but his biology and brain chemistry are that of his physical age. That is shown from episode 1. If he was really just "the same 30 year old man in a kids body" then he would've been able to speak as a kid instead of just "goo goo ga ga". The show goes out of it's way to show that his mind has no affect on his physical body, all he has are some memories, not his full brain and cognitive functions of an adult.


The reason he couldn’t speak as a child was because it was a different language


Another thing, he has the mentality of a 34 year old but not the maturity of a 34 year old, he stopped maturing the moment he got bullied out of school (14), for 20 whole years before his death he sat in the same spot in his room looking at a screen you can't mature in that sort of environment you mature through experiences, what experiences has he accumulated in his room apart from dating sims? But yeah we get it you don't like the anime andre the points been made.


BlakeyB the majority of people who watched GOT would never know Khaleesi was 13 years old... Because she was played by grown ass Emilia Clarke. You really think there wouldn’t be an uproar if a 13 year old actress played Daenerys? Get real.


@Andre3k ,The fact remains and it was literally said in the show wtf? There's also incest what's in plain sight? Was that not made evident in the show either? But yeah it's all good cause the actor was old? Your hypocrisy talks bro you literally have one opinion and are ignorant to a fault, noone can change your mind so you do you and keep being ignorant


I don’t understand your line of reasoning, I am a hypocrite because I watched grown ass Emilia Clarke - and somehow I should have known she was 13 years old? When in the show was the fact she was 13 disclosed? Vast majority of viewers (myself included) who didn’t read the book did not know that fact.


The point I'm making is people look past it even if they do know because it's NOT REAL and part of a fictional story, but the fact remains if we're making a big deal outta stupid shit she was indeed 13 and there is a lot of incest in GoT but you've literally just confirmed you think that's okay because she's played by emilia clarke so again you do you dawg


So you not gonna mention the blatent incest? Just "I don't get your line of thinking" Whenever something doesn't go towards your points of thought you want to just look past it to get your 1 sided view across. Like i've said plenty of times. the point is people will look past it because they know how good of a show GoT was, the episode were her brother tells her she's going to be autioned off to drogo they mention her age. But you wouldn't of picked it up because you look past these things because she's played by an adult actress.


No the point you were making is that the show told us she was 13. When did the show tell us that? If it didn’t us the viewers have nothing else to go off other than Emilia Clarke’s age - as actors are cast to fit the age of the character they are playing. So tell me what episode is it disclosed she was 13?


They seem to really be enjoying it so far, so I'm hoping they'll keep on going. I'm not plotting abandonment or anything, but I will be a bit disappointed if they dump the show. I think it's some of the better writing in anime for a long time and has some very interesting quandaries in it.

Devin B

Yeah that's a good point. I keep forgetting that fact cause they brushed through it quickly but yeah him being a kid does affect his psyche to a certain extent but I think it's the fact that he's more cognitive of his actions compared to other kids that makes it seem like his mind isn't being affected as much.


No my man you’re full of shit is what you are. In that episode her brother mentions that it's been 18 years since Robert's Rebellion — when Dany was born. Making her an adult. If the show mentioned she was 13 there would have been an uproar.


Just floated past the point of incest again even though that was said in my original point. It's literally said in the show when she was given of to drago you go back and check mate, I literally didn't care at all because it was a work of fantasy fiction so I don't keep a mental note of a particular episode, so again explain to me why it's okay in GoT, Vikings, Rome and shows like this but not in a anime which isn't real either? Because you seem to REALLY care about this show you've posted a good 30 times


It's a FACT she was 13 when it happened and another FACT it was rape, if you really cared about these topics as much as it seems you do, you could of easily googled or anything of that sort. But no you finished watching the show like the rest of us right? Did you berate george rr martin for being a sick author? I doubt it somehow.


Those arguments/examples you just said are so bad that I'm not even gonna address that. You're literally a weirdo though for typing "RuDy Is a PeDo and im not watching the show anymore" we don't care if you don't want to watch the show. It's funny how you think that you commenting the same thing this many times will make them stop watching

JunpeiFES .

Exactly! I am glad they are focusing in the progress of the story and not just the “lust/perv” side of it. It has a good story, in matter of fact, it gets better after ep5. It is a nice slow pace to make you grow up with the character


I just told you in the episode you mentioned: We hear from her brother that it's been 18 years since Robert's Rebellion — when Dany was born. What episode in Rome or Vikings do you see pedophilia - back your statements with facts.


@Hakurei Oni: When he awakens in the first episode, Rudy clearly takes an adult's interest in Zenith's breasts, but comments that they didn't turn him on and it seemed to surprise him. Would seem to prove your point. I mean, I think a lot of this argument with @Andre3k stems from a mistaken notion that sexual impulse is mostly an intellectual thing. As in, thinking a sexual thought is sufficient to drive one to a sexual impulse. Anyone who has dealt with impotence would probably have a thing or two to say about that. Sexual behavior is essentially impossible without the chemical impulse to back it up. Rudy could have the mind of a 500-year-old in his head and it still wouldn't change the fact that his reproductive organs aren't functioning yet. Much of what he's been doing thus far seems to be habit or impulse from his former life that just doesn't have the force it used to. I mean, there's no way in hell the old him would hesitate for a second to peep on the parents screwing. He's studying a textbook half the time while they're doing it! I mean, really... @BlakeyB: I think your point is pretty good, too. My grandmother was kinda that way. Peaked at 14-ish and was pretty childish about a lot of things till the day she died (in her 80s). Just sorta... stalled there.


You talk some bullshit my brother, I don't need to back anything up when you don't get the point, you're ignorant. You don't get any of the points, you take 1 thing said and stick on it even though there's 4 other points I've made what aren't good, RAPE, INCEST, UNDER-AGE RAPE. Let's say you're right which you aren't btw, it's still george rr martin's book what is being recreated, so when you found out about her being under-age did you go onto GRRM's post and call him a pedo and GoT was a pedo fantasy. Otherwise just fuck off mate 90% of people here don't agree with you because it's pure hypocrisy you're spouting. I could be speaking complete shit and lying out my teeth and still you'd be reeking of hypocrisy because you've watched the show, and even if dany was 30 the same age of drogo there's still rape going on my guy. This will be the last reply since I can see you made your account this month just to comment stupid shit and troll so see you around.

JunpeiFES .

Omg 🙄 stfuuuuuuuup cuh, just leave if you are going to be here to criticize an anime that you do not know anything about it but just looking at the uncomfortable scenes. We get it, but the show is good regardless the little side of rudy. Why be here if you are not going to show support for the anime? Just to blasphemy your idealism? We do not care, and for all of you who like the anime, ignore these guys, do not feed them. They wont get it so no need to repeat our pov every damn post.


So let me get you clear, because there was rape and incest on GOT I am a hypocrite for not watching a show about a pedophile MC? The reason I was sticking to your one point was that I wanted proof that in Rome/Vikings or GOT there was pedophilia which you haven’t provided.


I actually thought it was pretty obvious Sylphie was a girl. For starters, she clearly didn't get to finish saying her name in the beginning, that was a huge hint right there. Between that and other subtle hints, the direction the episode was going, and the vibe I got from her, I deduced since early on that she's a girl. Also she never said she was a boy, she never said anything about her gender, she never spoke up, being how timid she is. He just assumed based on hair length, which is really not much to go off of at all. (Then there's Akira in Kemono Jihen, XD)


Spoilers? I am addressing the fools shitting on the series which have already included upcoming things they have problems with in the series. If you have a problem with me mildly hinting at things and stating a name than go somewhere else. You bring up the fact that I mention tiny spoilers which no one would understand at all in the first place if they haven't seen it yet. Buzz off Narutard. It isn't like someone who isn't already into the series is gonna take the time to read my essay of a comment lmao.


It's funny the way some peoples morals work. They'll root for literal mass murderers in anime and yet when it's a story about a deeply flawed character changing himself for the better over the course of his lifetime it's somehow unimaginable that he makes a few mistakes along the way. He may have the memories of his past life but it's still inside the developing brain of a child.


I heard from people who were watching the series ongoing that they were bothered by all the lewdness thoughts Rudy has that carried on to this world and how he shows it. They made it out to be as if it was every 5 minutes and that it was rough to watch. So far, these few episodes, I see nothing. There is nothing that has been aggressive enough to make me distaste this show so far, and if it ever does, the story, the world, the characters and their interactions; everything else makes up for whatever "lewd" commentary Rudy does. This show is entertaining to say the least.

Larile Millvet

The pacing of these first 3 episodes was on point. Fast without feeling rushed. Conveying plenty of concepts and information without it feeling like information overload. Just very well done.


I just came back and I am laughing my ass off at the toxicity of these comments. I am part of it but I just love how many people are waging war over it lmao.


I wont assume, but yall probably wont bat and eye if you watch a single episode of Redo of Healer. Compare this show to that, and Jobless Reincarnation has more heart behind it.


Bermy no normal person would dismiss those examples. Ole take a chair headass with Chris Hansen. You’re clearly on Pedo time


Watch. A lot of these purist people complaining are the same people defending something like Redo of Healer


Mushoku Tensei: The show that makes the YBR team watch the op.


This is an amazing comment. Like why are people expecting that Rudy by force of nature ignore his flawed habits from his past life, when he just reincarnated 5 years prior to his death? Most of his life he was a neet trash that lived on the internet because society rejected him for being so appalling. Why is anyone expecting him to forget 20 years of his life and just play the role of a child? He never got laid. He's a virgin. This is how most virgin react and act upon getting that opportunity. I don't like it, but he's still a fucking human being with flaws. This isn't Redo of Healer. Get over it people.


Relationships and marriages between cousins are normal, legal, accepted in majority of the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage


Oversensitive pussy prudish-ass bitches really have that tunnel vision on Rudy's flaws, and have never heard of character development. Pathetic. Also clearly can't draw lines between fiction and reality.


So I'm a Pedo because I enjoy a show? holy shit get some mental help


Dudes calling me a pedo because I enjoy a show LMAOO. Holy shit these people need mental help


Also I was talking about you calling Rudy a "pedo". none of those examples were him being a pedo. you gave the wrong examples when there were other better examples.

Isaac Madrid

yo we get it chris hansen we see your comments but i dont think any of us would be watching this show if actually revolved around pedophilic fantasys we get its present in the show but im sure anybody who has watched the full season or even read ahead can see that it just doesnt revolve around that . stop tryna make everyone who enjoys the show look bad

Devin B

Just from sticking through the series I can see why some people would be quick to judge Rudy and not watch it but from what I saw in the anime currently I think the "pedo" thing really is just a small aspect of his personality and he's dealing with other aspects of human life that he never had a full experience of such as interactions with people, understanding of the situation, and other things along the way. I actually like the progress he's made so far and I'm just waiting to see how he progresses as he gets older.


New patron here, ngl I paid the 10 dollars just because did this series, but so far I’m loving the reactions. One thing I really liked about this episode is how Rudy’s mistake wasn’t framed in any sexual way or anything, despite seeing a naked girl in front of him, all he could feel was remorse and regret.


Let's be clear Pedophile is all about sexual "thoughts"/"desires" toward underage people.. Is it bad? Depends if you acted on those thoughts. Then you are child molester. That's why it is a mental disorder, focus on disorder Seriously people. You make it sound that pedophilia is the end of the world.


Bermy I’m not calling you a pedo, read between the lines. I’m saying your mother dropped you on your head too many times when you were a baby 😂😂


It's fucking weird how little I've heard people complain or bitch about Redo of a Healer. Like any other show with a slightly problematic element or even a hint of a whiff of one and they're SO vocal about it... And yet with Redo of a Healer, all I get is silence from those people.


I enjoy that the OP for the show is just played through showing scenery in each ep. The art for the show is stunning.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, Fuck Paul.


You literally said "You're clearly on pedo time" shut your dumbass up. You're fucking stupid as shit and can't even reply to my counter arguments because you know I'm right, don't say dumbass shit if you can't even say anything back.


@Andre3k In GOT show, they upped the age of Dany to around 16-17 at the start of the show. The show itself actually said 17 years had passed since Robert's Rebellion (not conveniently 18). They can't put a 13 year old in a sex scene and the actor cannot play the role of a 13 year old. They just didn't explicitly say her age to tread that line, but they wanted you to know she was young. So Dany was definitely underage regardless in this context. However, it is irrefutable that Dany was actually 13 in the original source material (the book) when she married Khal Drogo, which is what GRRM had intended to be originally and what the show is basing it off on Oh and let's not forget Season 5 Episode 9 about Ser Meryn Trant during the "Too Old" scene. Yes, you are suppose to be uncomfortable and aren't suppose to like it, but it is definitely weird and a huge disservice to apply modern standards to a fictional/medieval setting, then condemning writers for having these dark subjects in their work and disrespecting a work of fiction due to ignorance


Andre3K is what you would call a projecting pedophile. Actual pedophiles who have been put in prison were some of the biggest pedo witchhunters in media before they got imprisoned. Keep digging that hole deeper and deeper buddy.


Andre3K is a pedophile himself. The amount of projecting he does is insane.

Big Daddy Dre

It’s usually around ep 8 when people start bitchin and drop the show is stupid because the show officially start in ep8 we’ve just been watching a prologue

Waka Flocka Flame

I'm not saying this show is bad but it's VERY disturbing. I just get turned off by it. This is just my opinion btw.

toptier sagat

Holy shit the comments, hahaha the pedo wars


@Andre3k I guess you'll just ignore what happened to Sansa and Arya then lol, and focus on the showing changing the actresses age then. Seem's like you just wanna troll about this one show, then not realize it's a component of story telling and been used in other extremely popular media over the years.


@Devin B: Yeah, I also don't get the sense that the pedophilia is particularly outstanding. It strikes me as more the case that he's thirsty AF and he'll chase any tail that comes his way. And being that he's stuck in the body of a child, the majority of the females he has access to in the society he's living in are likewise children. You know, you don't have to go too far back in history to start finding situations where kids barely old enough to reproduce were being married off this way or that by their families. This show has a feudal era setting, so the attitudes of the characters aren't exactly out of line. I've been hanging off of every episode that's come out so far and I can't wait for more (if I accidentally slipped a spoiler somewhere, tell me so I can remove it -- I've been trying really hard not to, lol) because the character development is just so good. And when Rudy fucks up, it's not some happy-go-lucky shrug-off kind of thing. Some of it is devastating... you know, like mistakes often can be. So, I really wanna see Roshi & Co. react to all of it.


Exactly. And, in a sense, now that the body that created those memories is gone, it's kind of like all the force behind them is also pretty much gone. They've been reduced to mere facts and information. And from that point of view, you could say that his memories are no different from the information someone could read out of a book. I mean, technically, if you read the autobiographies of people written late in their lives, you'd have the memories (or at least some meaningful piece of them) of someone much older than yourself from a completely different era in time. It may not be exactly the same thing, but it verges.


Thanks for that compliment. I actually find the fact that the character is deeply flawed and that those flaws have gravity -- they aren't just "fiction flaws" overcome in a page or two -- to be one of the better points of the show. I mean, if I'm honest, I have a couple of the issues he's dealing with (thankfully, not all). I think tons of people do. And they aren't easy to deal with. It's really easy to get to that point where you're ready to give up. And Rudy, in his former life, did just that. He had legitimate issues -- his weight and bullying and, from what I could see, a less-than-supportive family -- but instead of working to fix them, he encased himself in a world where he wouldn't have to deal with them. Judging from the "Failure to Launch" statistics world-wide, I'd say he's hardly the only one to do so. Oddly, my main criticism of the show isn't that they have him be a creep, because he is and he made himself that way even with his issues. It wasn't necessary that he do so. My main criticism (and this should not be construde as a wish on my part that they change the show, because I don't) is that he did not have to overcome those issues in his old life. And the only real reason for that is, there aren't a whole lot of people who get the chance to reincarnate into a DnD session, you know? Again. Don't want them to change anything. Just a thought given the powerful and important message of the show and Rudy's experiences. I could see people going, "Man, I could do that, too... IF ONLY..."


why are the patreon comments so toxic? I thought ppl who really supported the channel were chill... like what are ya'll doing??

toptier sagat

Fr, If you hate the show, that's ok but why spam the comments about it?


Yeah after you sub you learn really quick that Patreon comments are really toxic. On certain shows more than others like Re Zero and this.


mc is a pedophile so i cant watch and support this ........ then clicks to another show where people get murdered every episode lmaooooooo. selective outrage. If you dont enjoy the show then thats completely understandable but pretty much every anime has unpleasant themes. He is a flawed character and this is his story. I look forward to watching him grow and learn from his stupid mistakes.


The difference between this show and shows like redo of healer, is the purpose of the MC being scummy. Rudy was bullied to an extreme and pretty much locked himself away at 14 to 30. He essentially has the mentality of a 14 year old and he is aware that is a problem. One of the largest story-lines if not the largest is the betterment of Rudy's character, he knows hes not a good person and wants to change that. So while he still views himself as that 30 year old shut in with a 14 year olds mentality, its more so in disgust of what he was before and a self warning of what not to become with his new chance at life. Where as redo of healer, the MC takes the opposite approach. Doing all the things that the other people did to him back on them, making him even more of a monster than the antag's and trying to justify wayyyy more problematic shit. To top it off, it goes into more detail in the LN, but his mind has been regressing since his birth in the new world, essentially trying to acclimate itself to his current age. So while he had the mind and knowledge of that bullied 14 year old kid still, his emotions and brain chemistry are still tied to his current age.


I mean, Paul was wrong but his actions were also understandable


This is a terrible argument. Pedophilia is far worse than an adult murdering another adult. If the show in question had a main character who was specifically seeking out and murdering children, then people would be disgusted by that too. The characters that do that are portrayed as sicko villains, and the audience is rooting for them to die horribly. This isn't about unpleasant themes, people just don't like rooting for pedophiles or watching them do pedophile stuff. It's that simple. The MC is a grown man. These aren't stupid mistakes, these are conscious decisions that he's making. He's only getting away with it because he's in the body of a kid. If you can ignore it, then that's fine, but don't make it seem like the people that can't ignore it are being irrational.


They are being irrational. Theres lots off ecchi anime out and lots of perverted MCs out there. the people that hate on mushoku tensei are the people that purposely look for shows to bash on. The perverted MC is a common trope at this point, It doesn't seem rational to hate on this anime so much when there's a million more out there that do the same thing.


@Shake_axis LOL! Murder is worse than Pedophilia. Look up the definition of Pedophilia. Pedophilia by definition is sexual urges, desires, thoughts toward underage person. It's a disorder, whether is bad depends on the person acted upon those urges,desires thoughts. Then it becomes child molestation. So i don't know how having bad thoughts is considered worse than a loss of life.


Dude, be quiet. You don't even know what character development means. You're just parroting what you've heard other people say on the internet. Rudy's flaws aren't being rash, or cowardly, or arrogant. His flaw is that he's a pedophile. He's grooming a 9 year old girl. In a couple episodes, he molests a 12 year old in her sleep. These aren't "flaws" and he never actually grows out of them. There will never be a moment where he goes, "hey, being a pedophile is wrong". He just stops because he gets a girlfriend, and because his body becomes to old to get away with stuff like that anymore. You're actually insulting people for not wanting to watch a show that has a pedophile as the main character. You're the one who can't draw lines between fiction and reality.


There's nothing wrong with being turned off by this show. Anyone who tells you different is the one with a problem.


@Erd'na, my bad. Let me correct my statement. Child molestation is worse than an adult murdering another adult. And Rudy does in fact molest a child.


Guys the bruise came from the mom of the kid so she could see Paul


@Homeskilletbiscuits In those other ecchi anime, the MC is the same age as the girls that he perves on. Rudy is 40. It's not the same thing.


That's because redo of healer is fucked up, and everyone agrees that it's fucked up. Most people that watched it regret it. The people that keep watching it do so out of morbid fascination. No one would care if it stopped airing. You can't cancel something that no one actually likes.


The show itself is good, the pedo stuff is just really hard to ignore. It's hard to root for a character that disturbs you.


@Shake_axis Please do explain how did Rudeus molest? As someone who is reading the source material. As far as i know the one who actually advance between two is Eris. And i wouldn't even molest because the two did was consensual. But if you call going for 1st base or 2nd base as molestation. I guess we should called all horny teenagers who are doing it in real life as pedo or molesters.


@Shake_axis Also rudy is a kid. Just because he has retained his memories from his previous life. Doesn't make him old. We defined how old a person on how long the person has been living when he was born. This is jobless reincarnation, the word here is "reincarnation". Literally defined as rebirth in religion. And in order for you to be rebirth you have to die first. There isn't physical continuation of your age at that point.

Siatafu Lui Yuen

Why are comments so toxic??? And why is Shake_axis still here just to argue???


Nigga shut the fuck up and rescind your donation, you're a goddamn parasite in the comments, you lowlife fuck. I PAID TO BE HERE, DON'T WASTE MY MONEY YOU FAT CUNT.


The real turn off here is the fcking comments just let them react to it lmao then get their opinion its an anime guys holy shit its just the authors imagination.


Tf does that have to do with my comment? I'm talking about when he was fighting with Rudeus....


I see people still calling the 6 year old main protagonist a pedophile you’d love to see it like I said in a previous episode because your mind is developed doesn’t mean your body is calling the main protagonist a pedophile at the age of 6 doesn’t make u a know it all he’s not a pedophile “yet” keyword yet he’s 6 yrs old playing with kids his age even thou he has his previous memories he is still a child and has the ability to learn again like he said In episode 1 he is learning faster than he used to this anime is basically if your conscious passed on when you got birthed again because he is hitting on potential future wife’s that he is growing along with doesn’t make him a pedophile because by the time he hits 15-18 or 19 the friendships he makes will also be 15-18 or 19


I do admit his inside voice makes things a little more uncomfortable cause it shows that in his mind he is still a grown man and there are episodes where he does some stuff which comes out being quite uncomfortable but that’s the process of growing out of his old mindset he is a guy that was bullied into submission to the point where he became trash that got addicted to porn and video games and lived in a dark place of his life and he thinks using some of the old porn game dialogues he would watch and read could be used which it obviously isn’t you guys don’t realize this is how the 17s all the way to 18 hundreds it was your parents grandparents probably were like this cause my grandpa was the man that fucked around 100 women back in the day and he is proud and tells me stories of it what am I gonna call him scum? He rubbed off on me and I became a fuckboy at one point in my life but I learned my mistakes and grew out of it humans are not perfect and this anime goes a deeper path of Rudy from being the lowest of scum to a decent human being he has a long way to go but I trust he will make it if y’all can’t watch this anime then stop bitching and go watch some action based anime like naruto that doesn’t involve real life problems and traumas

Big Maine

If you don’t like the show then don’t watch it. It’s That Simple


Fall back Shake_Axis, those who keep parroting that him being a pedophile is just a “flaw”, or him molesting kids a “mistake” are beyond arguing with. They clearly got dropped on their head too many times growing up.


What’s clear is a sizable amount of patrons consider him a pedophile, and a sizable amount of patrons consider his actions “mistakes” or a “character flaw”. Let’s all respect each other’s opinions until pedophile chronicles episode 4.


@kevin btw im a girl its some savage ass revenge anime

Trent Ward

this shit is no where near berserk in terms of quality. It seems like a decent isekai show with a mid power system, mid world and mid characters lmao


Best part about this show is it blurs your morals. That one fuck nut in this comment section is right. The MC is a pedo, that's not even debatable. But the fact that he's reincarnated and given a second chance in a children's body presents a real philosophical dilemma. Would you really condemn a child? 😂 There's profound humor in this series underneath all the taboo themes it juggles with.


react to Inuyashiki pleasee


Bro I just got here, and I've only argued with like 3 people. The comments were toxic way before I got here, I just came after the people who were unfairly criticizing and insulting Roshi and the gang.


Yeah, I know. I'm not even against people watching this show to be honest, but all these justifications that people keep making about his behavior is extremely disturbing.


Exactly it's not just Isekai, he was fully reincarnated. He started over as a baby. He has his same sense of self but he's not the person he used to be.

Ace Overton

By the logic of some here, any person that believes in reincarnation is an actual pedophile, as they have lived a life before, and some even have memories of that life. So, in the real world, would those people be considered pedophiles too? Or would they be kids that also have the memories of another person inside of them? Because from what I've seen in two episodes, he is a different combination of the person he was and who is he growning up to be, shown by him being able to go outside and not be a shut-in anymore, on his own. That's no small feat to grow from, including the other trauma he seems to have. I don't think it'lll be pretty, but the show has also not shied away from sexual themes. We hear the parents having sex in every episode, multiple times, and then see a teenage girl masturbate. Those scenes could have been just alluded to, but they were giving a decently graphic status for a reason.

Joey Sabishii

You guys should watch Gintama, mc is the same voice actor to this mc.. I can’t believe Gintoki is getting so much hate bruh.. smh . It’s an anime, watch it or not watch it .. Y’all should watch boku no p*co . Now that’s some nx level shit!


yes to Gintama FAT NO to Boku no Pedo thanks

Elyver Dela Merced

yes absolutely they would be a pedophile. not in the eyes of the law but in the eyes of the people. regardless you shouldnt even be thinking about young girls even if you are young, waiting till 16 to try something is better than trying something at 10.


@Elyver Dela Merced That poses an interesting philosophical question. Are memories all you need to dictate who you are? Because we both know that memories don't work like that, not everyone remembers every single detail of their life, it's always fragments of it whether big or small, but not all. The point of Reincarnation is to be reborn into something else or someone else, and it sounds counterintuitive to be considered the same person. To be the same person that would be revival, not reincarnation, is it not? If an elderly man were to lose most of his memories due to Alzheimer's and can only retain memories up to when he was 14. Does that make him 14 and no longer an adult? I think the answer is pretty obvious that memories don't dictate who you are, it's always a combination of the body, mind, and circumstances

Elyver Dela Merced

and thats exactly what this anime is. he has control of both his body and mind. therefor anything perv crap he does that involves minors is wrong.


@Elyver Dela Merced So then you do believe that this is considered revival rather than reincarnation, despite what the title says "Jobless Reincarnation"? Some will argue about the body because he had to physically grow up again from a baby, indicating he has a different body. And different body means different physiology. Now does he have control on his physiology? He clearly couldn't balance himself on the bench, nor could he walk immediately, nor does he have the physiology of an adult man, plus he has to go through puberty in this body. Therefore, that poses the question if he is actually the same person or a different combination of a person? I'm no expert on hormones and physiology, but it is not something we can turn the blind eye to because they hugely impact development Just want to be clear, I am not defending the MC, what he did is disturbing and wrong. I'm more curious about the circumstances surrounding it because in anime, things aren't always black and white due to the variables of things like magic and reincarnation that we cannot really explain unless it explicitly talks about it It's like if you get reincarnated as a puppy, then grow up to be an adult dog, your physiology is built to mate with your own species, but isn't it weird to claim that is bestiality when you are not considered human anymore?

Spearbearer Josh

Thats an incredibly good point, especially on the topic of physiology and psychology. We have to agree that Rudy's new physiology will affect his mind to some degree, the mind and body are one after all. If you are reborn as a dog, even with the memories of your previous life intact, it would not be bestiality or abnormal to mate with another dog. Just like how Ainz (isekai character who became an undead overlord)no longer has any qualms about slaughtering and torturing humans, and Rimuru (isekai who became a slime) became an androgynous, asexual being. Going back to the previous debate; if you are conscious of your actions, in the way that Rudy is, you are definitely in the wrong if you solicit from minors maliciously, for lack of a better term. Whether or not you have or are in a new body is irrelevant because you have an ego and are aware of what you are doing (in this case grooming and taking advantage of others). sorry if this reads weird im blazed as fuck and I really wanted to respond

Ace Overton

See here is where it poses an odd question. Because we are saying because he retains some of his previous memories, he is grooming, even though he is physically a boy, and is combined with the ideals of his new body also, which is why he feels zero sexual attraction to his mother. If he was just who he use to be, then he should be a pervert at all times. But he's not done anything beyond most young boys, sexualize people. So, what do we call it when a young boy or girl plots on slowly getting someone to like them and be together in the future? Would take not count as grooming also? In my take, he's not the same person. I cannot Minority Report cancel him for something he hasn't technically done yet, if he does at all.


@Josh Lo It's probably too late to respond to this. It's an interesting discussion when people talk in a civilized manner and respect each other, so thank you I agree with your answer and with your examples of Ainz and Rimuru. Their body has definitely impacted their decision-making and emotions towards things like killing, mass murder, and death I believe that his new body is relevant to Rudy's decision making and thought process because he is still physically a child since he still has to adapt to this new fictional setting and his body, learning the norms and culture of this world. I would consider his identity more complex than it seems. Otherwise, if he had the same identity/ego, then he would be sexually attracted to his mother, which the show mentions that he isn't explicitly, so this means he is affected on the biological level Now in topic of the debate... I am not sure if malicious is the best term for Rudy's intent/actions, but I understand where you are coming from. The anime definitely could have done better to portray Rudy's guilt and humanity. Also, considering that his mind's VA is Gintoki, which sounds like an adult convinces us that he is the same person, but it's rather deceiving. I think this choice is interesting because I believe the story direction they want to go is that his mind's voice will slowly transition to "Rudy" rather than his previous life's voice, which shows his character progression and that he is not the same person. Though if they don't do this, they can still do it when he speaks to a certain someone (Ep 9) and show how he will view himself later in the story. Regardless, Rudy's actions still feel uncomfortable and wrong especially in modern societal standards This is where fiction and reality should be kept separate. Rudy is reincarnated. There is magic. Rudy is legally and physically not an adult in context to the story's setting and by our society's definition of an adult despite his mentality. In this context, we can't really get the full picture because it is not reality


i feel like half the comment section dont try to think of this as deeply as you describe. So many philosophical and moral dilemmas about the MCs circumstances and psychology that you cant just call it black and white.


Its because of civilised discussions like yours that makes my day

Kelsey Brown

Paul definitely didn't rape here. Y'all gotta stop throwing that word out there like that. He was super talented as a swordsman and she was the daughter of a sword instructor. Paul has also always been quite the charmer and always had girls flocking to him left and right. A lot of the other students wanted to get with her when she was younger for their own reasons and non of them really liked Paul because he was talented and girls liked him, including the maid chick. They always butted heads with him so to get back at them before he left, he slept with her CONSENTUALLY... then dipped out to become an adventurer.

Daniel Borrego

i believe shotocon is like lolicon but with little boys instead of girls and perhaps grown women who like them. its something like that.

Daniel Borrego

well by the time he hits 15-18 he'll be mentally 55 - 58 years old and 'dating' a 15 year old . Rudy is a 40 year old man. make no mistake. the only thing that makes it not as damaging to the ones he does stuff with is that THEY think hes a kid too. but rudy is 100% without a doubt a complete scumbag adult. thats his arc. he goes from loser pedo scumbag to hopefully a somewhat respectable guy. I mean he LITERALLY says he didnt spend 20 years weasling his way out of unwinable arguments for nothing. even HE thinks hes an adult.

Astor Lefflinker

Little Somal got a bruise because those water balls does do damage, remember when Roxy fired her water ball and the tree got cut in half? Rudeus was probably controlling the strength of the water balls but it probably still does same damage as a punch.

Astor Lefflinker

They don't understand that MC isn't really a pedophile. When he is inside Rudeus, his mindset and body does get affected too, like he has the memories of when he was an adult, but his mind is also affected by being that little boy, Rudeus. Remember that his mind was dictating him that Zenith was hot but then he just can't get turned on by her because she's his mom? It's similar with Sylphie, it's just natural for young boys to be attracted to other young girls.

Astor Lefflinker

I just backread at the comments a bit. Apparently there's a discussion about how disturbing this show is because some people are saying the MC is a pedophile. I don't think he is. When he got reincarnated as a little boy in that world, while he retains his adult memories from Earth, his mindset is affected, he also do really become that little boy Rudeus. Remember when his mind/memories were telling him that Zenith is hot? But then he just can't get turned on by Zenith because she's his mom. If Rudeus is attracted to Sylphie, that's just normal because young boys do get attracted to young girls and he hasn't done anything sexual to her yet.


someone with common sense and actually pays attention to the show


fun fact: this series is extremely popular and considered the grandad of the modern isekai genre, but it was never adapted cause the author refused anything but a perfect adaptation of it. This studio was created for the purpose of producing Jobless reincarnation.


exactly not only that but rudy is being raised in a world were at the age of 15 you are declared an adult if 15 is adult for them like 9-10 is probably teenager for them people are forgetting this is basically a world like when it was the 17-18 hundreds for us where our ancestors were having kids like at the age of 12 with science we learned more about the brain and declared what would be the right age for sex and maturing but back then science was just beginning


This is late but whatever. It was 100 percent non consent. Ive read the light novel but I don't wanna spoil anything ^^^


it's that old? or why is it called the grandad


rudy is undeniably a pedophile and the author is really weird for writing his character like that, if you look at a series like TBATE, they handle love and reincarnation really well by having the mc just reject any advances made by underage kids because by his own morals and the world that he grew up in, its not right.