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This guy Eugeo just set them up for failure lmao


Devin B

Lol Roshi you didn't have to come at Chips Ahoy like that. They're definitely not that bad.

Devin B

When Kirito woke up, he saw Suguha (his cousin) cause he's used to her waking him up


The vid always stop at the same timestamp every reaction and i have to refresh the whole page plus skip ahead of the timestamp or it will stop again. Is there a way to fix this?


what timestamp is this? I have been providing feedback to Patreon so just lmk


The timestamp may not be the exact same for every vid but each vid has at least two of those. For the reaction to the 2nd ep it was timestamps 6:30 nd 11:40 and for the 3rd ep it was 14:15 nd 22:18

Devin B

Damn so I'm part of the minority that actually likes Chips Ahoy


When you hop out and talk shit to the bank robbers but you forgot to make a plan...


lol yall really be over gassin kirito. he really hasn't been op since S1

Cleven Anthony

To be honest that “op” power was here and there but he doesn’t really have that power till..... well they’ll find out but rn it’s honestly might as well be considered memories as his life isn’t in danger right now not the way it was in season 1


nah hes been SUPER OP for every arc, arc 1, he has twin blades that basically made him the strongest, arc 2 he was better then just about all of them AT VERY BEGINNING (what?how?) and this arc ya, we'll find out wink wink, mother's basement on youtube makes so much valid points that its just sad how this became so popular when it shouldn't have...this arc was really good but it was before this actually im just going to say...season 2 part 2 and everything but s1 and s2 part 1of alice and aincrad arc were just not making sense


op every arc is a big stretch..he loses a majority of his fights..since your memory is fuzzy I got you -He lost to Heathcliff twice (the first time because of cheating but the second time he was beaten without it and would have been dead if not for Asuna intervening) -he was decimated by the guardians of the world tree when he tried it alone. -he was helpless against Sugou until Kayaba helped him out -Xaxa clearly overwhelmed him and would have won if not for Sinon helping him -He lost against Yuuki every time he tried to fight her There's even more in Progressive & Alicization but thats spoiler stuff.. the anime cuts content quite a bit to make it seem like he's op but trust me read the LN he gets bitch slapped A LOT its kinda sad tbh. He hardly ever wins by himself its always a group effort


dude he literally beat a raid boss BY HIMSELF like thats not no he was broken, and no im not talking about pve stuff during ince-alfheim arc im talking about the pvp stuff he went up someone who suppose to be one best people and he held his own while being new to the game? excuse me? no thats not how it works nah my mind isnt fuzzy hes literally a broken fucking character like i said mother's basement makes most valid points when came to kirito and how badly designed the games were in it, This arc is literally like only one that ACTUALLY builds kirito up to become strong not just cut scene make no sense broken to all existence


thats great and all but how does that make you op again? Asuna also beat a raid boss by herself

Ace Overton

He is a power gamer for the most part. He needs to remember himself and have some weapons that they can use, but he built up his stats for two years in a murder game. He has high stats overall, all of the time


o ok i cant with you you cant even see a broken character


ace i dont think you understanding the dual wielding bullshit where he casually solos raid boss, or he go's into DIFFERENT GAME and already somehow no reason at all just already top of the strongest pvpers or gos into GGO and hes somehow only person capable of using photon swords? what ggo players brains to small? theres reason people say just give kirito a sword and he becomes a god because plotarmor its just true


Kirito's stats only reset prior to Progressive and Alicization.. he had all of his SAO stats in ALO & GGO.. and was still getting decimated


you realise the transfer with all stats intact makes no sense right? thats not how games works thats just called PLOTARMOR i know trying to defend this whole anime but theres reason people call kirito a living plotarmor character


damn you really are ingnorant to how the system is setup huh. listen bro go educated yourself first.. either read the LN or go watch some breakdown videos my man cause you are lost and I can't help you


ok go watch mother's basement on it and then come back cause you cant EVEN EXPLAIN why his stats are going into DIFFERENT GAME, telling me to get educated? you cant even explain how that even WORKS thats not how GAMES WORK there even using 2 DIFFERENT headsets one was called amusphere and other nervegear literally 2 different consoles


ALO is a carbon copy of the underlying system of SAO..GGO was also model after the same.. which is why you see Kirito using the same skills he learned in SAO in both games.. how else do you think Sion alternates between both games.. jeez do you not pay attention to what you're watching... or are you one of those who can only focus on the action.


again it doesnt matter if its a copy of another game thatr is not HOW GAMES WORK thats like saying well im just going to copy DIABLO 1 into diablo 2 because well same game right? no thats not how games work when its not an actual copy of the same game there still TWO DIFFERENT GAMES there not copying the SAO stats into it thats literally a FLAW and again PLOTHOLE and PLOTARMOR for kirito to just be OP like i said GO and watch mother's basement because he literally breaks it down and why its FLAW


i really hope you're trolling cause I just can't belive you're that uneducated..instead of spending on Patreon you might wanna invest in some books


and again you refuse to go and watch mother's basement cause you just think this is like PERFECT NONE flaw anime when majority of people will say no its just flaws after flaws and plotarmor after plotarmor because that part makes sense you wanna think this is perfect anime then go ahead but telling me im uneducated when i work as a designer can personally tell you, thats not even possible to do ever, and in why are the creaters of those other two games even being allowed the FILES for sao when it was murder game in first place? like what and with that im done argueing with you when cant even see the flaws


who said it was perfect tf lmao all I did was correct cause you think stuff is a plot when its already been explained.. you work as a designer but saying its impposible to do? lmao dumbass its already been done.. whats being done here its the same as being able to use your Cold War classes in Warzone.. So come on dude be a liar now its already bad enough you're unedcucated


plus we're talking about A FICTIONAL STORY its rules are setup by the creator not real life jfc


@Ambridge ah yes Mother’s Basement, the hypocrite money hungry YouTuber. Ofc some retarded ass youtuber said Sao is bad, made a vid about it nd you were so quick to get on the bandwagon. Btw Jeff, the same guy who said Sao was bad said Dbs was good.. just saying. Also didn’t he say Goblin slayer was edgy nd got a lot of hate for it so he backpedaled real quick. He even said something about loli anime nd how sexualizing women is so bad but promotes his GF selling her nudes. Also i swear hes made like more than 15 vids on Sao just coz he knw talking shit on Sao = views. Maybe start having ur own opinion rather than riding the bandwagon.

Cleven Anthony

One alo, sao & ggo are basically all the same game made from the same system so his stats from when he was surviving sao Carried over both times. And since it’s the same underlying system it’s like he’s playing ng+ but under a different setting. Also your way too fixated on “how things work” this is an anime, it works how the anime world wants it to work buddy & even then what do you think happened when an mmo like elder scrolls online went from pc to console ? Players could carry over there toons genius. Thirdly you are way to reliant on that one youtuber or whatever like the things he sees and opinions he shares are law. Like he somehow knows everything exactly the way it’s suppose to be known & the name of the channel 😂 lmao


Lmfao where did you get blue hair from??? XD


Except he technically is wrong, else they wouldn't still be on shelves. It's called exaggeration/hyperbole. People just LOVE to do it these days to get their opinions across, even when it's excessive and unnecessary lmao.


Idk why these ppl expect every anime character to think of every possible thing that they as the audience can come up with. If anime were excessively convenient like that, it would be boring. "Oh yeah, I'm super smart and meta, so like, I know all the right choices and decisions to make so that there's no conflict whatsoever." "They're taking their sweet time".... Well 1) At least half the time or most of the time, talking is a free action in anime. 2) The time that's passing for us to watch something is hella different from the time that passes in an anime. Case in point, the Tournament of Power arc in Dragon Ball Super.

MitensuraTensho (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 04:40:44 Zagreus relax it's just a jokee, idk if you noticed but they do that a lot
2021-02-13 18:10:29 Zagreus relax it's just a jokee, idk if you noticed but they do that a lot

Zagreus relax it's just a jokee, idk if you noticed but they do that a lot

Joshua W Capute

This has literally never happened to me ever, are you using the app's player or are you using patreon.com on your browser (which browser if so)


I think you missed this but when Kirito woke up and saw Selka, it reminded him of his own little "sister" Sugu. That was the black haired girl

chou sion

flaming my boy eugeo lmao, but that's well deserved