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Thought this was gonna end on a similar note to Cowboy Bebop so we were pleasantly surprised. Still sad to see them go their separate ways though. Overall another great pick!


Evanescent Encounter Pt 3 | Samurai Champloo Ep 26

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Is Haikyuu today??

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

I'll never get over the seperation. I just wanted them to continue on together.


please complete the watanabe trilogy and watch space dandy

jesse almonte

I was never able to come to terms with this being the end of these 3's adventure

Waka Flocha Flame

Bitter-sweet ending to the journey indeed. Pretty realistic though. I get it. They accomplished their team goal, but now they go on their separate paths to accomplish whatever their individual goals are. It’s the story of life.

Micahel Conrad

you guys should watch Black Lagoon.


I thought the ending was sad too my 1st time watching but watching. it with y'all I realized they split up hella times and keep finding each other so they probably would end up back together in a day or 2. Plus it would be insane for her not to stay with at least 1 of them for her own protection.

Malcolm Washingon

Bruh so is this wat they mean by the prize being the friends you made along the way? Cuz the destination here sucked. Great show but man I thought there'd be a little happiness at end. I refuse to believe they stay split up. The entire show whenever these 3 fools go in separate directions they end up back together and that's how I'm gonna interpret the ending of this show


Please react Dororo next it's kind of set in the same time and it's really good


Highly recommend watching Bonsai Pop’s Samurai Champloo video, “What is purpose?” Really brings it full circle.


Space Dandy is my next recommended watch, after Cowboy Bepop and Samurai Champloo, its from the same guys, but also alot of other guys, Each episode is different genre than before. mostly.


They were talks of a Samurai Champloo movie hella long ago.. but that idea never came to fruition sadly smh.. Anyway this is One of my Favorite anime! The story, characters, and music was top tier for me. Nujabes (rip), Fat Jon and Tsutchie music they made for this show is arguably the best in any anime imo if not top 10. It definitely introduced me to lofi hip hop. shiiiit i got alot of the music from the show in my music playlist right now lol. So yeah dope reaction glad yall 2 enjoyed this anime and Thank you for reacting to it.


I didn't watch this whole series because of how episodic it is. Like how Roshi mentioned that assassin never showed back up and before the final episode they had a baseball episode. I feel like this show could've been so much better. With Cowboy Bebop we still got a lot of dedicated episodes to learning about the characters and building up the story I feel like Samurai Champloo could've more of that. I can see why people find it enjoyable but the show was alright lol. But again Enjoyable.


An actual anime where I don't barf because of the power of friendship. Bittersweet ending, but the idea that each of them (Mugen, Jin and Fu) were always alone trying to get by in the world on a "me against the world" mentality, journeyed and bonded, and can now go back out into the world knowing they aren't alone anymore.

Baren Nerab

SOooo space dandy next??


Guys its "Until we meet again. " id have to assume they will meet again later on in life under better circumstances where they are not in danger of being killed. It was a good ending.

na -

recommend space dandy next 👍


Trigun should be next!


I like how Mugen used his intellect during the last battle to take take the building supports down and created an axle to swing dudes sword around...and Jin used a move that was completed unpredictable...and that's what made them both such an even match by the end. SO glad they both lived!! This show has so many different vibes that I can never seem to put into exact words, and I think that's the beauty of it. Fate will cross their paths once again, I don't think their journey ever really ended.


Thank you guys for all the laughs!! Love all your videos and cant watch to watch whatever's next :)


Phenomenal series. Definitely recommend Space Dandy next


Thank you for reacting to this! Can't wait to see whats next :)

Jay R.

I always replay this ending at the end at least 3x I just can’t explain the feeling it gives me. It’s like at the end of any journey you go on in life you come out the other side with shoulders a bit lighter, maybe a little wiser and a lot less lonely knowing there is someone in this world you call a friend. The looks on their faces as they walk down their separate paths until the end is one of complete inner peace, knowing that you’ve accomplished you’re greatest obstacle for the moment and all there left to do is relax and reflect in the present moment until the next journey presents itself. Never seen a more authentic depiction of real life.


Love this tri-fecta of episodes so much. It's what really made the show.


I actually watched this show for the first time with you guys and enjoyed it. As for the ending, you guys have pointed it out several times before that they go their separate ways but always end up together in the end. I have no doubt that these three will meet again.


the assassin was a secret boss they didnt unlock since they didnt complete all the side quest