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Pretty tragic stories tbh


Misguided Miscreants Pt 2 | Samurai Champloo Ep 14

Watch "Misguided Miscreants Pt 2 | Samurai Champloo Ep 14" on Streamable.



oh yeah this episode..

Waka Flocha Flame

OST playing as Mugen slowly sinks into the depths of the ocean/afterlife is Obokuri-Eeumi by Ikue Asazaki or aka “Samurai Champloo old lady song” on YouTube lol

jesse almonte

Its all memes until real nigga shit starts up


LMAO it's true. Back when this still aired on Adult Swim, I would always try to catch this episode so I can see that sequence and hear the music. It's so hauntingly beautiful, especially when the piano solo comes up


i subscribe back just for this episode

Stephon Flemons

Another thing to consider is that koza doesn't know where the money is that was stolen from the ships, only her lover and her brother knew. Now they are both dead so she is really screwed.


that ending was so fire. mugen felt like the grim reaper


One of my favorite episodes


he gut that nigga


Can we talk about how mugen is just limping by and casually gives this guy a 3 piece combo?? Too clean.

kurumi Tokisaki

He's not in any condition to fight....3 seconds later.... (ノ °益°)ノ ︵ (\ .o.)\

FreshxEli Tv

When I was a kid like 9 or 10 years old and I seen Mugen Limping giving out 3 hit combos I was running around the whole house screaming like I’m turning super Ssj blue

FreshxEli Tv (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 04:46:25 Yo the look on Roshi & Sheera Face 🤣 When Mugen Killed Dude haha 😂 yall both know Mugen is a wild dog he really about that killing shiii
2021-01-20 01:50:10 Yo the look on Roshi & Sheera Face 🤣 When Mugen Killed Dude haha 😂 yall both know Mugen is a wild dog he really about that killing shiii

Yo the look on Roshi & Sheera Face 🤣 When Mugen Killed Dude haha 😂 yall both know Mugen is a wild dog he really about that killing shiii


WHEN you was a kid ssj blue wasn’t even a thing at the time lol

Susana Canales

Yup. That’s what she gets. Mugen letting her live was the most fitting punishment he could’ve given her. He wasn’t gonna make it easy for her and i think she’s too much of a coward to kill herself. Maybe lol

Drake Rage

I am happy Roshi had the same thoughts and said the same things that I commented the first time I watched this. Koza was actually quite trash herself. Mukuro was awful for sure, but Koza acting like she loved Mugen, but going along with Mukuro's plan to sacrifice him for the Gold, then using Mugen's death to make Jin kill Mukuro... to pull that off... she was a straight up Villain. Mugen would definitely have walked past both of them since he did not want to kill Koza, so if the guy had not attacked him, he was going to leave them alone like: "Okay if you think it was worth it and were desperate enough to do all this awful shit, then fine go live your 'dreams' Koza..." (If you are even able to live with yourself at all for betraying Mugen like that, lol.)