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Quite the somber ending, didnt expect it to go that way. Overall this was a great watch! Was a bit of an adjustment watching a more episodic anime vs most anime we watch which have long story arc but it was enjoyable! We will be polling the show Sheera and I replace with this in a couple days! give us some options!


The Real Folk Blues, Pt 2 | Cowboy Bebop Ep 26

Watch "The Real Folk Blues, Pt 2 | Cowboy Bebop Ep 26" on Streamable.


Bushido Black

I would recommend Samurai Champloo, it’s the spiritual successor of Bebop. Plus it’s created by the same director.

Lupa is Dadi

A sad day it is indeed. Ty for the journey!

Waka Flocha Flame

“You’re gonna carry that weight...”

Yolo Samurai

Samurai Champloo for sure

Damion Middleton

The streets need Samurai Champloo lol

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Just a little tidbit the ending was said to be ambiguous, depending on the audience to decide whether Spike lived or died at the end. But tbh thematically speaking it makes a lot more sense that he died here where everything came full circle. But I can understand how some would want the other where Spike might've gone back to the Bebop after surviving this and being able to move on to live for something else.

Talon jngl

Samurai champloo


Samurai Champloo - same people as Cowboy Bebop but it has the season long story like you are used to. So good and criminally under watched in the reaction community. Glad to see so many others requesting it. I legit can't figure out why this isn't watched by more in this community as it is so freaking good.


Another one to consider is Beastars - unique Anime (both story and visually) and one of the best English dubs I've had the pleasure of listening too. Short, so it doesn't drag on.


Samurai Champloo for sure. But I'm gonna throw out Ben-To as well, just because I think y'all would enjoy it but I never see anyone mention it.

Big Daddy Dre

Future diary/ mirai nikki is like a combination of action and mystery


Misfit of demon king academy

Daffy Ducc

Samurai Champloo


Thunderbolt Fantasy. It's a puppet show.

Mark Quintanilla

You guys should check out Monster by Naoki Urasawa. It’s a psychological thriller similar to Death Note and personally one of my favorite anime’s.

Matthew B

Gonna watch the movie?

Daniel Lee (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:17:12 Samurai Champloo (one of the main characters is also voiced by Steve Blum who voiced Spike and Amon from Korra)! The music in that show is more R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop compared to Bebop’s Jazz. Another show I would HIGHLY recommend is Yu Yu Hakusho! An earlier work from the same guy that created Hunter X Hunter, this show has a PHENOMENAL English cast and the Dark Tournament Arc ranks among the highest in any anime!
2020-09-04 16:55:53 Samurai Champloo (one of the main characters is also voiced by Steve Blum who voiced Spike and Amon from Korra)! The music in that show is more R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop compared to Bebop’s Jazz. Another show I would HIGHLY recommend is Yu Yu Hakusho! An earlier work from the same guy that created Hunter X Hunter, this show has a PHENOMENAL English cast and the Dark Tournament Arc ranks among the highest in any anime!

Samurai Champloo (one of the main characters is also voiced by Steve Blum who voiced Spike and Amon from Korra)! The music in that show is more R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop compared to Bebop’s Jazz. Another show I would HIGHLY recommend is Yu Yu Hakusho! An earlier work from the same guy that created Hunter X Hunter, this show has a PHENOMENAL English cast and the Dark Tournament Arc ranks among the highest in any anime!


After last week reaction I couldn't wait to go finish it and even after watching it again I feel like the ending is still pretty disappointing I just feel like more could've been done. But I do get what they were going for after watching many Yt videos over it. and someone mentioned that the ending is open ended as well


I think the next show should also be something retro as well. Idk Hajime no ippo, Trigun, Berserk, Samurai Champloo, etc but I never finished Space Dandy and from what I remember it's like Cowboy bebop in some ways


Unless you’re joking Roshi, I believe it is the outro music😂

Darian Phidd

Have you watched The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. It's funny, relatively short, and the animation is nice.


Gurren lagann, The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Daniel Lee

Actually, the outro song is called Real Folk Blues and the song played here is called See You Space Cowboy. Slight remix haha


Oh yeah, I know it’s a remix but of the outro song. Thanks


Gurren Lagann or Samurai Champloo


Star Blazers 2199, World War 2 style navel battles in space with awesome animation.


The devil is a part timer

Devin B

That's actually a reverse isekai that they would probably like

Devin B

Ben-to's plot is so out of there that I think they would like it.


Hajime no ippo is a really good and underrated anime


coooode geasss


Such an amazing show, and a trailblazer for a lot of shows afterward. Genuinely loved all the cast, and it's just such a sad, and somber ending. :(

Cleven Anthony

Yu Yu Hakasho and don’t @ me guys Lmao but inuyasha too and the og gundam wing is pretty good too



Adam Vialpando

Samurai Champloo or Inuyasha.

Ace Spiegel

Space Dandy or Samurai Champloo would be great next, same director as bebop, the GOAT Shinichirō Watanabe. Gurren Lagann would be good too or Kill la Kill

Jack Mihoff

Sa-Sa Samurai Champloo !


Gurren Lagann!!




What better show to replace an old classic than with another old classic? CODE GEASS

jesse almonte

Samurai cgamploo is the next logical step


Rurouni Kenshin is a classic, and the prequel movie is a masterpiece.


Faye send the video and player to herself. Her younger self in the video said the idea was to send themselves a message in the future. They probably sent the packages to a postal service with instructions to be mailed out at a specific date. Since she was in the accident the mail probably was rerouted multiple times.


May i suggest She-ra Princess of Power. It is the complete opposite of this show but its still good.


if you want the full bebop experience you gotta watch the cowboy bebop movie. it's great and watching it last will defiantly leave a better impression than episode 26. it's what the normies reaction channel didn't and it was great. also as a next series i'd like to nominate yu yu hakusho.

Jaime Ruiz

Don’t watch she-rah that’s feminist SJW garbage.

Jose Ovalle

Instead of she-rah watch tanya the evil, an anime like shield hero and re zero with ww2 and a funny character fighting God. It is short and ended season a while ago

Jaime Ruiz

This anime alongside fight club influenced me so much... ahhh.

Liban Madar

have you seen erased?


word then they can finish overlord and theyll be ready for isekai quartet LOL


Black Lagoon is a good shoot'em up anime, similar feel to this anime or a good sports boxing anime is Hajime No Ippo which is a classic


I recommend Monster


Ngl this ending had me stunned for awhile when I first watched it. Black Lagoon is a good option.

matthew perry

If y'all haven't seen it I'd say the fate series would be good.

Alex Sytinskiy

i have a few, Inuyashiki (short but great and different from usual), Eye shield 21 ( best sports anime imho), pumpkin scissors if you can find it is a wild show with amazing combat, Hajime no Ippo if you havent seen it already

Whamz Rose




Kevin J. Coleman

Black Lagoon or Jormungand would be sick

RavinFox .

Congrats on finishing Cowboy Bebop! I think there's a movie but Its been a long time since I've seen that. Ajin is my pick for a new series, but honestly, these guys have a bunch of amazing suggestions too! They haven't made you react to anything I've disliked yet lol I'm still looking for reactors to watch Plastic neesan and Dokuro chan just for the heck of it since they're really good short comedies and extremely easy to knock out, but going for the bigger shows will probably make more people happy.

Bob Bob

Kaguya Sama Love is War


I recommend dorehedoro, really interesting setting with cool world building throughout


Samurai Champloo would be another good episodic anime that could follow up on this


tatami galaxy

Joshua W Capute

I'm glad y'all enjoyed it. Despite the animation being a top tier example of the last real wave of traditional animation and every part of it being a perfect example of "Anime done right", It's lucky it was even ended at all, the show was actually initially pitched to Watanabe by Bandai who were pretty much investing in nothing else but to promote sell toys/ figures of space ships, and they were given full creative control with the only stipulation that said ships must be included in any way. After seeing early footage Bandai realized it wasn't exactly quite what they wanted and they pulled out almost immediately. Thankfully Bandai Visual; sister company to Bandai, saw the success their sibling had passed up and became the replacement sponsors allowing them to complete the series. Interestingly the end was already planned early in production by Watanabe due to him starting with the characters first when developing the story's conception, which is also what helped keep the series mainly episodic with the over-arching plot in the background. However, because its first run was in aired on a primetime slot they were only able to show 12 episodes; episodes 1,4,5,6,16,17, and 19-26 were left out due to its depictions of "graphic violence" essentially because their was an unusual and historic rise in Japan's violent crime at the time (1998), and basically due to low ratings and editing it was actually pretty much cancelled. There's a statement at the end of one of the episodes by Watanabe saying: 'This is not the end. You will see the real "Cowboy Bebop" someday!' which was originally from the end of a "special" 13th episode that was a montage of the 12 episodes shown with philosophical-like commentary from the characters over it. Thankfully a few months later a private and premium satellite station picked it up and was able to finally air the whole series uncut in its entirety allowing it to be recognized internationally and finally licensed 3 years later as the 1st and only anime on the debut lineup of Adult Swim in 2001, paving the way for the outstanding Saturday night "Action" block consisting of an exclusively Anime lineup. Due to it already being inspired by, and including a wide variety of popular media and music at its core, the fact that its dubbed script was so faithful to the original Japanese with legitimate respect and serious voice acting it immediately became the definition of proper localization; and even though Anime was already popular to a degree in the states (thanks to Akira, Pokemon, Evangelion, Ghost in the shell and other iconic and important late 80's-late 90's Anime), it was still primarily only available on rare VHS tapes at rental stores who owned a single copy; even rarer fan sub VHS tapes worn so thin by the infamous fan sub process of hooking up multiple VHS recording decks to each other that the static, brightness and bad tracking made watching legitimately difficult, or on Saturday Mornings with the even more infamous 4-Kids dubs of Pokemon, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh!; the rapid rise of demand and eventually supply for Anime and eventual mainstream embrace in America early 2000's owes quite a bit to Cowboy Bebop that I honestly feel is relatively under recognized; incidentally American VA Steve Blume is just as under credited as well, being that he was so iconic as the voice of Spike, it led him to become Tom from Toonami, which in turn then helped further the domestic distribution of Anime. Just a few months after its run as the only Anime on Adult Swim, the Action Saturday block introduced classics from Inuyasha, Mobile Suit Gundam, Tenchi Muyo, and Yu Yu Hakusho to Lupin the III, Blue Gender, FLCL, Trigun, and even the original FMA series; which was eventually replaced by none other than Toonami. Lots of recommendations for Samurai Champloo up in here, but I personally recommend Rurouni Kenshin and the accompanying Samurai-X films first since overall they are much more serious (Samurai-X even more so than the Kenshin series) than Champloo. Not shitting on Champloo, it's an amazing series too, but just like Space Dandy I feel that they tried matching the tone of Bebop too much and didn't quite do it.


Samurai Champloo next please?! If you liked Cowboy Bebop you'll almost certainly like Champloo.


samurai champloo!

Cody Braim

Ya'll should watch Fate Stay/Night Unlimited Blade Works (its a mouthful I know lmao)


do the cowboy bebop movie its rly good


Samurai Champloo - English Dub

JunpeiFES .

Still waiting for that konosuba movie lol i know you will because you mentioned it on your last stream, but people were saying a lot kurokos basketball. But if you dont mind old as this one, then slam dunk. Its stupid funny


I agree with everyone else here, check out Samurai Champloo next

Viela Guay

Terror in Resonance. Same director and music composer as Bebop. Great little 1 season show




Samurai Champloo English Dub!! but I got a feeling they might’ve already seen that anime 😩😩


Kaguya-sama: Love is war

RavinFox .

I think the first block, well rectangle(can't be help, extremely weird to space out on Patreon- I'm impressed he spaced at all lol) is a history lesson on Cowboy bebop's run back and the day and everything that came with it including a very iconic voice actor. And the second paragraph is on anime suggestions, in which he prefers Rurouni Kenshin over the Samurai Champloo suggestions but agrees that the show is pretty cool too.

toptier sagat

For real, if you haven't watched Samurai Champloo yet you have to check it out. It's short too, only one season.




You guys watched Nanatsu no Taizai yet?

Faiz Khan

When that was the outro music they were playing I should know since it's my ringtone and it's the name of the episodes


tfw no fire force and its Sunday :(


you all should watch Tiger Mask


You guys should check out Black Lagoon

Theo Traumato

Samurai Champloo is highly recommended! It is from the creators of Cowboy Bebop and has a similar story structure (episodic with a loose story frame), but instead of Western in Space (with Jazz) it is Samurai meets Hip Hop. It is one of my favourite Anime of all time I like it even more than Cowboy Bebop :)


Samurai Champloo all the way!


I thought they already watched Samurai Champloo they said something about it in one of the videos but idk


Japan sinks 2020. Nice and short. Might be anime of the year


sheera tried to point out to roshi that the cowboy episode was a little easter egg to samurai champloo, but the way they talked about it made it seem like they didnt watch it yet. they prob heard about samurai champloo from the comments about how its from the same person, but nothing really more than that

Devin Jersey

Serious question: I've watched both subbed and dubbed of samurai champloo. Which do you guys prefer? Cuz they both be fire flames but subbed just be a little better (for me at least) idk why

Jack Mihoff

i like sub bc i think shows based in real world japan are better to watch with their native language, it feels more realistic to me

Leomart Nigel Badua

do we have any news when the next episode drops for GOH, Fire force and Haikyuu are ? kinda getting a bit worried

Daniel Robb

They usually upload at a later time on Mondays, like 9 to 11 or so~ I think. Roshi probably just forgot about Fire Force on fri day haha

Otter Mane

They went out of town for the weekend and are just getting back. Sheera said uploads will be later tonight.


There's still that Konosuba movie lol. Recommendations: The Misfit of Demon King Academy (currently airing seasonal anime) That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Kaguya-sama: Love is War Beastars Saga of Tanya the Evil Overlord (Edit: Added the last two, can't believe I forgot those, since you've seen Konosuba and are watching Re:Zero. Those two plus Tanya and Overlord will make you eligible to watch the crossover Isekai Quartet)

Daniel Robb

I second Misfit of Demon King Academy, definitely an underdog show. And Slime, obviously they're going to need to watch it~


+1 Code Geass or Kaguya for the truly deep analysis; I would trust Roshi to seek out the heat though


Samurai Champloo would be cool


I recommend Gungrave, you can skip the first episode though. It's got the same Creator/Composer team as Trigun, Yasuhiro Nightow and Tsuneo Imahori. BTW Imahori was the guitar player of the Seatbelts, Yoko Kanno's band who performed the Bebop OST.

Anthony Toney

No offense bro but that ending plays in every episode of the series. Sheera knows what she's talking about. Pay more attention lmao!😅


The vagueness of character backstories is by design, noir is a tragedy genre which combines elements of early mystery/detective flicks, part of the aesthetic is leaving much of the character motivations to the viewer’s imagination. Rather than a single line or two of established canon, you can now dream forever of what the characters lives must have been like, just like Spike. It’s precisely these kinds of little touches in the aesthetic of the show which have immortalized it in an almost transcendent medium, redefining the art form itself in the process, as they themselves put it. Truly a timeless masterpiece

Sean Harrison

You guys have to do Cowboy Bebop: The Movie too! One of the best anime movies I've ever seen


Loads shotgun... captions "cocks rifle" IM DEAD


...bruh... its the outro music. LUL


“You're gonna carry that weight.” A reference to a Beatles song of the same name, it contextualizes the entirety of the anime series in its closing. No matter how hard you try to outrun your trauma or your past, you'll have to confront it, and you'll have to carry that weight.


Stilll no movie...