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Clown Shoes lol


Cowboy Funk | Cowboy Bebop Ep 22

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Waka Flocha Flame

Roshi, the Samurai reference at the end of the episode is meant to be a nod to Watanabe’s next project, Samurai Champloo, which was subsequently released in 2004. I hope you’ll consider reacting to it next since it pretty much has the same VAs in Cowboy Bebop!


Fridge full of food and 3 million.

Alex cleveland

Roshi bro, Cowboy Bebop is a masterpiece of a show. Its only fitting to watch Samurai Champloo next which is the creator of Cowboy Bebop I think lol..... TBH Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo r both easily S tier anime, without a doubt. I was so sad when I finished both these series. And the music, I cant choose which one is better which is insane

Otter Mane

gotta give it to SC for the music even though I love CBB music Champloo is just a whole vibe. edit: on second thought idk if I can can choose either cause CBB has such a great variety in music and when the right song comes on at the right moment it just hits you in the feels. Ima have to just say they're both top tier!

kurumi Tokisaki

Blowing up tall building that represent capitalism and his other ideals to bring awareness on an extreme level, actually makes sense. That kind of ideology sparks revolutions if not taken serious in its infancy.

J Valentine

THIS fucking clown. Andy is the William Shatner of the Cowboy Bebop universe. Also the bomber getting cut off gag was the best in the series. lol

Ace Overton

This is the end.....close your eyes, and count to ten.....


LOL Space D(Andy)


LOL what, no, it was JUST a callback to the samurai joke. It was 6 years before Champloo even aired, preproduction wouldnt have even been a THOUGHT that early on.