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Man, Jet had it rough. The Betrayals smh


Black Dog Serenade | Cowboy Bebop Ep 16

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It was the same gun, he used his only bullet to kill Udai and pretended to shoot at Jet so Jet would shoot him since he knew Jet wouldn't kill him unless he thought he was threatened. In revolvers, the shells stays in after being shot and you gotta empty it before loading more bullets. Fat in the end wanted Jet to kill him so he could atone for his betrayal.

Jose Ovalle

He only had one bullet, he used to shoot udai. Then jet shoot him, basically suicide.


Where are the AOT and Haikyuu reactions ?


Genuinely interested if Roshi knows who TF Quick Draw McGraw is. lol

Drake Rage

I think they thought the empty shell casing in the gun was another bullet. No, it was just the 1 bullet that they showed us he put in. Then he shot that one bullet, killing Udai. The rest of the chambers were empty, only the empty shell casing from the one bullet was still in the chamber. You have to manually remove the shell casings before reloading revolvers. You guys must have seen a lot of movies and animes with revolvers, so you should have known that is how revolvers work, lol.