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My man can't catch a break lmao episode 1 and everything has already gone to shit


You're Goin to JAIL! | Konosuba S2 Ep 1

This is "You're Goin to JAIL! | Konosuba S2 Ep 1" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Yolo Samurai

YES, I've been waiting for this! If you thought season one was full of shenanigans, wait till you watch season 2 lol


It only took about 5 minutes...Roshi was done!

Xavier Ruffin

🧐 high school of the dead next?

Xavier Ruffin

Or better yet rezero to continue the transport to other world Genre

Ace Spiegel

Ayyyyy, I've been missing these. Second season is so funny, can't wait to watch more


Yo fire force and konosuba!?! Today’s a good day🔥🔥🔥


Re:Zero is in fact going to replace Konosuba after it is done, if you missed the announcement you could clear the search filters to go to https://www.patreon.com/yaboyroshi/posts and then scroll down.


Kazuma teleporting that corona


Monday - AoT, Haikyuu, and God Of Highschool Tuesday - Legend of Korra Wednesday - HxH Thursday - Jojo Friday - Bonus shows (currently Cowboy Bebop, Fire Force, and Konosuba. Re Zero will replace Konosuba after Konosuba is done)


Considering how Eris is the goddess of luck, all-seeing, and how that lord is an absolute scum, it makes you wonder if that coronatite teleportion was manipulated...


Real life court proceedings would never have evidence pop up during trial. They would need to present all evidence before the trial. Plus, a non-witness watching from the jury would never be allowed to voice their unverified "evidence". This isn't a parody of real court procedures, it's just trash court procedures. Megumin was absolutely right.


BTW Kazuma's luck stat is so high it's only second to the literal goddess of Luck, Eris.


lol well it was a middle age fantasy kind of thing so i think stuff was not as strict and methodical back then


"Its a combination lock" I think I just died lol

Zane Sardonyx

a little info... aqua does wear panties but she cast an invisiability spell on them so no one can sneek a peek at them. she is just that dumb