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Sooooo does this mean Meruem has a fraternal twin?? Also it seems closer to being a human than any other Chimera Ant we've seen 🤔


Colt's Promise | Hunter x Hunter Ep 92

This is "Colt's Promise | Hunter x Hunter Ep 92" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Devin Jersey

Just got home from work and put the pizza in the oven to see 2 more hxh reactions. Bless up and stay safe!

devin billups

cutting of hair is a ceremony that mirrors that of an Edo period Samurai: an end to an era of someone's life, and the beginning of another.


Just curious are yall still reacting to made in abyss?

Hemza Qaraja

Thats literally what I just did 🙏🏼 🥳waiting for the pizza can’t watch without it 😢

Viela Guay

It's just like when you name your violent ass daughter "Grace" or some shit like that

Viela Guay

Also this arc always hits me so well cause it's one of the few times in anime where I've ever actually felt the stakes involved. Like, just the knowledge that the chimera ants are spreading fills you with a great dread, while in other shows it can be the moments before the big bad is about to fire off his world ending plan/attack and the tension is non-existent since you know nothing too serious is gonna happen cause the MC will at least turn things around for the most part, maybe lose a friend or something, but here we know Gon can't do shit lol.

Joel Braaten

I love Morel. He's such a good dude. Also, Netero is insane, the man is actually excited to be the underdog for a change lmao.


Netero's so used to one shotting people he actually feels good that someone is stronger than him for a change.

kurumi Tokisaki

More like she gave birth to a screaming gummy human


Those surgeons would have like the best CV in their industry. Nobody could really claim to have worked on a Chimera Ant Queen.


Really appreciate your love of smoke demons lmao. Netero is a real one.


You can see a lil tail on the tiny human baby btw, so not entirely human, but yeah, it has the vestiges of a lil egg sack around it. The queen had one last ant growing inside her.


Morel definitely one of the best all-round good guys. Reliable, kind, humorous, strong, smart, has integrity. He's a beast. The kind of guy you'd be proud to call a friend, the type of guy you'd be happy to go down with. I love this man lol


Netero is one of the strongest known nen users. Seeing someone who is impossibly stronger than him provides him a chance to fight with true passion. Netero completely ignored Hisoka's sinister advance when doing the Hunter exam interviews. He didn't give a single damn about fighting any of the ant soldiers. It seems he really dislikes opponents that are weaker than him.


That's one of my favorites scenes in the show. Even though Roshi wasn't too keen on what the queen had to say, i felt bad for her in a weird way. I think the the author crafted this moment perfectly. first they show to us this evil force of nature that are the ants. Then they show to us Colt, a character that carry his duties in a honorable way, and has the most loyalty towards the queen, the mix between the quimera ants and humans can have some good in it. But without missing a beat the ants are now mixed with the violent soldiers of NGL and we see the human traits at its worst. Finally we have this scene, the queen and her imense love for her son contrasted by the terrible nature of the ants. Colt desperate for again losing someone he loves, while the other soldier says that they have memories of when they were human. All of this was encapsulated when gon said: "i don't have empathy for these ants that don't care for they comarades", and Kite tought to himself "that is a dangerous way of thinking, what are you going to do when they start caring?"


LMAOOOOOOOOOO He has no sympathy for the Queen bruh! ^.^


inherently the point of this arc is that the Ants themselves are actually not Evil and it's the Evil of humanity they fused with that made them behave the way they do.


also I don't remember her actually revealing his name I thought it was a secret until later but I guess I didn't pay enough attention lol


The chimera ants were described as aggressive to began with and they're an inherently invasive and dominating species. Fusing with the more twisted/morally lacking humans really just altered a part of why they do what they do. They're doing the same thing they always ahve, it's just now it's beyond instinct making it feel worse

Astor Lefflinker

If I remember right, I watched an old samurai film and the samurai cut off his hair because he got defeated. Maybe it means that Netero knows he's gonna be defeated in this arc?


Oftentimes the cutting of a ponytail like that can symbolize beginning anew. I believe Netero cut his ponytail here to solidify his resolve to return to being the challenger.


“f*** all that noice, I would’ve went in and stomped her head in” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 now come on now dawg sis was just tryna eat lmfao but I wouldn’t have been mad either 😅🤣