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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3gbch7z6h1x13v/DemonSlayer_Ep22.mp4?dl=0


ty for the insane uploads!!!


I hope you guys don’t get spoiled by anything. It’s a great ride ahead of us


Don't worry about Tanjiro being able to headbutt a Hashira lol. As they said in the episode, Tanjiro was only able to land a blow on Sanemi (Wind Pillar) because Giyu ran interference. He's actually in the top 3 strongest Hashira's, capable of going blow for blow with Upper Moons.


You know you got clout when your blind and frail and can still tell everyone to shut the hell up in a room with just a finger.


cant say i disagree with the hashiras. since the begiining of time there hasnt been a demon that hasnt ate a human so its natural they dont believe. imagine how many brothers and sisters they lost to the demons. tho sanemi did go a bit crazy there and having an open mind is always good.

Zack Christensen

Bruh...this dude on the right...chill. You have some weird ass hate for Shinobu and you don't even know anything about her character smh.

Joshua Burns

No spoiler but Kibutsiji is the very first demon so just think how old he must be


Yeah Urokodaki mentioned it once. Muzan was the first Demon that appeared around a Thousand Years Ago.


Super dislikable character IMO. Hated her the moment she showed up too. Her backstory helped like, 2%. Still hate her.

shamier fields

im late but heck its not weird ass hate, i understand she knows what shes doing and shes a hashira but the things she does is annoying such as just sitting there not being quick to give zenitsu the antidote like the hell you waiting for

Joshua W Capute

Real original yo call any guy who even says something remotely positive about a female a simp you must be a real hit with real women lmao and all ya'll who do have some weird ass hate for her it's obvious from the start she like many other of the Hashira including everyone else's favorite Giyu are very outwardly cold towards their Kohai that they have no real affiliations with as it's much easier to not put much stock into them just like the only way they've dealt with Demons is through anger and rage without question. Tanjiro and his sister obviously change them and their attitudes very quickly and by the end of the series and movie it's much more apparent that the others including Shinobu do care as long as there's a reason to and they're not just black shirt fodder, just saying I understand if there's legitimate criticism but not if you're just complaining, upset or feel negatively about her for no reason especially since the person we see in ep18-21 isn't the same after ep22


honestly this dude don't even know lupas name or decided not to use it so i don't even acknowledge his complaint XD


@Joshua W Capute, shut up you pussy ass simp. You really out here white knighting for a fictional chick. You pathetic as fuck dude. I know I'm hella late, but that needs to be said.


to be absolutely fair though, we're not obligated as people seeing tanjiro's point of view to like her at this point. WE know, that all the hashira have a good reason to dislike demons because of their past experiences, but let's be honest .. she's really not that likeable when you first meet her like a lot of characters are. lupa is keeping it real, he found her annoying, just like i did. i also found zenitsu annoying when i first saw him, but now he's one of my favorite characters. also, HOW can he know anything about her character when she was JUST introduced to him by this point? of course, you like her because you know her backstory and you've probably learned all there is about her. again, we're seeing this from tanjiro's point of view and nezuko is someone who we consider good. OF COURSE if some random girl comes and tries to kill her, we're automatically going to dislike her? don't bash other peoples' opinions because they differ to your own.