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Big D got some honor left



big who??


I miss Frieren now 😔

Alexander Flores

are u guys going to react to the slime movie and the ova since they are cannon

Hasnain Khan



This show is losing all the sauce it started out with.

Kyle Pacanowski

Ngl it’s starting to lose me. Stellar first couple of episodes were good but after they switched to mech stuff it’s kind of meh.

Kevin Kovacs

Kinda but we getting more deep into the story not just action all the time which is good. I heard last 2 episode are gonna be crazy because the staff has been HYPING it up and before that we have 2 more eps which probably gonna be more build up for the climix of the season.

Kevin Kovacs

I start to feel the same but that's the point likethey losing their "ninja way". I heard the last 2 eps are gonna be HYPE because the staff has been HYPING it up. Let's see what they going for us.


Agreed. I wanna see people fight eachother, not people in cgi mech armor suits fighting eachother.

Jordan Hackley

Sheera a clown lmao "she said she wanted me to bounce on it"

Ginger Dwarf

12:20 Most random ass floor break? I guess that specific section was just made bad??????????


Roshi's a feet guy huh?

Aniki Pft

I'm definitely starting to feel the lack of appeal now. Personally I never really complain about CGI, but sometimes it can really create confusing situations and just look janky. Wasn't expecting mechs either, but I still somewhat enjoy the show.


I'm still loving this show so far. Yeah I get it, ppl don't like the mechas but IMO it's still fire even with it 🔥. Especially that were getting deeper into the story. But to each their own, I guess. Plus I kinda figured it would get to the point of mecha suits and technology, from the moment they showed off AUZA, and the hidden face technology. Like it was obvious that shit was gonna come more into play eventually. Plus a demonic looking robotic ninja suit just goes hard to me 😎.

Aniki Pft

I really like the aesthetic I get from it. It reminds me of an older anime that would air on Adult Swim.


I think the super saiyan gossaku girl is is the inspectors daaughter

Art of Trolling

Ngl. I wish they would’ve stuck to straight hands and didn’t introduce this mech shit. It’s killing the show for me a little bit.


Y’all guys soft for crying over mecha 😂