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So I've been swamped with work this semester, and I am not getting to write as much here as I'd like to. In light of this, I have decided to make some minor changes. 

1. I am bringing back the monthly director poll. I felt like those auteur-plunges really helped me focus my attention, and were much more educational than just the odd, random film from 1972.

2. I am not entirely abandoning The 1972 Project, however. I will work from a master list and select one film at random each month. 

3. In the next few days, I will most likely write short-form comments on the films I've thus far ignored. D'Angelo asked for my thought on Kimi, for example, and I may as well share them. I watched James Blue's The Olive Trees of Justice awhile back for an abortive MUBI Notebook piece. And I've just recently seen some short films by Sophy Romvari, Nguyen Tan Hoang, and Nazli Dinçel, that certainly merit mention. So look for some drive-bys.

4. And as always, thanks for your patience and support. 


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