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Hey all,

I've been busting my hump trying to push out the next comic page before Saturday, but I don't think I can cut it with the holiday hullabaloo. Rushing art just makes it look worse anyway, so I'm gonna relax this holiday with my family, and then afterwards take my time to polish up the page.

Thanks for understanding, and I hope everyone has a great Christmas weekend!



Take your time, your work is worth the wait


Enjoy your well earned rest. Come back when your ready to rock and roll.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-05-12 22:16:28 Thankyou!! I also want to draw manga :)
2016-12-23 01:13:25 Relax! You've earned it and deserve it. :3

Relax! You've earned it and deserve it. :3


No worries. Just as long as your enjoying the Holidays. Have fun and Happy Holidays Meesh.

Donovan Grayson

We're all busy with the holidays so enjoy time with your family


Good for you. Breathe deeply, and just enjoy the day!


Enjoy the holiday man! There's no rush as you can see from other comments haha.


enjoy the holiday! <3

Daddy McQuaig

Happy Holidaya! Be sure to get your hump busted!

Diego P

have a rest, happy hollydays