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Hi all. I am recording another Patreon subscriber Q&A for this month. If you are a patron with a question, record audio of yourself asking it (the question recording can be no more than 30 seconds) and email it to the podcast at hamiltonsresearch@gmail.com with the subject "January 2024 Q&A" followed by your Patreon username (or email address associated with the account) and your Patreon subscriber tier. Approximately 10 questions will be answered with priority given to questions asked by subscribers at higher tiers (i.e., luftmenches and ubermenches first). Questions must be submitted by January 7th or they cannot be included.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you all submit!



NOTE: If your question is not an audio recording (30 seconds or less in length) it cannot be incorporated into the podcast. Again, please format the email subject line "January 2024 Q&A [patreon username or email] [patreon tier]" and attach an audio file of yourself asking the question.



Well shoot. Forgot to submit my question. Check out the last one I sent please! :D

Bill Williams

Totally off-topic, but Patreon charged me for a year Ubermensch even though I signed up for Mensch, and is refusing to refund me the difference, saying I need to reach out to you. I sent you a DM about it a while ago but I'm sure it got buried in the insane number of messages you must receive. If you have a moment, I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out. Thanks.