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In this podcast I feature two short interviews with Dr. Carl Hart and Dr. Nick Cozzi that were recorded at the recent MAPS conference. Subjects discussed include xylazine, Bill Maher being a "bitch-ass motherfucker", the kinetic isotope effect, and conformationally restricted tetrahydro-1-benzoxepin analogues of hallucinogenic phenethylamines.



Carl Hart is so lame. Every time I hear his dumb ass I know why I don't listen to anything he says. Clearly he's unfamiliar with the cultural territory regardless of how " educated" he thinks he is. You're not talking or showing up on my behalf, certainly. Speak for yourself 🤡


Carl Hart sucks Lame guest

Majdi Awad

Hamilton I wrote a paper which has a section focusing on the crack pipez

Majdi Awad

CSA requires a withdrawl from the UN charters on drugs. I would love to send you an abstract of my paper from last spring


I really enjoyed this podcast. It is rather disappointing that we have these psychedelic elitists who have the tools to be understanding of other people but greatly lack empathy or create a space where certain substances/addictions are "better" than others. I'm happy that was addressed because I feel from walking into those types of environments most people are "yes men" and don't get informed enough about the flaws in their own toxically positive mindsets or how many things they may preach can come off rather hypocritical when theres only enthusiasm for certain substances. I must point out though how when you asked Dr. Carl Hart if he was excited to hear any presenters and he flat out said "No because nobody advocates how all substances shouldn't be considered bad." Something along those lines or how there is nobody in the media saying we should question authority about legalization of all substances not just ketamine, MDMA, psychedelics etc. I laughed so hard at how much patience you had with him being completely unaware of the narrative you push for in your work 😅 like wow and super humble of you to not intervene and raise your hand saying hey me. You're so rad got so many giggles.

McDavid Stoddard

Dr Hart sounds like he needs to go on T and to remember that the fame of one book isn’t going to fuel him forever if he keeps doing interviews like this


Dr Carl seems so jaded now...


damn who pissed in his heroin that morning?

Isaak Hanimann

Give Carl Hart a break. Its frustrating to always have to reiterate the same points and to be at a conference that just tries to elevate one group of substance to a higher status. Also he said he just came back from Geneva where he probably was in HAT and its probably very frustrating to go from that world to this one.