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In this podcast I interview an old friend about his new film, a five-year investigation of a mysterious death that shines light on conspiracy theories, true crime podcasting, and the pursuit of truth...and also Theranos.



BONUS: Here is my SXSW talk with Nicolas Langlitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkh0Tsrqho&ab_channel=TheNewSchool



Saying "in reality stories don't exist" sells reality and humans short. Explanations are stories. Stories are explanations. There are good and bad explanations. Stories are real and of fundamental importance to progress. The key being constant error correction. should add: i love the show. since I'm being a loudmouth over here:-)


The last hour of this episode was amazing! I really enjoyed this discussion


I'd say stories are how human mind attempts to recognize & reconstruct patterns that have emotional-cognitive importance for us. Because story-construction is a feature of the fallible human mind, stories often are erronous even if the attempt was to be faithful to the truth. Also because stories are products of the human psyche it is possible to do intentional or unintentional, partial or full fabrications in such construction. This is the version of the story of story-telling that tries to avoid major philosophical presuppositions... My personal philosophical view, though, is that meaning is inherent to reality & telling stories is an attempt to sort out meaning from the overwhelming streams of data that the brain is constantly being fed with. I also believe that the Western civilization is currently going down the drain because (scientific) materialism breeds nihilism & existential despair. But that's just my opinion! I love y'all silly sinners regardless. ;) <3 :D :D

Salvatore Deschino

I was just rewatching some adventure time and I never noticed when I was a kid but he talks just says dimethyltryptamine so casually

Martin Paridon

Finally I hear someone saying this out loud: Stories are illusions, having nothing to do with reality. And the one of the greatest story for politicians, journalists and everyday people, while ironically in reality being the source of great misery for so many people, mostly poor people, is the war on drugs. It works great for movies, newspaper articles and when you talk to your friends. Totally makes sense. But only as a story. In reality it's one of the worst policies of our time that brought nothing but misery to the world. Unnecessary misery.

Anthony Sturgell

Totally off the topic of this podcast. Hamilton, My name is Anthony. I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm interested in attending the conference here, in which you are a speaker. I wanted to offer my services as a roadie/personal assistant/utility person. I am unable to afford either offerings for attendance. I'm currently studying to become, amongst other things, an end of life psychedelic therapist. Currently, I'm active in several communities involving regulation and education. This event would be life changing for me. You miss all the shots you don't take. This one is mine. I believe in your work Mr. Morris... Hamilton. I'm currently working on a plan to bring a charity three day music and wellness fest to the area. Psychedelics being one of the focus points. All this being said it would be an honor to be of service. Sincerely yours, Anthony S. (tsturgell@yahoo.com)

Chris Newport

I wonder if Making a Murderer will come up in this podcast. A prime case of watching myself be convinced of one narrative, then being de-convinced by outside information and watching most of society continue to buy the provocative story they were told. The preference of a compelling story over humble adherence to what can be known with confidence is a disease in our society. Sometimes harmless, and sometimes what makes people so sure their favorite batshit conspiracy theory is true as to act on it.


How and when can I watch this documentary?


Really enjoyed this podcast. It was obviously quite different than any of your other ones, and I found it to be eye-opening and very relevant.

Michael Newman

After 11 months I still don't see where I can stream (or even torrent) this film. I would pay to see it if it's available somewhere - anyone?


Same here, it sounds like a really compelling piece. I’ve been trying to find it, or information about it online, without success so far