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In this interview I hear the story of a chemist named Tarik Peterson who authored an unusually sophisticated clandestine chemistry manual in 1970 and conducted self-experiments with a variety of different psychedelics he synthesized including DMT, DET, pyr-T, aMT, 5-MeO-DMT, mescaline, MDA, PMA, TMA, TMA-2, and TMA-6




Great one. Always love the interviews with the old heads.

Adam Perkins

Really fascinating. If my name was published on a manual like that back then I think I would always wondered if it would come back to haunt me. Definitely living in a different time now. Really enjoy hearing someone's story that doesn't involve the DEA or incarceration.


I really enjoyed this podcast tho the affirmative action comments were a bit unnecessary, not on your part obviously. Thank you for still including that in the conversation/interview as this info sheds light on parts of industry and academia that are just as much of the story as the chemistry.


Wonderful interview. And . . . hey, free book! Thank you. Nice to see an old typewriter font, hand drawing and backspace backspace x x crossout errors - before liquid paper and erasable typing paper. Impressive that his book was done at the age of 17. "That was the age of Sputnik. We wanted scientists." What a pity that we have outlawed and outsourced science / chemistry.

Tyler Stark

Vice is wrong. 69 is still funny.


What book(s) do you recommend for learning organic synthesis from?

E Lee

Hey hamilton you ever think of doing a podcast on non-hallucinogenic psychedelics and the pro/cons or whatever? 6 meo Dmt comes to mind


Kind of a random comment but I was looking for a synthetic path for pellotine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pellotine and it reminded me of Tarik's proposed bicyclic hydropyran-phenethylamine. Well peyotine's not that similar but I came across this Shulgin document and it has lots related to mescaline and its components for anyone interested. This info might be in Pikal / Tikal. IDK. But it's a nice collection of info on the methoxy-amphetamines, mescaline and variants. And Peterson does talk lots about some PMAs, TMAs . . . So, here is it. https://ia801403.us.archive.org/5/items/psychedelic-praxis-library-3.0/Collections%20by%20Author/Alex%20%26%20Ann%20Shulgin/1972%20-%20Shulgin%20-%20Mescaline%20-%20The%20Chemistry%20and%20Pharmacology%20of%20its%20Analogs.pdf


Interesting fellow. Infuriating to hear how he was discriminated against in the recruiting process! That reminded me of a case of one assistant professor back when I was student. I got the impression she had gotten into that position due to similar hiring quotas; there was certain aura of shame radiating from her, from her knowledge that she had gotten the position not so much due to her merits as due to her chromosomes. Well she gave me the lowest passable grade from her course & the highest grade to a girl who happened to have the same surname as I do. I was shocked because I had been working really hard while the other girl had done almost nothing. Maybe the teacher just made mistakes in names, but in retrospect I wonder if she was "weeding out" the potential future competitors due to the insecurity she felt in her position. Perhaps that's just my bitter speculation, but... engagement in group discussion was supposedly an important grading citerion in that bio/eco-ethics course, yet literally the only comment this other girl made during the whole time was "the neighbours might not approve of this [utopian building plan] because pig shit smells really bad". :'''D


Whats wrong with making money? Money is itself the problem. If it did not exist, nobody would be selling drugs. And I just dont think theres anything wrong with making money doing something you like. The military kills kids and makes money, now that is wrong.


Thank you for making this literature available, and digging up gems such as this gentleman.


If money didn't exist, nobody would be selling drugs, that's true. They would be giving it out, becacuse people like to share what they love. (I am not advocating for a world without money, just pointing out your argument is not too accurate.)


When checking out the suggested reading in "The Alchemist" you can really tell he took a lot of inspiration and can see how his book was formed. Looking into the suggested reading has been super interesting.


If you’re looking for somewhere to start id recommend Organic Chemistry as a Second Language (Klein)



Max van Oldeniel

I've really enjoyed this POD, and thought it was a shame that there seem to only be bad pictures of the book available. Therefore I decided to digitise the pictures manually. It is not perfect, but I think it does the job:) I tried to copy it as much as possible from the original, so I kept the occasional spelling mistakes. If there’s any mistakes I made I’m happy to hear and I’ll try to correct it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1suZ2mx-ibga7q4SwRHAsrjCnlE_ioaRo/view?usp=sharing

Nick Donhoff

This time, experience HAMILTON wrangle us up a cagey one at the O.K. Boomer Corral, for what turns out to be one heck of an enjoyable conversation. I want Tarik Peterson to be my grandpa