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Holy cuntwaffle Batman, it's been 100 episodes! Caleb from "PODCAST ABOUT LIST" joins us to talk about "podcasts," the worst thing in the world. This is the first full episode only available to patrons. How does it feel? How does it feel to harness such unprecedented power? Fuck the freeloaders!!! This is our moment!!!  Follow Caleb on Twitter: https://twitter.com/braingetter; listen to his extremely good podcast: https://podcastaboutlist.podbean.com. Huge thanks to listener and show contributor "Geiger" for the amazing new theme song. 




Man I keep thinking about the "transformative justice" post. It's like a rat king of brainworms


You guys making fun of my voice was actually really funny so thank you. And thanks Christian for apologizing. I'm definitely getting my money's worth!