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Such is the life(?) of gimps, as they're just raw material to manufacture robots or whatever you might need. Of course, you can always keep them as the base model, but they're capable to become so much more ó3o

Like the gimp capsule who squeezed its bulge and locked itself (you have to poke the bulge for release, not squeeze it!), as it felt how its top and bottom lids grew and sealed it into a radio bot permanently.

Or the one who became an oxygen fueled bot, feeling as the AI controlling his body is pumping his insides, unable to do anything about it, until he probably becomes a thin layer in the robot's body.

Who got it worse? o3o

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5eoed89dftd2meypf4eq0/h?rlkey=6xjdhtnktgdv73y7duxqciha5&dl=0




I don't know about either one, all I know is that it's gotta feel awfully good being a rubbery nugget. 🐍💜