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This is a fan art of Colesasinus' TF, in which Kayn gets trapped, squeezed and filled to become the powerful darkin Rhaast! 

Even though I played a bit with his design, the idea is the same, there's a poor Kayn inside, controlled by the powerful evil demon thirsty for... well, you know what ó3o

If you want more versions, pull my horns ó3o

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ac98dli9e6uwf7kdkhiaa/h?rlkey=05ndvhwf7kyhhp7u5pfr94vrz&dl=0




Soo big and slutty looking. 🤤 Grotesquely packed with bulging muscle! 🤩😈 You should do a matching Aatrox redesign as well. So they can have some "fun" together. 😏😜


Yush, but Aatrox must be well endowed to fill him ó3o