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March 11, 2023: Some kind of giant behemoth appeared right in front of our HQ. Is it a friend? A foe? It seems to have come all the way by itself. Does it have a pilot?

March 20, 2023: After further investigation and many tests, we conclude that there's a human inside that thing. Besides the constant moaning, it whispered "justice" once.. does it mean that it's on our side? Why does it want to help us? 

April 3, 2023: There's no way to rescue that human from inside. The armor is too resistant, all our resources have failed. We also had to stop because he begged us to. It's permanently attached to some kind of weapon, and he doesn't want us to wake it up, for some reason. We'll keep him in storage, in case we need his help. Still, the suit doesn't seem to let the human inside get any rest. I wish we could help him, but there's nothing we can do.

October 22, 2023: We had a quarrel with Gronkos, the Galaxy Destroyer. As a last resource, we used Blue Beetle against him. He endured his cosmic rays and defeated him with a few punches, keeping him in place by sitting on him! (??) Such behaviour was unacceptable, other members discussed they wouldn't have minded if the planet was erased instead. We'll keep Blue Beetle in containment.

May 28, 2025: Blue Beetle released himself from his restrains. The whole situation was pretty uncomfortable. We had to use and Ultronium noose to keep him in place. We'd rather not use his power again.

July 15, 2070: We found this giant thing on the basement, it's crazy! Even though it looks like a robot, it cried "Justice!" over and over again! It seems pretty useful!

July 16, 2070: We made Kuro use his telekinetics power to restrain this dumb giant again, it was so annoying! I'll leave it for some other idiot to take it out!

December 3, 2316: The Wholemind guided us here. As we set free this construct to help us rebuild our empire, it begun to cry and moan constantly. It made unrecognizables noises. Even though its programming was rudimentary, it wouldn't allow new instructions. Its main directives seemed to be to land its "buttocks" on each one of our species! Such a ludicrous thing from an ancient time deserves nothing but to stay in stasis forever! I'll have a word with the Wholemind!

February 22, 2627: Hello, big dumb robot! I'm going to be your owner. I see your energy source is endless, that's great news! No, you can't do that. That too. No, not even that. Yes. See? All you needed were instructions that even a calculator could follow! Now you have to move all of this to another continent, and then to space! I have work for you in other planets too! 

August 28, 3020: You've been a good bot. As a reward, I started to rub your crotch, but just once every 20 years, so you don't get cocky. I know you're not just a robot, I even can see a spark of restlessness in your eyes, as if you were alive... but I don't really care, haha! I'm selling you to another guy cuz I'm getting a better bot... with actual hands and a brain, you know? 


Damn, I got hooked! Hope you enjoy it! ó3o

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gvrlbztlakk5qz0/AAArneglIePlzjFZVneGYaIRa?dl=0




One of my favorite sequences you've made! Love the not wanting to be gay, hah.


that cuminflation is sure a great way to get muscles!