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Hi! You were probably expecting a Cofag page...  I'm sorry!! I couldn't finish it for 2 reasons:

1) I sketched the 2 next pages as a whole, so I wouldn't be able to deliver them in time...

2) I have to stay away from the computer as much as I can for health reasons. I'll be back as soon as I'm better, its just a couple of days ó3o

Thanks for understanding and enjoy this evil sequence I made some time ago ó.o

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/suol72jlkhlpd7z/AAByhGh4KeHTbzo7-1lswS1aa?dl=0




This sequence is really good :D Thank you for it :D I wish to see a following to this story one day :D Well done !!


He'll just be a good bot forever, and do as commanded... and that might get him in trouble again x3