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Another "lucky" guy got himself a transformation mask! But it was too cheap to be true...

After he applied the mask, something weird happened. He didn't begin to feel the power. Instead, he felt subdued, powerless...

His dick was sealed, his arms felt rigid. His legs were pulled together, and his butt felt somewhat... receptive.

 His hands grew as his body began to tighten. As the dildo fully entered him, he wanted to roll it back, but it was too late.

As the suit imposed the desired shape over him, his body and mind started feeling numb. He couldn't help it but regret the very moment he put the mask on.

Completely stuck and immobile, he realized that the process was over. He started vibrating, as the pipes begun to emit smoke... maybe the remnants of his previous self?

The smoke soon lessened, but not the vibration. He realized that it might keep it forever. But a bigger worry took over him: His sight was vanishing!

He soon realized that he wasn't blind. His sight was taken for someone else to give it a good use! He wouldn't have to worry about his human needs anymore! And the slow vibration of the dildo teased him all the time, more sensitive over the tiny corner where his dick was securely contained. He'd moan if he still had a mouth. In time, he didn't have to think, so he gave himself up and acted as a good ward should!


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