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Hello everyone! This animation is almost done finally.. had a lot of work going into it I hope you guys will like it c:

Wrote this lil thing that I found it would be good for the setting of the animation :)
(sorry if my english is bad c:)

Fazbear Entertainment, in search of a way to power their animatronics without electricity, researched and developed organically powered animatronics, with digestive systems similar to organic life. The animatronics were content at the start with vegetables, fruits and such, but after some time they would not stay on after a few minutes.. The scientists experimented with giving the animatronics meat, at the start was fish, but after some time the same behavior continued. Next it was chicken, but once again the behavior continued.. and lastly red meat, which would power the animatronics for a couple of days each meal.. but after a month of feeding red meat to the animatronics one of their scientists disappeared.. last time seen with Roxanne wolf.. after that she disappeared for the whole week, the scientists were starting to get worried that she would shut down since she was not receiving the meals they were preparing her, but once that week passed she came back to them finally.. and for their surprise she was still powered on with her power meter almost on 80%.. Roxanne ate the red meat but that had little effect on her power meter, only going up by 2% with a big meal.. after a month of big meals, Roxanne wouldn't be able to continue without a more substantial meal.. which would explain the disappearance of another scientist the next day.. And wouldn't you know.. Roxanne is gone once again at the same time that another scientist disappeared.. but this time, Roxanne did not come back, the scientists waited weeks but after that they thought she was far gone.. the other animatronics followed suit 3 weeks after Roxanne's disappearance.. Roxanne was still with some power left, from her last "meal" and wondered into the woods, in search of more sustenance to keep her going, She found a house in the woods, and saw a pickup truck parked on the side.. Thinking that there was "food" inside, she wondered in and had a feast.

Below are some images of more or less how the finished animation is going to look like!


Roxanne Belly WIP2.mp4



Oh this is going to be real fun!


Is this still happening? It's been over a month since you've posted anything.


Oh yeah it still is going to happen, it is rendering at the moment, its taking a while since its going to be a 60FPS animation