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Here you will find all the new stuff that's going to be in the new build! 2 new enemies!

If you want to see the images along the changes, download the PDF from the attachments.


August List


Rest of the images and text for the Black cat event in Pine Island.

Event poster



Turbo Punch skill animation for Klaus enemy.


Implosion animation for reworked Ratmages.


Animation for ACT skills against Klaus.


Laugh Riot skill animation for Klaus enemy.


Bubble Pop animation for Bubble enemy.


Summon Bubble animation for Bubble enemy.


Animation for teleportation circle in Quest Guild.


A new animation for Thunder Mage.


------World art------


A new door for Water Dungeon, less grand than the bigger door already in-game.


Waterfall splashes for Water Dungeon.


A new book in Hideout.


A new building in Hideout.


The inside of the new building.


Teleportation Circle



Klaus faces.


Faces for the event cat



Klaus world sprite.


New fishes for the Piratetown Underwater map.


------Battle art------


Battler sprites for a new enemy “Klaus”.


Bubble enemy battle sprites.


Battle backgrounds





Turbo Punch skill icon.


Lauhing Riot skill icon.


Face, Belly and Groin icons



Arm Tattoos


Chest Tattoos


Arm Wraps




Water In The Basement (Water Dungeon FL1 Battle Theme)


NPC audio





You can now enter the water dungeon and see the progress made there.


Battle changes

Rat Mages in the Rat Cave now both have the same health and give the same amount of EXP!


Adjusted the Wind Sphere animation to fit my modern rules of party targeted animations.


A new enemy Klaus in Hideout.


A new enemy “Bubble” in Water Dungeon.


Dule Dile and Klaus now also drop Linen Scraps.



Turbo Punch skill for new enemy Klaus.

Turbo Punch

Punch and enemy leaving them with only 1HP!


Ratmage rework.

Ratmages now use a new Implosion spell instead of the player spells. The meaning of this change is to make the battle skills look better and fit with the modern rules of party targeted animations.


Type: Dark

Deal 50% of target’s current HP – target’s M.DEF as Dark damage.


Laugh Riot skill for new enemy Klaus.

Laugh Riot

Laugh and gain +25% ATK for 5 turns. Also cleanse other Debuffs.


Bubble Pop skill for enemy Bubble.

Bubble Pop

Deal MAG – target M.DEF as water damage and lower target M.DEF for 5 turns.


Summon Bubble skill for enemy Bubble.

Summon Bubble

Summon another Bubble, there can only be 6 Bubbles per fight.


Punch Face, Punch Belly, Punch Groin, Punch Left Tit, Punch Right Tit and Punch Dick are new ACT skills for the Klaus battle.

You need to impress Klaus with your Punches to win ACT-way.



Changed the Quest Guild’s layout a bit to fit a teleportation circle in the middle. It doesn’t teleport you anywhere yet.






Arm Tattoos (Hand armor)

+2 M.DEF, +2 SPE, +2 SEXY

Location: Drop from Klaus


Chest Tattoo (Chest armor)

+2 M.DEF, +5 SPE, +5 SEXY

Location: Drop from Klaus


Arm Wraps (Claws)

+4 ATK, +3 DEF, +1 M.DEF

Location: Drop from Klaus



Lots of typo fixes.


Thunder Mage’s thunder animation has been fixed in Beach Cave.



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