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With the hashtag SimonCowellPartyOver trending, I talk about some of the scandals I have covered involving him and some blind items and an exclusive reveal for listeners that has not been on the site.


Kathy Turner

Never watched Simon Cowell Idol, XFactor, or anything with him. Wondered who he was on occasion, but didn't care enough to find out. But I've seen enough trailers or YouTube clips to think he's smug and full of himself. This proved I was right and can still pass on Simon Cowell. I did, however, look up his wife and the little boy she doesn't see. That's kind of heart breaking. I hope the dad saves the $150K for therapy. The photos of when she last saw him (if they were truly accurate) broke my heart. There is no guy, no matter how big his wallet is, especially one who is lazy in bed and a serial cheater, worth abandoning your kids for. And why hasn't he been part of the #metoo call out? Keeps reaffirming to me that that movement is a fraud. Call them out but not if they can still make you famous.

