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Hello everyone,

Finally, some excellent news!  The first release is almost ready. It's only missing read-proofing and some dialogues adaptation for repeatable scenes. 

Patriarch's release is to be expected somewhere during next week.

So, yeah, today's post is short but there isn't much more to say. I'm very excited about the release. Me moving out 11,000 km away during the development of the game slowed things a lot more than expected but in the end; I did the best I could.

I have a poll planned for this week and some previews. I'll focus on the game but I want to find the time to do those. 

So, see you soon and...

Thanks everyone!

Core code: 100%

Characters: 100%

Locations (prologue): 100%

GUI: 100%

Renders: 100%

Writing: 95%

Event Code: 100%

Tests: 75%



well done